Chapter 23: War

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"Frieda!" Historia yells while Ymir is trying to drag her out of the burning palace, but not succeeding. Levi deposits Victoria in Kenny's care before running in "Prince..." the queen says while she's helped outside "Levi watch out!" Eren yells, but Kenny isn't fast enough to help so Levi pushes Frieda to safety, however Kenny and Levi often forget the two princesses are fast and Historia pulls Levi out "Levi!" Victoria says kneeling down next to him "Come on stay awake, please" she says "Tears don't suit you Des, I'm not worth crying over" he says wiping the tears away "Of course you are" she says "You always were worth crying over" "Levi I need you to stay awake for a few more minutes" Grisha says "Can't feel my legs" he whispers "I'm sorry Des" he says before he goes limb.

"You have to eat" Eren says seeing the two royals in the waiting room "I'm not hungry Eren" "We should leave her alone" Historia says "At least until your father has news" "Des come on" Mikasa says "But Levi-" "Wouldn't want you to starve yourself, I'm sure Reiner and Berthold won't mind giving you a free meal, up you go". The four are quiet when they enter the restaurant and Annie sighs "Usual corner Mikasa" she says giving them some menus as they pass her. "Something light for Victoria" Annie says when she sees the girl scanning the dessert list "But I want ice cream" she says "And when's the last time you ate or drank something?" Annie asks so Historia says "Eight hours ago, dr. Yeager forced her to drink some water before he..." "If you finish your meal you get ice cream" Annie simply says. She doesn't finish her soup though "What now?" Mikasa asks "Our bar is gone, the palace is being rebuild" "We shouldn't stay at the mansion" Victoria mumbles "Marley started a war, they will hit the city where it hurts, the gang bases, the palace" "But it's the safests place left" Ymir says "Don't tell Annie" she adds putting chocolate ice cream in front of Victoria.

They end up staying at the mansion, the Titans and Ackerman's switching guard duty each night "How is Levi?" Mikasa asks looking at Grisha "Getting there, he's not paralyzed, now all he has to do is wake up, for everyone's sake", they decided that the hospital wasn't the safest, so Levi was moved "Yeah" Mikasa says. "We need to wake Des" Kenny points out "She's having a nightmare" "We can't wake her, only Levi can" Mikasa mumbles "Well I can try" she says "But don't blame me if she ends up punching me". So Mikasa walks over to the sleeping princess, Historia sitting on the other side with a book "Don't" is all she says, so Mikasa nods slightly "Des I'm going to move you now" she mumbles picking her up and she pauses for a moment before making her decision and carefully putting her friend on the bed after Historia moved the blankets.

"Levi!" Isabel yells "Des!", their farmhouse is burning and there was no sign of them "Mikasa!", she steps back when the flames get higher and she can see someone "Farlan help" Mikasa says, turns out that Levi was putting everything away and he had just closed the basement door when it started "I lost Destiny in there" she says. "Douse the fire quickly!" Hanji yells "We have to find her" Farlan says. When the fire is put out Historia already arrived and Mikasa finds their missing friend "No" Levi says crouching down and half picking her up and he feels for a pulse "She's alive" he says "W-won't be for long" Destiny mumbles "M-marley" "They did this?" Hanji asks earning a nod "Thought a titan shifter lived here, I tried to tell em there wasn't, but they didn't listen. L-Levi can you promise me something?" "You'll be-" "Take care of the others please" she cuts him off "I will and I'll take care of you", however Levi hears something above them crack, most likely a loose floor board and he hugs her tightly while Hanji drags the others away.

"Easy" Historia says when her sister wakes up "You look like you've seen a ghost" "I-what?" "You were having a nightmare" Mikasa explains "Why didn't you wake me?" "Well the only person who can is next to you" "I... had another dream" she mumbles so the two leave to get Hanji, who writes down everything "And then?" "Then... nothing that I could see, voice, but nothing else" "He willingly stayed by your side even though you two were about to die?" Hanji asks earning a small nod "I think the fire cause me to remember".

The fighting starts very sudden and everyone who can fight is called away "Should we be glad he's still not awake?" Ymir asks as she accompanies Historia to the store "Histi-" "Christa" she helpfully cuts Armin off "Christa, do you have any news on the war? They told my grandfather to go, but by luck he broke his ankle and couldn't, Eren left too" "I'm sorry Armin, my sister won't tell us anything", of course a phone call interrupt them "Armin speaking, yes Mika calm down, I'll tell them", when he ends the call he says "Levi woke up and locked himself and Destiny in the room".

Levi wakes up slightly and he hears movements to his right "... caused me to remember" he hears Victoria says, but he falls asleep again. "I know I always tell you you're a horrible cousin" Mikasa says "But Des isn't eating enough and we're all worried. When she sleeps she has nightmares, each time one where you both die, so she doesn't sleep good either. Hanji said to keep talking, but surprise surprise, Erwin is against anyone being here, he really doesn't like you, Eren, Mike and Erwin left yesterday though, we're at war with Marley now so Historia goes by Christa Lenz now, Des doesn't leave enough to need a fake identity".

When he wakes up the third time he manages to open his eyes "You're awake" someone says "Des?" he asks so she moves over and he hugs her "Where are we?" "Dragon Avenue" she says earning a confused look "But it burned down and what's with the clothes?" "Levi what year do you think it is? We're at war with Marley and we go to school together" "What?" he asks sitting up "Eh well Hanji said this might happen, but you're confusing your past life memories with your current ones", she doesn't have time to react when he shoots up and heads to the window "Erwin?" "Left a week ago with Mike and Eren" she answers "I could tell you what happened" "So there are no more Titans?" "That's what they're called?", the question makes him look at her with a worried look "What, aside from dying, do you remember last?" "Taking shelter in a cave with you, injured, wait we really died that day?", Hanji's voice comes from the hallway, so Levi locks the door "L-Levi?" Destiny asks "Victoria! You alright?" Hanji asks "I'm fine! But I think Levi's injuries resulted in him waking up with past life memories" she says "Shit" Hanji says "Try to reverse it?" "How, hit him again?" "You could try, I'll get Mikasa".

Armin frowns "So the Levi in there, with the princess is from a past life?" he asks "Basically" Hanji says, they all flinch when they hear yelling, but when the door gets unlocked Hanji peeks inside "Let's hope next time he has the correct memories" Victoria says "In the meantime, we need to get updates on the war, Mikasa, you're my replacement bodyguard let's go" "But you're not exactly the best for planning strageties" Hanji says "No, but that Levi is, I made sure to get the info I wanted".

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