About the OC's and the gang (again)

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Please read the first sentences, if you want to read the rest too, then you can read it. But you don't have to.

Sooooo. Thanks to a comment, I realized, that I didn't really explained when who came to the gang and how old they were and are. So I'm going to tell you the „history" of the gang now. 

Sooooooo. The dark shadows are  a littlebit older then some lf you think. Hirokis parents dissappeard and he was left for the streets. So, a gang took him in. The gangs name was „dark Skulls" (don't ask why, I don't know any other names except for „SLither eye" Wherever I have that from. It just appeard in my mind. I don't even have a clue what that means.) Anyways, the gang took him in, when he was 10. One year later, they were in a fight. It was a big fight and Hiroki barely managed to survive. The others were all dead. 

Then, Hiroki found a friend. It was Yuuto. He was 11 too, just like Hiroki. His parents  were (and are) abusive. ANd that was the begin of the gang. It was a mini gang at the time, but it was a gang. 

One year later (Hiroki and Yuuto were 12 years old) Kyo cam to them. His father was in a gang and was in jail (HE escapted), and his mother was dead. They took him in. Kyo was 11 at the time. 

One year later (Hiroki and Yuuto 13, Kyo 12) Yuri (11) joined them. His parents died and his foster parents were abusive, so he ran away. NExt was TAkashi(12) , who joined in the same year as Yuto. His parents were abusive too, and he ran away. Akito(11) joined in this year too. His Parents were also abusive and he ran away. Akito just joined a few months. Just a before Izuku(8!!!!!! I know! I changed that, so that he is 13 now!!!!

Maaaan this is confusing for me too. And I planed that!!!

Soooo. NExt year. (Hiroki & Yuuto 14, Kyo &Takashi  13, AKito &Yuri 12, Izuku  9)Tomi (13) joined. 

In the next year (Hiroki&Yuuto 15, Kyo &TAkashi &Tomi 14, Akito &Yuri 13, Izuku 10) The first one to join was Kisho (14), The next one was KEnshin (12) Then Ryuka (12).

Next Year. (Hiroki &Yuuto 16, Kyo &Takashi &Tomi &Kisho 15, Akito &Yuri 14, Ryuka & Kenshin 13, Izuku 11), the last member joined: MAsaru (13)

The next year,noone joined them. (Hiroki &Yuuto 17, Kyo &TAkashi & Tomi &Kisho 16, Akito &Yuri 15, Ryuka &KEnshin &MAsaru 14, Izuku 12)

And the nexgt year is the current year. So here is a little list:

Hiroki: 7 years in the gang, now 18, parents dissappeared, lives on the street

Yuuto: 7 years in the gang, now 18, parents abusive, lives at home

Kyo: 6 years in the gang, now 17, father in jail (not anymore), mopther dead, lives on the street

Yuri: 5 years in the gang, now 16, parents dead, abusive foster parents, ran away, lives on the           street

Takashi: 5 years in the gang, now 17, he ran away, lives on the street

Akito: 5years, now 16, parents abusive, he ran away, lives on the street

Izuku: 5 years, now 13, you know most of his story, and the rest is gonna be a „surprise", we see if it's a good or bad surprise.

Tomi: 4 years, now 17, parents alcoholic, he lives at home

Kisho: 3 years, now 17, parents alcoholic, he lives at home

Kenshin: 3 years, now 15, he ran away, lives on the street

Ryuka: 3 years, now 15, YOu know his parents and why he lives on the street now

Masaru: 2 yaers, now 15, parents often argue and they ar not that nice, but not as bad as te parents of the others, he lives at home 

I needed longer for this information than I thought I would. Well, I had to go for a walk with my dog, help my mother to get the christmas tree out of our house and help my sister with a really big animal who was in our house (I wasn't a big help). And that's the reason this needed so long. MAn, this was exhausting. It was hard to keep trag of things. ANyways, have a good night, day, afternoon, morning, evening (and so on). 


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