⋆𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝑒⋆

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Y/N was a multi-millionaire. Less than an hour later, she was walking out of the bank on a whole other level of rich. As she walked through the darkening city, orange streetlights only beginning to illuminate the streets, she looked through the windows of shops. She looked at all of the dresses, the shoes, the bags, knowing full-well that she could buy every single one of them if she wanted to. A year ago, she would never have thought she'd ever feel this in control of anything. But there she was, walking through the city with a credit card that could buy her anything she wanted.

Not that she'd ever use it, of course. The only thing she was going to buy with that card was an Uber to drive her home and to the Thrombey's the next day. Alan had given her lots of advice on how to handle such a large sum of money at such a young age. He'd given her lists of investments she could make, ways to avoid paying tax on the money, all the advice she'd need if she was going to keep it.

But she wasn't going to keep it, how could she? She never wanted Harlan's friendship for his money, no, not even when her school life had been put in jeopardy. Of course, she hoped there might be a little something left in the will for her- enough to pay her bills and at least another few months of school. But fifteen-million dollars? That was a ridiculous amount. And she couldn't bring herself to keep a dollar of it.

Y/N stepped out to the edge of the road and held her hand out, trying to flag down a cab. The buses weren't running at that time, the lateness of the hour meant all of the buses were resting safely back at the warehouses and being cleaned by underpaid workers for the next day of errands. Flagging down a cab was something she'd never really done before and the wave of embarrassment for standing there with her hand out, thinking she looked very stupid doing so.

After a few minutes, a cab pulled up and she opened the door, getting into the backseat and closing the door behind her. "Where we heading, love?" The voice of the balding man in the front seat voiced and Y/N gave the address she wanted to go to. "The Thrombey mansion? Heck, you ain't one a'those rich sods are ya'?" He asked as he began to drive down the street.

"Not for much longer." She mumbled and pulled out the credit card that would change anyone's life. A separate bank account had been made for the Thrombey inheritance, naming it her main account and the one with her own money in- a savings account. She didn't fancy having her own money taxed in the way that fifteen-million would be. Another reason she couldn't keep it, it'd end up dripping into government funds after a few years and she wouldn't know how to invest it in ways it couldn't be taxed.

It was better the money wasn't used at all.

"Not for much longer? What you mean? You ain't gonna jump, are ya'? 'Cause I'm legally obligated to call for 'elp if ya' are." The man asked, growing concern in his poor accent. Y/N shook her head and laughed softly.

"Don't you worry, I'm not." She told him as she realised she was pulling into the neighbourhood near the Thrombey's, getting closer. Her plans ran over in her head as she approached the mansion. It was evening and it was beginning to get dark, the world having a grey inch to it. The cab swung around the corner and pulled into the Thrombey driveway.

Well, Y/N was met with a sight. The car belonging to the Detective was parked along with a police car, they couldn't still be inspecting, could they? Unless, unless something had happened. Something new. Another cog thrown into the works. Brilliant.

The cab came to a halt and Y/N leaned forwards quickly, tapping her card on the payment slot with a satisfying beep of confirmation. "Thank you!" She called to the driver as she rushed out of the cab and ran across the gravel driveway, the pebbles crunching under her feet before she dashed up the staircase.

She was met with the familiar smell and warmth of the mansion as she stepped inside and-

Y/N ran straight into Meg who caught her by the arms to stop her from falling over, "Y/N? Y/N what are you doing here?"

"Look, Meg I went down to the bank and-" Y/N paused, watching the look on Meg's face, a look as if her mind was somewhere else, somewhere more important than what Y/N had to say. "What's going on?" She asked her, "Why are the police cars here?"

"Apparently Marta has something she needs to tell us, we're going to meet in the sitting room in a few minutes. Maybe she's going to help us out with our money situation!" Meg smiled, looking a little bit hopeful.

"Oh, yeah, Meg, about that-" Y/N began, intending on telling her friend about the spare fifteen-million she had in her back-pocket but some footsteps approaching cut her off.

Y/N turned around and looked at the person standing in the doorway of the kitchen, black and marron sweater vest pulled over a checked-shirt and looking at Y/N- a feeling of embarrassment washed over her as she remembered the way he'd looked at her after seeing her house. "Y/N. This is kind of a family situation, maybe you should leave."

Before Y/N could even open her mouth to protest, Jacob had stuck his finger out in front of him, pointing at the door she'd just come through. She felt like she was being bossed around by a miserable headteacher. "Jacob, please. I'm sorry for everything, I really am. If you'd just give me a chance to-"

"Leave. Please." Jacob instructed.

"Jacob, don't be like that." Meg complained, looking at him with eyes like daggers. 

"She's not family, Meg! She was only ever invited here because she was my friend, a mutual. And now she's not even that, so she can-"

Walt poked his head around the corner from the hall and spotted Y/N, smiling widely. "Ah, Y/N! Glad you're here, glad you're here. You're basically family now so you might as well come and join us." He told her before disappearing again.

The look of horror on Jacob's face was priceless.


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