December 5th

354 26 5

Magnus POV

"God, this is still exhausting." I mumbled as Alec and I were walking up the hill with the ski's just like we did yesterday. My legs were sore like Alec told me they would be but I seemed to forget about that before I left my bed this morning. All of this was still very new to me but I wanted that - I wanted change. Spending Christmas holidays in L.A., like I always did wasn't anything special anymore. This was exciting, it was an adventure. Especially with my great instructor by my side. Alec chuckled but even he was out of breath. "It will never get not-exhausting but it will get easier, believe me." he explained with a smile formed on his lips. His shiny blue eyes met mine and it always reminded me of how much I loved the color. Blue - the color of the sky or the deep, wide ocean. It was almost like he had the whole sky in his eyes - it was beautiful. "We're not going to do this everyday, are we?" I asked thrown off, but as soon as he shook his head, I felt relief rushing through my body. If I would have to do that every day, I would take everything back I said about wanting change. "We're not going to practice it anymore, but there will be situation one day where you have to do it. After all, we're not doing this for nothing." he explained to me. I could live with that, I thought.

When the both of were finally up the hill, I let myself fall back into the deep, soft snow. Laying down in the snow was always such a pleasant feeling, like falling into thousands of feathers, like nothing could happen to you because the surrounding snow will protect you. Maybe that was dumb but it made sense to me. Alec looked at me with a smile. "Is it comfortable?" he wanted to know, whereupon I laughed a little and sat up so I could look at him without having a double chin. "Better than any bed," I answered him as he chuckled a little. "It might just get a little wet and cold after some time, so don't try to sleep in there." I added which made him sigh in disappointment. "Dang it, I was about to take my blanket and my pillow outside." he sighed but I just shook my head laughing.

I watched Alexander looking at his watch, while he scratched the back of his head. It seemed like he was a little nervous but I couldn't quite figure out why. "Do you have anything planned?"I wanted to know, because it seemed like he was waiting for something to happen but he just shook his head. He looked at his watch and asked: "Um no, actually, it's lunchtime and I wanted to know i-if you want to.. you know, get some lunch together?" he asked shyly, trying to avoid any eye contact with me. I couldn't help but grin a little, since I thought it was pretty cute how he was shy about asking me this. "I'd love that, I'm starving anyway." I let him know and only now he looked back up with a smile again. Actually, I was thinking of asking him the same thing but I was glad he did it. Now I didn't have to worry if he actually wanted to come with me or if he would just come with me to not be unfriendly.

With all my strength I got up and after we got rid of all those things on us, we went into a restaurant wich was right up there. That's were I usually had my lunch with Simon or alone, depends if Simon had the same lunchtime as me. I could feel the warmth surrounding me after those hours out in the cold. It was such a pleasant feeling, like someone hugging you when you're freezing. It felt great. We sat down on a pretty small table for only two people next to a window, where we were able to watch some people ski. Everything about here was cozy just like my hotel room. I loved it here, that was for sure.

"Any recommendations? You probably ate here way more often than I did." I stated, even though I did eat here a few times already. He opened the menu and let his finger run through it until it stopped. Slowly, he pushed the menu over so I could see what he wanted to show me. I frowned and asked: "Pork with rice?" He smiled and nodded. "I know, I know, it sounds boring but it really isn't. It's like an explosion in your mouth." he let me know. It was funny how enthusiastic he was about that so I just grinned and nodded. I would trust him on that.

It didn't take too long until the waiter came and took in our order. He got the same as me so he said my order right after his. I looked at him while he was talking with the waiter because I liked the way he smiled when he talked to others. Alec seemed like one of nicest people on this earth and yet I feel like he can be really salty.

"What? Do I have something in my face?" Alexander asked shyly and only now I realized that he caught me staring at him. I shook my head, trying not so show my embarrassment. Sometimes I didn't even realize that I had been gazing at him for a little too long. "No, I was just wondering if you have any other siblings?" I asked smoothly. Now it didn't seem too embarrassing for me. He nodded happily. "Yeah, a little brother called Max. He's really cute and he's actually here sometimes but unlike any other family member he's not really into skiing," Alexander told me with a bright smile on his face. "You know, my parents run the whole thing here but they're not instructors. They are just doing the business." he explained and I thought that was actually pretty cool. Working for your parents always sounded pretty strict and not funny at all but if you do it with passion, like I had the feeling Alec did, it has to be awesome. "Are they working here?" I was wondering but he shook his head. "No, they work in town. My parents are actually divorced but we are still all in touch and see each other." he let me know, which made me frown because that seemed odd to me. So I asked him: "Working with your ex-husband? Isn't that exhausting?" Alec laughed but shook his head again: "No, actually not at all. Both of them have a new partner and they're happy. There is nothing to fight about anymore so it works out perfectly. Believe me, it was worse when they were married, now it's all peaceful." Wow, that is really unusual but it seemed to mature to me. That's how people who once loved each other should treat each other. "Well, then I'm happy they're happy." I answered with a friendly smile, as the waiter brought the food to our table.

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