December 7th

337 25 1

Magnus POV

The rays of the sun were shining through the window, right on my naked skin, since I was just wearing my Pyjama pants. The warmth enveloped me and I took a deep breath. My hair was a mess and my eyes seemed swollen but I was just a little tired despite of sleeping really long. After I came home from the training, I took a shower, let myself fall into bed and fell asleep right away, since walking up a hill was really exhausting and all I needed was some rest. Now that I got my rest, I was ready to start into another day. I shivered as the cool water hit my face and yet it felt very refreshing.

"You missed breakfast," I heard Simon say, as he came into the bathroom. He wasn't here when I woke up and I already assumed that he was having breakfast downstairs. "But don't worry, I brought you something." he let me know as he held up a plate full of vegetable, cheese and rolls. With a smile I turned to him and laughed. Since I wasn't really someone who had to have breakfast everyday, it wouldn't have bothered me too much not to have one today. Still, I was thankful for him and the food. "Thanks, I guess I was just too exhausted," I answered him and he nodded while putting the table down on my bed. Simon was already dressed and ready to get back to Izzy and that fact stressed because I wasn't even halfway done. "How is it going? You know with skiing, or Alec." Simon asked as he leaned at the doorframe, looking at me while I tried to fix my hair and my face. It was possible to watch Simon through the mirror so I didn't have to turn around everytime I wanted to look at him. "Great, I guess. I feel like I'm an actual pro already even though I'm still the biggest noob," I explained excitingly. Since Simon and I were always pretty tired after training so we never really got to talk about everything, which I found pretty sad to be honest. "Also, Alec is great. He's really nice to me- we're on the same level, you know." I added with a smile. "Yeah, and he's exactly your type." Simon mentioned with a nasty smile on his lips. I gazed over to him but couln't hide a grin either. What could I say? Simon knew me, he knew what guys I liked and Alec had the looks. Black hair, blue eyes - there was nothing more beautiful for me but in the end it wasn't his looks that made him so interesting. It was his personality, his shyness and yet he was so brave and open. He was caring without showing it too much, he was so much more, he wasn't just good looking.

"You're not wrong, but let's not talk about Alec. How are things going with Isabelle?" I wanted t know, since I was sure that he found her attractive as well. She looked like her brother, they could be twins. Simon blushed immediately which confirmed my assessment. He looked down at the floor and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you know, she's great but you know how it is. I'm out of her league anyway so-" "Woah, what? Simon, you're not out of anyone's league. Don't drag yourself down and try it. Get to know her and be yourself. I'm sure she'll see how great you are," I made clear and only now he smiled a little. He was always someone with a low self-esteem. Simon never thought he'd deserve someone like that but I have known him for years and I know that he was such a good guy. He was all a girl needed. "Tell me something about her." I asked him to. "Oh uh, well she's funny, really funny actually. She laughs a lot, even over my jokes - I mean not even you laugh over my jokes!" Simon stated, which was absolutely true but only because I never really understood his nerd jokes. "Also, she really cares about her family and she loves cats." he mentioned with a bright smile and his eyes were almost shining when he talked about her. It was really cute, I thought. "She sounds great." I answered and he nodded happily. By now I finally had all my make up on and my hair didn't look too messy anymore, which was why I turned around and motioned Simon to get out. He understood really quick that I wanted to get dressed and left the bathroom.

After getting ready and eating my breakfast it was time to go back up because we still had a lot of things planned. The weather was great today - the sun was shining and the snow was glowing. A perfect day, I thought. From afar I saw Alec who was already waiting for me and for a second I was scared that I was way too late but I checked my watch and realized that I was actually three minutes early. Alexander started to smile when he saw me approaching me. It actually really delighted my life to see him everytime cause no one ever smiled at me like that. "Good morning," I said opening my arms and hugging Alec as soon as I was in front of him and only after I already did it, I figured out how weird that actually was. I did that with a lot of my friends but Alec was my instructor. He spent time with me cause I paid him to do so. Was I too close? Maybe he didn't want me to hug him. A lot of thoughts rushed through my head, which didn't happen very often. Usually, I didn't care what other people thought of me but it was different with Alec. I didn't want to overwhelm him, so I stepped back and apologized: "Oh, I'm sorry." First, he seemed a little confused but he started to laugh and shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm absolutely fine with that," I breathed out in relief. That was really close to making everything uncomfortable. I smiled and nodded. "Wanna get things started? We have a lot to do." he asked me. "Can't wait." I answered and together we made our way to the slopes.

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