⋆𝒷𝑒𝓎𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒⋆

2.9K 142 185

Another famous Harlan Thrombey move. Y/N was surprised she hadn't even considered it before holding the paper to the flames. Ink that only showed up when held to a heat source. She'd seen him do it before, when she spoke to him in his office as he was writing a letter for Linda. Y/N knew what the contents was of that envelope and letter, but as she held the letter in front of her- she had no idea what he could be telling her. 

She carried the letter over to her frayed couch and sat down, eyes scanning briefly over the letter before she began to read.

"Dear Y/N,

I'll assume that if you're reading this, times are pretty bad, seeing as you'd have to go through a lot to actually find this letter. I'll also have to assume that I, Harlan Thrombey, isn't available to you at this time. Let's just hope I'm on holiday to Venice and not dead, or anything, right?

I imagine you're pretty confused, somethings must have been uncovered recently and I know you'll have many questions. I'll try my best to settle your mind the best I can in this letter.

So, why did I give you money all of the time? Well, you really did help Jacob out a lot and for that I was very grateful. But, alas, it wasn't the only reason I gave you money, as I'm sure you've probably guessed. I know about your home situation, I always knew. And, well, you've seen me giving to charity a lot but helping you was a whole other level of satisfaction. Being able to see you less stressed as everyday went by, knowing you could quit a couple of jobs, made me feel like I had finally done something worthwhile with my money. Much better than giving it to my spoilt children.

How did I know? You might be wondering. I knew your parents.

Office romance they called it, two of my interns falling in love and having the most beautiful offspring. They were going places, both of them were, had the car crash not have happened. 

I was at the funeral, I felt I needed to go, you see. They were both fantastic workers, and even friends, I could call them now, as I look back. And then I saw you, all alone, small and afraid. Wondering why everyone was crying and where her parents had gone. I knew I had to help you. Checks were sent to people to make sure you didn't starve, checks were sent to make sure you'd always have electricity, checks to make sure you were okay. Well, as okay as you could have been.

Years went by, I watched you grow, from the small age of five to seventeen now. Working three jobs, very bold. One of your teachers, from your old school who I'd been sending checks to make sure you were okay, informed me that the children- scumbags- at your school were making you unhappy.

"Well," I thought to myself, "Time to change that." Looking back, I could have just brought you a cool pair of trainers to make you popular, or something like that. But I decided I was going to do something else entirely.

I started paying your tuition fees for your new school. I purchased the uniform and sent it to your house. 

I had no idea you'd become friends with my grandson, but I was over the moon the first time he brought you over to my house to hang out. I remember seeing you in the doorway, intimidated  by my crazy family, as you should, and I knew that fate was working on my side. Our side.

You know, I am very impressed with your ability to fool my entire family of your true lifestyle, very impressive.

So, if I could give you a little extra money when you were around the house, I decided I would. I love seeing how happy you make my grandson. And I know that if anything ever happened between you two, you'd work it out. If you can take his racist and homophobic comments all day long, there's nothing you can work past.

And you know, if you ever need to talk about 'Jacob' problems, you should talk to my attorney. He's very good at giving advice, and rewards. Fear not, you can be honest with him, you must be.

Well, that's just about all I have to say. Thank you, Y/N, for making the last few months great for myself and my grandson. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Harlan Thrombey."

Y/N sat back after finishing the last words of the letter, her head spinning. But, for once, her heart felt light and worry-free, for a moment. All of the questions that had kept her awake over the last few months had finally been answered in a single letter.

She had always wondered how by working just a couple of jobs had managed to pay for her entire home bill, it was Harlan Thrombey helping her. Her entire life he'd been there, working for her behind the scenes and she'd never even knew he was there. Never.

Flashes of Harlan smiling as his family argued, Harlan laughing at his birthday party, Harlan crying with tears of joy as Meg first past her driving test filled her mind's eye. The letter was bittersweet, really. She knew that Harlan was no more.

Still, it was always fun to have messages from beyond the grave. Even in his death, Harlan Thrombey was still helping Y/N, only now was the curtain drawn back and she could see her whole life for what it really was.

Her eyes lingered over the last couple of paragraphs, about talking to his attorney about Jacob. Why had Harlan said that? She didn't want to file a law-suit against him. But she supposed Harlan wouldn't have mentioned the attorney if he wasn't trustworthy.

She shrugged. She guessed she'd go and talk to the attorney, it would be good to vent to someone.

But then, there was a knock at the door.


Sorry for slow updates! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote!

Let me know what you thought of the chapter, did I miss anything in the letter?


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