December 16th

285 29 7

Alec POV

"Are you really wearing that?", my sister asked as I stepped out of my room. Quickly looking down on myself I shrugged:" Why not?" "I was just wondering.", she grinned and put on her shoes. Slightly insecure I glanced into the mirror- I usually always wore sweatpants and hoodies, but tonight we invited Simon and Magnus up to the gondola station as tonight they were putting up a Christmas tree and it was a tradition for the staff and their friends to come and help decorating it. So, I decided to squeeze my legs into some jeans and top it off with a dark blue pullover- for some reason I really loved it but it had a bit of a hole on its shoulder- it really just looked like a mistake in the knitting though and it never really bothered me. But as Magnus was so into fashion, I was becoming quite likely that he would notice. "Come on.", Isabelle hurried and I grinned. "You really can't wait to see Simon, huh?", I mocked her in revenge for the comment about my sweater. "Untrue, I just don't like to be late.", she said and I laughed:" When has that ever been true?" "You don't get to have a say in this."; Isabelle broke the conversation off and threw the keys at me. With a smirk, I caught them and got out of the door.

A few minutes later we were at the gondola stop and got up the mountain. "He likes you.", I said out of nowhere. "Simon? Well...", Isabelle started defending herself. "Just the fact that his name was the first one to come to your mind speaks the truth.", I said, clearly proud of my trap and Isabelle getting fooled by the question. "He's my student.", she sighed. "So what?", I asked, "Magnus' mine." "And?", she asked, he body tense. I sighed and steadied my head against the gondola window:"And that doesn't stop any fiber of my body from feeling like they have been electrocuted. It doesn't stop my mind from wandering off whenever I see him, it doesn't stop my heart from racing when our hands touch and it doesn't stop the butterflies in my stomach from making me go nuts." Slowly, I tilted my head back down and stared into my sisters' shocked face. "And neither should it stop yours.", I added, a bit surprised by my own sudden confession. "I guess it's not.", she grinned and we walked out of the gondola. There was no need to say more- we both knew all that we needed to know.

Immediately, my soul lit up as I saw Magnus and Simon standing on the spot we always picked them up at. The sun was slowly setting, shedding pink light on the snow, making it look rose and sparkling in all shades of red, pink and purple. "Long time no see.", I joked as I hugged Magnus- it has become completely normal. "Right, two hours without you feels like two years.", Magnus hopped onto it. Was that flirting? I was pretty sure it was. We finished practice early today so both of us had some time to freshen up and come back for decorating the tree. "The sunset it so pretty.", Magnus sighed and turned his face away from me to look at it. "Have you ever seen the sun set in the mountains?", I asked and he resigned. "Oh wow.", I said, "Then we are going to stand here until it has set because you need to see that at least once in your life." Magnus smiled slightly and watched the sky turn completely pink, the purple clouds badging themselves from the snow and the dark grey mountains. I could see the reflexes of the sunset in his eyes as if they were a mirror.

"This time, they really picked a giant one.", I chuckled and saw Magnus' eyes light up, heavily competing with the fairy lights wrapped around the tree. "You're staring.", he noticed and I grinned:" Your eyes just lit up like the fairy lights up there." "That's nice of you.", Magnus smiled, "Especially when hell decided to bless me with brown eyes. I mean yours are blue, you were perfectly sculped for the mountain life." I laughed:" Well, yours adapt to the LA sun." With a laugh, Magnus walked towards the Christmas tree and picked up some decoration to put it onto the tree. A few feet aside I saw Isabelle and Simon messing around with some Lametta- I couldn't help but smile. He seemed to make her really happy. And Magnus did the same for me. "Are you coming? I am not decorating that whole tree alone.", Magnus exclaimed and I hurried after him. I could already see how his inner designer was coming through. "Okay, I am going to give you the golden Christmas baubles so you can put them all the way up there.", he commanded, "Them and the purple ones will make a nice contrast with the green.", he finished. "Aye aye, sir.", I laughed and got going. I have never really seen this bossy side of Magnus but it was really adorable seeing him doing something he loved and was good at. It maybe was a bit like skiing to me, I thought. And as much as he tried to do well on the slopes I was going to try to do well at the things he cared about.

When we stepped outside, Magnus gasped. The sky was almost black and thousands of stars were illuminating it like little shining and sparkling diamonds in the sky. "This is breathtaking.", Magnus sighed and breathed in the cold, fresh mountain air. "Nature is beautiful."; I said and admired the view that seemed a bit more prettier today than usually- maybe because of Magnus next to me. "In moments like these, I almost understand why you would want to spend your entire life here.", he laughed out. "Why only almost?", I asked. "I don't know, I would miss the city. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the peace here, just in the long term, I think I would need the buzz of the city, Californias summers, the beaches- I'd miss LA.", he sighed. "I get that.", I replied and smirked, "But you are going to miss LA even more tomorrow when you see what I have prepared for you." "Should I be worried?", Magnus asked and I grinned. "Maybe a bit. But you will find out tomorrow."

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