December 22nd

304 33 12

Alec POV

Last night I was so exhausted I could have fallen asleep anywhere, but this morning I noticed the hard wooden floor slowly getting to me- I have barely slept, rationing our food and water in my mind, unsuccessfully trying to figure out an escape plan. "Good morning.", I heard Magnus whisper. "Good morning.", I replied, my voice rougher than usual. "Have you slept well?", Magnus asked. "Not really."; I chuckled, deciding honesty was best, "What about you?" "Same here. But under these circumstances, I'm not complaining.", Magnus grinned. "Breakfast?", I asked, holding my back while getting up. "If we have anything?", Magnus replied, "And are you sure you don't want to switch beds? Or the two of us could try to squeeze ourselves into this one together.", he offered. "Thanks, I'm good- it's not like we're staying here for too long.", I laughed and made my way to the cupboards to grab the now slightly mushy apples we took on our trip with us, throwing one at Magnus who caught it gracefully. "Thanks.", he replied and freed some space for me on his bed next to him. I could smell the tension between us- obviously both of us were trying to act as if everything was fine, but I knew we both didn't actually feel that way. Worry started weighing down our mood. When not being able to endure the silence anymore, I stood up and threw the core of my apple into the trash. "You know what, we can try again. Let's try the door again.", I said, hope lighting up my eyes. "Alec, I don't-", Magnus sighed but I interrupted him:" You don't what? You don't think it will work? You might be right, but we aren't the type of people to just give up, are we?" "You're right.", Magnus sighed and got up- for a second I thought he had lost his spirit. I could not let that happen. "Okay, let me try first!", I exclaimed, stepping away from the door in order to slam my whole body weight against it. To my surprise, I heard a little crack. "Was that your body or something outside?", Magnus asked, slightly worried. "No, I'm fine, it came from outside!", I exclaimed ecstatically, realizing that Magnus heard it too which proved something really cracked. "Wait, let my try!", Magnus said and rand towards the door, trying to loosen the handle. "It definitely was more stiff yesterday.", he said. "Well, then my theory was right! The sun is melting the snow and ice snowing us in, once it gets thin enough we can break through the door!", I exclaimed. "Oh my god Alec! We might actually make it out of here alive!", Magnus squealed and I laughed:" We really might!" None of dared to even think about the worst case scenario, but it was comforting to see I wasn't the only one freaking out a bit. The only thing weighing heavier on me than being snowed in in this hut and being responsible for the situation was the thought of Isabelle probably worrying to death right now. I would most probably have already put on my skis and started searching myself if I would have been in her situation and she was up here without the possibility of telling me whether she was okay.

"Are you worried about Isabelle?", Magnus asked as if he has read my mind. "Actually, yes. I mean she has no idea where I am, we could be dead or in some bush with both broken legs- I would have already gone nuts if it was her up here instead of me.", I sighed and nervously ran my hand through my hair. "You two are really close, huh?", Magnus asked and laid his arm around me in comfort. "We always have been. She's my little sister and I would do anything for her- I just wish she wouldn't have to worry as much as she is probably worrying right now.", I sighed. "I understand. But We will be fine. And she knows that, deep in her heart she knows both us and her are going to be fine in the end.", Magnus comforted me and wiped the single tear from my cheek that has just escaped my eye. "We really hit my sensitive spot here.", I chuckled desperately, trying to calm myself dawn- I was being unprofessional. But also, I quit being professional quite some time a go, I told myself. "I get it.", Magnus whispered and turned my face back to his. "So what instructor can say he has spent 36 hours in a hut with their student?", I laughed, trying to loosen the mood. "We really aren't keeping it on that level, are we?", Magnus laughed, "I mean when I came here, I came here to ski and not start crushing on my instructor." "Seems valid to me.", I laughed and leant forwards until I felt his lips soft against mine, our teeth touching as both of us started smiling throughout the faint kiss. "We really are overstepping every boundary?", Magnus asked with a laugh. "I mean, if you don't want to-", I stuttered to draw back but Magnus just burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, idiot. Would my sunny self follow you into the deepest snow's unbearable cold if I wouldn't want you to bring the heat?", he flirted. "If you are going to tell me you didn't plan this line before, I am literally going to retire from life.", I laughed. "Well, I might have dreamt of this moment a few times and ensured I would know what to say.", Magnus chuckled and wrapped his hands around my neck, pulling me closer towards him until our lips clashed against one another. To my own surprise, I felt his lips take all the weight off of my shoulders- there was no snowstorm, there was no worrying family, there was no food to be rationed- there was only me, Magnus and the mountains. And to my surprise, that was enough.

Iced CocoaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ