13 Kota vs. Kisho-Roastbattle 2.0

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Kisho POV

I was on the way to our usual meeting point, but then I saw Ryuka he was alone and looked for something. He seemed to be in hurry. Then he saw me, and ran over to me. I asked: „Is something wrong, Ryuka? YOu seemed stressed and in hurry." He nodded panting and explained to me: „We were on the way to the meetingpoint, but the fathers of the others were there. The others split up, and I'm on the way to tell everyone, who wasn't there, where we are going to meet in an hour. So, if you see Masaru, Yuuto or Tomi, can you say them, we meet at the hideout of the yellow scarfs in an hour?" I nodded and we split up, to seawrch for said boys. Suddenly, someone bumbed into me. Can't they watch where they are going? (Annoyed noise) It can't be that hard, to just look out and see, if you are going to run into someone. 

I looked annoyed at the person. It was a boy, maybe 2 or something like that, I don't know, neither do I care. 

Kisho, you sound like Bakugou. And he is deffinitely NOT 2. He is 5 years old. You have to see that 


Again. You. Sound. Like. Bakugou!

I don't like him, so I don't sound like him. Understood?

Just sayin'

ANyways, the boy fell to the floor when he bumbed into me. I just looked at him and said: „Watch where you are going. There are people, who aren't as nice as me and just let you go after you bumbed into them." I admit it. I said it a little gruff, but hey. It's his fault. He bumbed into me.

He just stood up, glared at me and said: „Watch you where you are going. And nice? You are deffinitely not nice. So SHUT UP!" That anyyoed me. Really. HArd. Really. Really. HArd. But I pulled myself together, cause I know Zuku would be sad if I wouldn't be nice to the 2 years old boy.

He isn't 2 years old. He is 5!!!!

(Ignoring the comment of me (author) completely and just talking) 

 So I said: „ Oi! Is that a way how you speak to older people or are stromger than you, and can mash you with one hand?" But this annoying brat just said: „Yeah. You're old. Really old. You look like you're older then my grandma and my grandmy was older then 100 years when she died."

WHAT??!! This damn 2 years old bra-

He isn't t-

I DON'T CARE! WHat I care about is... That...he...just...compared me. With his... GRANDMOTHER!!!!

So I spat: „Says a two years old little brat who can't watch where he is going and bumb iknto people without apologizing!" But he said: „You could have looked out too. Why don't YOU apologize?" 

But I yelled: „YOu have tp apologize! YOU bumbed into ME!" 

But he just yelled back: „I bet you don't even know what apolgizing is!!!!!" And I yelled: „And I bet, you don't know what a real bet is!!!"

 He yelled: „I DO know what a real bet is, but I think you don't know cause you doesn't look like you are in school. You look way to dumb to go to school. Are you in the kindergarden? I never saw you there! Why do you never come to the table where I am and draw something with me? OH RIGHT!! You are many classes under me!" 

What enough is, is enough. SO I just growled: „ Shut the f*ck up you two years old baby. You are waaayyy to young to know what a school is. So why don't you go back into your baby bed and sleep. ISn't it time for your nap Or do you need milk before? I have some in my bag. But I don't want to waist it on a brat like you."

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