December 3rd

423 28 3

Magnus POV

I felt a little bit nervous as I left the my room, fully dressed in all those ski-clothes. Today would be my first day of training with this handsome guy called Alec. He was nice, I already found that out, but not only that, he's also really good-looking, like really good-looking. I didn't quite know what to expect since I never really got to ski before. That's not something you do everyday, that was some exciting thing you can only do in the winter. Well, or maybe in the summer too but those people are weird because what the hell is skiing without snow? The cool air hit my skin as I trudged into the snow. From afar I could see Alec standing there waiting for me. He was wearing the clothes he showed me before the other day and he looked as good as he did before. Stop it, Magnus, I thought. I shouldn't be thinking like this about my trainer - about my hot trainer. God, I was unbelievable. As he noticed me, he waved to tell me that I should come over to him, what I obviously did. He had a big smile on his face and it made me smile too. He looked really beautiful when he smiled, not hot, just beautiful. There was a difference to me.

"Good morning, how was your night?" he asked me as I stopped in front of him. Actually, I didn't sleep too well, since I have to get used to this place first. Sleeping somewhere I have never been before was always confusing for my body. It liked my room, with the usual bed sheets and the nice feeling of home. None of that was here, just Simon and me in a room that was a complete strange room. "Ask me in a few day again and the answer will be good." I told him, whereupon he chuckled a little. He shrugged, turned around and pointed to a ski slope that wasn't steep at all, that relieved me a little. 

"So today I'm gonna show you how to fall and get up." Alec said as he turned back to me. Fall? That didn't sound like a pleasure day. I didn't want to fall, what if I hurt myself? I didn't even quite know how to stand on those ski's. He expected me to fall and get up? "Not that I want doubt your daily schedule but am I not supposed to learn not to fall?" I wondered but he just laughed. Why did he laugh? He shook his head and answered: "Yes, but you will fall, especially in the beginning and if you don't learn how to fall and to get up the right way, you will fall, hurt yourself and not being able to get up without slipping." he explained to me and only now I understood what this was about. If there was a way to fall without being in pain, I was in. "Come on, let's start." he said and held out his hand to me. Carefully, I took it and let him lead me.

We stopped and he was getting in front of me to look into my eyes. We were standing in front of the ski and I assumed, that we were now getting them on. I didn't quite know if I was already able to do this all by my self but after some minutes where Alec had to help me sometimes it worked out perfectly. "So what now?" I asked full of motivation and interest. He smiled, as he did all the time and took my hands. He pushed me gently so that I would fall on my butt. Shocked, I looked up because that was definitely not what I had expected. He grinned and said: "Now, what you have to know is that you never get up with your ski straight because if you do, you'll just drive away. So either, you get up with feet to the left or to the right." 

I frowned because what he said to me was quite confusing. "Did you just push me?" I asked in disbelief but he kept grinning and shrugged with his shoulders. "I can't believe you." I added which made him chuckle. He went to the side and watched me. "That was the first time you fell and it won't be the last." Alexander said in a very charming way. It was almost like he was flirting with me. "Try it." he added, which reminded me that I was supposed to learn how to get up and not how to lay in the snow while my butt was getting cold and wet. With my hands I tried to push myself up a little, while my feet were trying not to go straight up. First, I really thought this was working without any problems but before I got to stand surely, I slipped and fell back in the snow. "Ouch." I sighed because that wasn't as pleasant as the first fall when Alec pushed me. "

Don't worry, try again." Alexander said to support me. He didn't laugh or anything what I found pretty nice of him. So i tried again and this time it felt way better then the first time. It wasn't as much as before, still a lot though. Just before I could stand there with a feeling of being proud of myself, my feet which were directed to the left, slipped into the front. Without being able to change the direction, I started to slowly drive away. Oh no - that was the first thing that came into my head. 

"Magnus, try to move your feet to the left!" Alec called after me and I tried to but it just didn't work- Nothing changed and I kept gaining speed. I wouldn't die on the first day, that couldn't happen. What an embarrassing death would that be? "Magnus!" he called again. "I can't!" I yelled back and shortly afterwards I fell to the ground. My face hit the soft snow and for a moment it felt like suffocating but as I turned around i got the breathe fresh air. "Well, that is something that could happen if you get up the wrong way." I heard Alec say and when I looked up I saw him standing in front of me with a pathetic smile. "Noted." I answered and laughed, so did he. 

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