December 23rd

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I slept a lot better in Alec's arms than alone in this bed. After we got closer yesterday, it wasn't that uncomfortable when we shared the bed, which is why we decided to spend the night together. When he turned around I woke up and could watch his chest move up and down through his breath. He looked cute when he slept, I thought as I looked into his face. I slowly stroked his chest, whereupon he mumbled contentedly. I watched as he slowly opened his eyes and his gaze immediately fell on me. A smile formed on his lips and he turned to me so that he could look right in my face. "Good morning, handsome." I said with a grin, which made Alexander smile even more. "Good morning, did you sleep as well as I did?" he asked in a harsh voice and I nodded. In fact, I slept very well that night. It was a lot warmer than usual and I enjoyed that very much. "Better than ever," I replied with a giggle. I slowly leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. Alexander sighed contentedly as he returned the kiss. His bright blue eyes met mine after our lips parted again. "A skiing holiday with you would be nice." I commented, which made Alexander laugh. "It probably wouldn't be any different than it was this month." he replied, but I shook my head. He would probably keep teaching me new things, but he would be with me all the time, even after skiing. That would be nicer, I thought. "Then I would sleep in your arms every night, that would make a huge difference." I explained to him. Alexander seemed to like the idea because he smiled. Maybe this would also be possible one day, who knows. The future with Alexander was still unclear, let alone whether there was a future at all. Who knows what would be after the month when I go back to LA. Alexander's life was here in the mountains. Skiing was his passion and nowhere could he live it better than here, but I loved LA. I loved this city even if it can be annoying. It wasn't going to be easy, but to be honest, I didn't want to think about it. Up until now we had only kissed, nothing more. Maybe I shouldn't interpret that much into it. "That would be nice," he said, which I was happy to hear. "To be honest, I don't want to get out of bed today." he sighed as he pulled the covers over his head. I laughed and pulled her back down. I sighed: "Neither do I and who knows, if the door doesn't open, then maybe we can stay in bed," Alec seemed to like that. "But now we have to get up. We should try it at least once," I explained and he groaned in annoyance as I crawled out of bed. "Come on, let's go!" I asked Alec, which he actually did. Even if I spent the night well, I was a little tired, which I noticed immediately after I got up. Another round of sleep sounded tempting, but if we couldn't get the door open, we had all day to sleep. After we were both ready and stood in front of the door together, we counted to three, as always, until we tried to break open the door together. 

We tried and without actually expecting it, the door suddenly opened and we stood in the open. Shocked, surprised and happy, Alexander and I looked at each other. The door was open, we were free. "Do I have illusions or do I see freedom?" I asked, because I still couldn't quite believe it. Alexander shook his head, laughed, and wrapped his arms around me for joy. I cheered because now the feeling of being locked in was gone. That felt great. After Alexander had his arms back with him and looked around a little better, however, he noticed that the whole thing wasn't as great as it seemed at the beginning. "Why are you looking like that? I don't like that." I asked nervously, because somehow he didn't seem quite as happy as before. What was wrong? Freedom was right in front of us. "Everything here is still deep snow. Probably until today they had only cleared the slopes that were really necessary for business and they would only make those ones later." he explained to me and only now did I realize that it could be quite difficult to trudge through this snow. Alec didn't really want to do that to either of us. "What does that mean for us now?" I wanted to know and Alexander shrugged his shoulders. "I would suggest that we stay here today, maybe sleep one more night," he said and even if I didn't really like the idea, it made the most sense. "I mean, we still have a little something to eat. That would be fine." he let me know, which made me smile. "Sure the snow is too deep? Or do you just want me with you one night longer?" I asked flirtatiously and he laughed out loud. I knew he wasn't going to lie about it, but I found the thought quite funny. He shook his head: "You would like that, Bane," I giggled - of course I would like that. I enjoyed every free minute I spent with him. "You're right, I'll be happy to spend another night with you." he commented, which made my heart beat a little faster again. I wasn't sure which way he meant it, but I wouldn't mind either way. "Great, then we'll close the door again and I'll start preparing breakfast, how does that sound?" I asked kindly and Alec nodded with a smile as he closed the door again. Even if we still had to stay here, the feeling of being locked in was gone and that made things easier. Who knows, maybe we'd finally get out tomorrow for Christmas.

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