December 21st

284 29 4

Magnus POV

I woke up when I heard a faint creak. I slowly opened my eyes and the brightness blinded me. After my eyes got used to the brightness a bit, I saw Alexander strolling through the hut. He seemed nervous and desperate and that gave me some worry after the day yesterday. His hair seemed a little messy. Was that his morning face? If so, he looked as good as ever. "Is everything okay?" I asked confused. He looked at me, startled, when he noticed that I was now awake as well. I wondered what time it was and how long I had slept. Alexander cleared his throat: "Good morning, slept well?" He was trying to seem normal, but I realized something was wrong. The way he stood and spoke was different and that wasn't a good sign. "Very well, I think. Is something wrong?" I wanted to know. He shrugged and looked outside, through the small window. "We may have a little problem." he now admitted and I frowned. Indeed, that didn't sound very good. I got up and faced Alexander. "What exactly do you mean by 'little problem'?" I asked worried. Alexander crossed his arms and looked at me innocently. "Well, the storm must have dragged on for the whole night, because we are kind of snowed in.." he explained to me. We were snowed in? Did that mean we couldn't get out? That made me very nervous because I wanted to go home again. I wanted to see Simon again. "But hey, don't worry, we'll find a way." added Alexander and put a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and tried to think. We had to do something, because we couldn't just stay here until the snow was gone.

"Maybe we can push the door open together, right?" I suggested but Alexander didn't seem too enthusiastic about the idea. He shrugged and replied, "I think you underestimate the snow. It can be extremely powerful, especially if it's frozen like it is now," he told me. Maybe I was underestimating this, because snow was never my element, but it would be stupid not to try, right? "But if you want, let's try." he added as if he had read my mind. Nodding, I stood by the door and after counting to three we pushed against it. As Alec had predicted, nothing had moved. The snow was still pressing the door shut and no matter how many times we pushed it, nothing would change, except that the door might be destroyed. "What about the window?" I wanted to know, but Alec immediately shook his head. "No, it won't open, also, we'd jump into the deep snow and that wouldn't do us any good." he let me know. Okay, that made sense, I thought. If we couldn't move because our legs were stuck, then we'd probably be more likely to freeze to death than here. "So there's nothing left for us to do but stay here?" I asked worried. That thought kind of scared me because I hated being locked up somewhere. That wasn't a nice feeling and it was almost as if Alexander could see that all of this scared me, because he walked towards me with a reassuring smile. He took both of my hands and looked into my eyes. "Don't worry too much, I'm here and nothing will happen to us." he said in a soft and loving voice. The right corner of my mouth was pulled up a little, because the way he calm me down was just sweet. "Has this happened to you before?" I asked with a smile, whereupon Alec sighed softly and looked around. "Well, not really, but that doesn't matter. Sometime is always the first time." he admitted and even if that should frighten me a little, it didn't. Alexander's presence made the whole situation a little nicer. "Maybe now is a good time to get to know each other a little better. I mean, I already know a lot about you, but there are definitely a few things you haven't mentioned," he suggested and I nodded because I thought that sounded like a great idea. Even if I preferred to be somewhere with him where it was warm and cozy, I was happy with that. Sighing, I sat down on the bed and motioned for Alexander to sit down next to me. He did so with a smile. "Are you cold?" he asked and I nodded, because I was actually quite cold. Alexander lifted his arm and slid closer to me to put it around me. At first I was very surprised, but the butterflies in my stomach immediately turned the whole thing into happiness hormones. "I hope I don't get too close, I just don't want you to be cold." he explained uncertainly, but I shook my head. „No, everything's fine. Thank you." I let him know. It was actually very nice to sit in his arms, so I slowly leaned against him and put my head on his shoulder. "So tell me: why don't you celebrate Christmas with your family?" asked Alexander without him complaining about my position. I sighed softly, because I didn't really like talking about my family, but I thought I could trust Alexander. I felt like I could explain everything to him. "It's actually a pretty sad story: My mother suffered from depression for a long time and that destroyed our family. At some point my father didn't want anything to do with her and he moved away," I honestly admitted and I could see the mood immediately tipped. It was clear that was going to happen, but at some point I would have told him anyway. "When I was fifteen, she ultimately died of her illness and took her own life." I added and I could feel Alexander's look on me. "I'm sorry to hear that." he said, but I didn't go into that. "Then of course I had to move in with my dad, who hadn't seen me for a long time. The relationship was always pretty strange because we didn't like to talk. Somehow I was angry because he simply let her down and you don't do that when you love someone, do you? " I explained. Alexander pressed me a little closer to him to comfort me. "I don't think that you could speak of love there." said Alexander and I nodded. He was right. "Probably not - in any case we haven't had much contact since I moved out, so I mostly spent my Christmas with friends or alone." I let him know to finally answer his initial question. Alexander sighed, "Then I'm glad your friends were there for you. I wish I had been here." he muttered and I smiled a little. "You are here now." I answered. I was really happy to have told him and now to have him next to me.

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