11 the chase

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Izuku POV (in the read light zone with the gang)

I woke up, with  Kaio(Kyo) carefully shaking me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Only Hiki (Hiroki) was awake too. But he was on the wayy to wake the other up. I stood up and Yu made his way over to Shini to shake him awake too. The others, who were not living with us on the street, were going to come to us later in the city. I hoped, that we don't run into Eraserhead and his class again. That would be really ad. I don't want to get chased again. 

In this moment I couldn't know that I would wish that it was the class who was chasing us, later. 

When all of us were up, we made our way out of the red zone and more into the town. It was dark outside, cause it was early in the morning. Maybe 5:15 am or something like that, but the sunrise would come soon. We came more inside the twon and it was 6 am, when we weere at a place were a few people were walking around. We were in the middle of town at 7 am. It wasn't really the middle, but 

There were some people. It was a place, where some gangs alwys hang out together and some of them are really nice. We know a few of them really good, we are friends with some of them, but atleast noone there wanted to mess with us. I walked in the middle of the group, as always. I didn't want anyone to see me. I didn't want anyone to think bad of my friends because me. I took SHini's hand and he smiled at me. It was normal for me to hold the hand of someone in the gang. 

We hadn't met our other friends yet, but they wer going to come soon. Suddenly, I saw someone I didn't want to see ever again.  MY father. And on both of his sides, were other men. And I knew, that the other men, were parents of some of my friends. At least the father of the most of the friends, that were living on the streets.  

I stopped in my tracks and Shini looked at me questioned. Then he followed my look and frowned. Then the rest of the gang noticed that we stopped. And they followed our look too. All of them frowned. Hiroki said: „We are going to run apart. Ourparents are going to follow their children, so you know what you are up to. We are meeting in one hour at the spot of the yellow scarfs. If you are still getting chased at the moment, then show up nevertheless and we are going to help you. Understood?" All of us nodded. I was nervous. MY father was good in fighting and I was sujre he was able to keep up with me. And his Quirk... fire breathing. Not good. No, really bad. I hoped I could get ourt of this situation without bad burns.  

Then Hiroki said: „I'm counting to 3 and we are all going to run." All of us nodded again. And then he counted: „1....2....3! RUN!" 

And all of us began to run. I looked behind me and saw that my father was followeing me. It wasn't THAT crowded in this oart of the town so it was easy for him to keep up. But he was taller and could run a littlebit faster than me. I needed something. Then I saw one of the gangs we are friends with. It was a skater gang. All of them had skateboards with them. And I knew they were going to recognize me. SO I ran up to them and whisperd as loud as I could: „Can I please borrow a skateboard from you? I'm going to bring it back, but I need it right now!" I nervously looked back behind me and saw thagt my father was comimg near. The gang saw him too and gave me one oif their skateboards immediately. I thank them and skated away. I was a good skater. All of us could skate really good. So I drove my way trhough the town. I looked behind me again and saw that the skatergang held Hisashi, my father, up. It was just for a couple of seconds but it was enough for me. I gave them a thanking looj before I drove out of their  view. 

But I hadn't noticed the class and theikr teacher I knew to good, on the other side of the street, looking at me.

Aizawa POV   (Where Izuku is)

My class had a flour battle yesterday in the dorms and it wasn't only flour. Some eggs and stakes flought trough the room, too. So now why had to go to the grocery store to buy things to clean all the mess and to food. I sighed. These problem children are so problematic. Truble, trouble, trouble. Always problems and trouble.

We were on the way to the store, when I suddenly saw Izuku Midoriya. He seemed to be nervous and looked back, as if someone was following him. And his friends weren't with him. That wasn't normal. I hadn't seen him alone once. But he ran to another gang. It was a skater gangm, but they weren't as dangerous and big as the dark shadows. Midoriya asked something and the gang gave him one of their skateboards. The young boy thanked and drove quickly away. Then I saw a man, who followed the greenette. The skater gang hold him some sekonds up, but the man was fast and ran after the boy. I stopped in my tracks and the kids too. Iida asked: „Mr. Aizawa, is something happening?" I answered: „There. I saw Izuku Midoriya. He was followed by a man. I think he is in trouble. Let's go." Me and the class followed acter them and I have to admit it, Midoriya was really good in skateboarding (?)

He drove his way trough the crowd. But the man was fast too. I got closer and closer and my class too. But Midoriya and the man were getting faster too. Then, I saw that Midoriya was driving to a railing behind which it went on a small ledge and then to the water. Doesn't he see that?

Kirishima POV (it's just good from his point of view cause he can explain it better) 

HE drove to the railing and jumped with a really cool and manly stunt over it. He landed on the ledge and jumped to one of posts, that were sticking out of the water. Then he jumped to the next. And the next. It was cool to watch that. How manly. And he made that without any trouble. Sooo cool. When he came to the other side of the railing, jumped over it and drove away, but not before looking scared, but also thankfull towards us. Aizawa said: „ Sero, Mineta, Shinsou (He is in 1a instead of Mineta, I forgot to mention it)  and Todoroki you are staying with me. We are going to capture the men and fiend out what he want from Midoriya. The rest of youu, are going to follow Midoriya. Try to find out where he is going and where his other friends are, and why they aren't with him." All of us nodded and I saw Aizawa-Senseii capture the man with his scarfr and Sero wrapped him up. But I followed the green haired boy. Hen was fast, but he got a bit slower, when he saw that the man and AIzawa were not chasing him. NI think he trust teenager more than adults. 

And then, he finally stopped. He looked at us, a littlebit scared and was ready to drive away every sekond. If one of us made a wrong step, he was definitely going top drive aways, and he wouldn't stop again. 

We all stopped 10 meters away from him. Noone dared to to make another step.

Third Person POV (same time and location)

Izuku was nervous. He wanted to talk to the teenagers, but he knew that two of them captured one of his best friends last time. 

BAkugou wanted gto run to his long lost childhood friend and hug him and ask him what happened, but he didn't want to scare Izuku, so that he would run away again.

Iida didn't know what to do. The boy just stopped and looked at them, nervous. Should they capture him? But he didn't do anything at the moment. So he just stood there.

Todoroki wasn't sure what to do. He saw a littlebit of pain and he saw that he was scared. 

(All of them thought something like that, I'm to lazy to write them all)

Then Izuku opened his mouth to say something to the class. He said....

And that's chapter 11. In the next chapter will ge more about Izukus dad and the fathers of the others too. Hope you enjoyed it.


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