⋆𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒𝓉𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓌⋆

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The whole of the Thrombey family were gathered in the library, where they'd all been questioned mere hours ago. Y/N stood besides Jacob and behind Jacob's parents, Walt and Donna. The whole family had there attention focused on Alan Stevens, Harlan's attorney. Unlike the rest of the family, Y/N was feeling pretty calm- all of her problems were going to be taken care of for sure.

Y/N glanced over at Ransom, sitting there looking pretty annoyed after the argument that had just gone down in the other room. Depending on how much Y/N received in the will, maybe she could help out Ransom. She felt bad for him, being cut from the will and all. Sure, he could be an ass but he was still a part of the Thrombey family, it wasn't nice that they'd all just turned on him so quickly. 

The attorney cleared his throat, looking up at everyone in the room, "Well. Thank you all for getting together like this, it isn't legally necessary but I thought because you're all in town and some of you are leaving soon, it would be best -" 

Detective Blanc stepped forwards, cutting him off. Y/N sighed, she just wanted to get on with the will reading, she didn't care what this fancy detective had to say. "Excuse me Mr. Stevens. As to that,ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to gently request you all remain in town until the investigation is completed. Shouldn't be more than two days."

Y/N groaned softly, looking at Jacob who didn't seem particularly happy about it. Not that it really mattered to Y/N anyway, she lived in a tiny little hose in town so she'd be close by regardless.

Lieutenant Elliot, the one who'd been questioning Y/N earlier, also decided to step forward, "He's gently requesting, I'm ordering. Nobody move until we figure this out." 

Nobody in the family liked the sound of that, not at all. Once again, the questions started kicking off, and the complaints.  

"What?" Linda squawked, her voice going through Y/N like nails on a chalk board.

"Can we ask why? Has something changed?" 


"No, it hasn't changed? Or no, we can't ask?"

"Mr Stevens, please continue." Blanc asked politely, ignoring the Thrombey's questions. Y/N felt glad that he'd told the attorney to continue, she just wanted to hear this and then leave. She looked at Jacob for a moment, noticing that nervous look in his eye, so she placed her hand on top of his and looked away. If she'd kept her gaze for a moment longer, she would have seen the blush appear on his cheeks. 

The attorney nodded, "Right. Well the other reason I thought this gathering would be, uh,beneficial is that- as I told Walt- Harlan altered his will one week ago.He sealed it and asked me not to submit it to the courts for probate until after his death. So in case there's any confusion about anything we're all together, we can talk. I can't imagine any of it will be that complicated." He told them all before looking down at the paper in front of him.

"Come on, get it over with." Y/N thought to herself, annoyed by all of the small talk. She just wanted to know about how much money Harlan had left them all.

"The assets of the will include- the house which he owned outright, sixty-million in various cash-accounts and investments and, of course, the rights to his publishing company- Blood like Wine." The man paused before continuing, "Um, he did write up a statement when he made the recent changes, he wanted it read first, so--"

"Some of you may be surprised by the choice I've made here. No pleasure was taken in the exclusion, and its purpose was not to sow greater discord in the family, quite the opposite. Please accept it with grace and without bitterness. But do accept it. It's for the best." 

Y/N thought immediately of Ransom, he must have been talking about Ransom.. So did everyone else, apparently, they all seemed to glance over at him. 

Alan looked at the paper and Y/N really hoped he was going to get to the main event. Ok. So - oh wow, yeah, not complex at all. This'll be quick." He said before starting to read the paragraph on the piece of paper.

"I, Harlan Thrombey, being a sound mind and body, yada yada, my assets both liquid and otherwise, I leave in their entirety to Marta Cabrera. My entire ownership of Blood Like Wine publishing I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera. The copyright of its catalogue likewise I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera."

The whole room froze for a moment, letting the man's words sink into them. Marta? He'd left everything to Marta? The whole room turned slowly to look at Marta. Perhaps it was stupid that Y/N was as annoyed as everyone else, she wasn't related to them but- but her whole life had depended on the money she thought she'd get from Harlan. 

And Meg hadn't even been given anything. Nobody had. Just Marta.

And for the third time that day, fury broke out in the Thrombey mansion.

"No." - "No." - "No. What?"- "That can't be right!"

Walt rushed over to the attorney and snatched the sheet of paper from him, reading it himself, "That can't be right!... It's right!"

"What the genuine shit."

"It's right!"

"No, no, no, no, no! Alan this can't be legal, there are... We're his family!"

"Alan we're his family! He obviously wasn't- something- I don't know what but there's something not right about this!"

"Alan there's a mistake!"

"Mom, it's what granddad wanted-" Meg exclaimed at her mother's outburst.

Linda waved her finger around at the attorney, "Alan, take that piece of paper and shove it up your ass and get out. And you cops, out!" She shouted, furious like the rest of the family.

Richard tried to calm his wife down, "Linda-"

"NO! We need to talk and fight this thing! And we're not going anywhere! We're the Thrombey's goddammit! And this is still our house!"

They all turned to look at the attorney.

Apparently it wasn't.


Well that escalated fast-

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