December 10th

302 31 5

Alec POV

"Hey you!", I greeted as I saw Magnus standing in front of his hotel. "Hey!", he greeted me and pulled me into a hug. "So, are you ready to go to the Christmas market?", I asked and Magnus nodded. So we took the gondola down to town and hopped into my car. "God, it's warm in here.", Magnus sighed and unzipped his winter coat to reveal a bright red crocheted crewneck. "Nice sweater.", I complimented him. "Thanks. Designed by me." "What do you mean?", I asked a bit confused. "Oh, I am a fashion designer.", he laughed, "It's what I do for a living." I could literally punch myself in the face- how come I have never asked him about his job? "That's really cool, actually!", I admitted and turned my head back to the street- I didn't want to get us in an accident, after all. "Yes, I mean it has been my passion ever since I was a teenager- I guess we are pretty similar after all.", he laughed. "Yep."; I replied and drove into the parking lot. I still couldn't believe it- Magnus was my client, I was his instructor- we had no business hanging out privately. But the butterflies in my stomach told me otherwise. Besides, if he was here for a whole month during Christmas season, it would be a shame if he didn't see the Christmas market. It was legendry after all. "This is huge!", Magnus exclaimed and I grinned- it definitely wasn't small. "Have you ever been to a Christmas market while it was snowing?", I laughed and Magnus shook his head:" Not that I remember, after all. I mean snow is really rare in Los Angeles, and it never happens in the Christmas season." "That's kind of sad.", I admitted, "But at least you get to experience it now."

"What's this smell?", Magnus asked and I pointed at the cinnamon cotton candy counter. "Cinnamon cotton candy?", he asked in surprise. "Have you never had it?", I asked in shock but he shook his head. "Okay, let's get some.", I said immediately and approached the counter. "Hey, how's Maryse?", the guy asked. "She's good", I replied, "What about you?" "Me too, it's all going smoothly. Anyways, enjoy!", the worker replied and handed him the cotton candy. "What was that about?", Magnus asked, laughing. "Oh, he's an old friend of my mom's- everyone knows everyone, really.", I explained, only now realizing how awkward that situation might have seemed to Magnus, "I guess LA is quite different in that point as well." "Yep, it's all quite anonymous. Also a good thing, honestly. It all has its' perks." "True again.", I sighed and handed the cotton candy over to Magnus, "Go try it." With a smirk he pulled a bit off the wooden pick and stuffed it into his mouth. "That is so good!", he exclaimed in surprise which left me with no choice but to laugh.

It was already getting dark and the colorful Christmas lights badged themselves against the black night sky. A thin smell of cinnamon and mulled wine laid in the air, creating a Christmas-like atmosphere. "Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel?", I asked. "Sure!", Magnus replied and linked arms with me. With a grin I started walking towards the Ferris wheel, making sure Magnus wouldn't slip on the snow. Christmas music was playing and Magnus started humming the melody. "I see, you're quite educated on Christmas culture." I joked and Magnus nodded proudly:" Christmas songs are the best. I said what I said." "You're not wrong.", I laughed, thinking about the extensive Christmas songs playlist on my phone.

"Have a good ride!", the worker wished and escorted me and Magnus to one of the Ferris' wheel's cabins. "Thank you!", Magnus replied with a smile which made me smile as well. I loved how open he was and how he was always nice to other people. "So, what are you waiting for?", Magnus asked me and I stumbled into the cabin where he has already satten down. "Wait for the view.", I advised him as the cabin slowly rose into the sky and the noise of the market got quieter. "How often do you go here?", Magnus asked and I laughed:" I used to go here every day when I was a kid, now it got progressively less because of work. But, I try to visit the Christmas market at least twice a season.", I replied. "Is this your first time this year?", Magnus asked and I shook my head:" I already went on the first of December with my family- it's kind of a tradition." "That's sweet.", Magnus smiled warmly and turned his face towards the plastic windows of the cabin. "The view really is breathtaking."; he sighed as he examined what was under them. The market with its' countless Christmas lights, the people running around, the attractions and the snow falling down on all of that. When looking a bit to the side, they could see the snowy mountains and the firs framing them like green guardians. "The Ferris wheel is one of the oldest attractions in the whole market.", I said as we slowly approached the ground again. "It was so beautiful.", Magnus sighed, his eyes glowing with joy. Then the cabin stopped and me and Magnus walked out of it. Suddenly, one of the workers stopped us. "Hey, watch out!" "What do you mean?", I asked a bit staggered. "Look what's over you.", the worker grinned and Magnus' and my head wandered up where we saw a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. "You know what that means.", the worker laughed and I blushed. Slowly, I turned my head towards Magnus' and blew a slight kiss on his cheek, like a feathers' stroke. "Now enjoy the evening.", the coworker laughed and set them free. "That was actually really sweet.", Magnus admitted which made Alec blush even harder. "Well, I enjoyed it.", I smiled. "Me too.", Magnus replied and laid his arm around me. "And now let's get more of that cinnamon cotton candy, I am obsessed.", he said and pulled me in the completely wrong direction. I laughed- this man- wow.

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