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Y/N sat on her couch in silence for a good few hours, until the sun was beginning to cast an orange glow across the world. The soft orange glow seeped through the window, melting onto the surfaces of Y/N's less elegant furniture. 

Whereas her whole house was silent and her mouth was not moving, her mind was in a whole other setting. Her mind was racing with just as much chaos as a violent action-movie. One of the horrific movies with an age rating too high for her to watch, or at least too high for her to even want to watch. Thoughts drowned her mind and it was all she could to to keep the most significant thoughts afloat. 

As if losing her best friend wasn't already enough to process, let alone her recent 'beyond-the-grave' message from the one and only Harlan Thrombey. Why hadn't she read it sooner? And why had Harlan decided to leave her a message and not the others. After all, Y/N was just a friend of his neo-Nazi grandson, nothing special at all. She had a feeling that Harlan was trying to tell her something, but she wasn't sure of what that was.

All she knew for certain, was that Harlan had known about the lies Y/N had been spreading around like a plague months. She knew that Harlan was aware, and always aware, that almost everything she'd told his family about herself had been a big fat lie. So why hadn't he said anything? And why had he continued to give a liar his hard earned money, his love and upmost respect. She wished she could as the man these questions directly but that would have been borderline impossible, seeing he no longer walked the face of the earth.

The knowledge of her school bill needing to be paid for by the next day was still bothering her too. Then again, she doubted there was much point in still going to that school if Jacob hated her. She couldn't even befriend anyone else, seeing as she'd built up her reputation as Jacob Thrombey's best friend. 

"My study is always open"

The thought lingered in her mind and the crashing waves of thoughts in her mind settled down. His study would always be open to her. and he kept candy in his desk at all times, or so he claimed. Something about the random mention of that fact seemed strange to her. It was a very floaty, fiddley and rhyming letter up until that part. Maybe Harlan really wanted emphasise the use of his study to her. 

Giving the circumstances, Y/N really needed somewhere to calm down. She'd always thought that Harlan's study was quite a relaxing place. But considering it was the place Harlan had slit his own throat, it wasn't exactly tempting. At least it would be quiet. And a place that didn't remind her of her bills to pay or her broken home.

Y/N headed over to the mansion, she'd caught the public bus, avoided gazes of fellow travellers and headed straight for the grand-gate. By then, the orange-sunset had died down and is had turned to dusk. The light from the world was more grey and blue than warm and vibrant. It gave off an eerie feeling, sending shivers down her spine but she figured it would help conceal her from anyone at the eyes of the windows of the mansion.

She walked towards the house, trying to think of a way to get to the study without having to ponder the halls of the Thrombey's who would, no doubt, all know of the lies she'd been telling them. She didn't really want to get kicked by Joni's stiletto heels so she tried to think of an alternate route. 

Y/N peered along the side of the house, noticing the wooden panel heading up to the fake-window near Harlan's study. A plan formed. She ducked down as she walked passed the windows that were blaring yellow-toned light, like a radar trying to detect any unwelcome visitors like herself.

She made it to the panel and took a deep breath before placing her hand on the panel and hoisting herself up the wooden lattice. She moved her hands and feet, one at a time, pulling herself upwards. It proved more of a challenge than she first thought, it didn't help that it was nearing-pitch blackness outside. But she found a rhythm. Left arm, left leg. Right arm, right leg.

Her left arm reached up to grab hold of the next box but her hand clasped onto nothing but air. The unexpected find made her gasp and zone out for a second as she lost her footing and slipped down a few potholes, her knees slamming against the brick-wall as she regained herself. Panting, the girl began to climb back up, being sure of not trying to reach for the wooden line that had been broken off before she got there.

A wave of relieve washed over her as she made it to the trap-window and pulled herself through, sighing softly as her torso lay flat against the stable-ground once again. She swung her legs through and pulled the window tight behind herself. Finally.

She heaved herself to her feet once again and tip-toed down the short stretch of corridor before making it to the staircase that headed to Harlan's study's door. She smiled as she walked up the staircase and gladly laid her hand on the handle- heading into the study.

For the unfortunate people who saw Harlan laying there, covered in blood, like Fran or his own children, they would freeze as they entered the room. But for Y/N, who'd been downstairs at the time, she only remembered happy memories from the room.

She headed over to the desk and sat down on the chair, looking across the desk with numerous papers. After her near-death or at least serious-injury experience a few moments ago, she couldn't help but feel the nausea from her low blood sugar. she thought of the candy Harlan claimed to keep in his drawer so she reached over to the drawer.

She pulled it open and spotted a bag of sherbet-lemons, she smiled and opened the already-opened bag. She reached inside and fished around for a tart but sweet delight. To her surprise, she didn't feel the round hardness of a sherbet lemon but instead she felt a thin piece of paper. Her heart skipped a beat. Another letter?

She pulled out the sheet of paper and peered at it, expecting to see Harlan's curly handwriting on it. But instead, there was nothing, It was just a blank piece of paper with Y/N's name scrawled across and one of his signature stamps. 

What was this man playing at?


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I've got to speed off to my next online class now but don't forget to vote! A lot will be revealed next chapter! <3

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