Chapter 27: Camping

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The camping trip goes well, somewhat anyway since Kenny mysteriously goes 'missing' during hunting, which Levi just passes of as something that's normal and Victoria nods at that, they knew where Kenny was, he'd gone after a bear that nearly attacked them, well it wanted to, but Levi had tried to shoot it so it fled. However when he's not back three days later Levi goes looking for him after dinner and he takes his girlfriend with him for safety, since there's still a bear. The two just shake their heads when they find him "Really?" Levi asks when they find him casually camping in a cave "You two gonna join me? I got the wine" "That's where it was" Victoria says plopping down next to him and she takes the bottle "I took this for after dinner, not for you to steal" she says "Why did you take it anyway? No one expect..." Kenny trails off and he grins looking at Levi "Ah I see" he says earning a rather confused look "Levi and I are heading back though after this, with you" Victoria says "Why'd you have to ruin the fun?" "Because they're worried" Levi says taking the bottle from the princess and she smiles "But we could also just let them think we got lost for a day" she says "So irresponsible for a princess" Kenny teases, but he quickly shuts up seeing Levi's glare. "I do still have your criminal record" Victoria says "I know" Kenny says.

Three hours later Levi is drunk and two bottles are empty "Ugh" Kenny says when the last one is taken away when he wants to open it "Give it back" he says, but Victoria shakes her head "One drunk Ackerman I can handle, not two" "It's too late to walk back now" she says "And Levi can't even walk right now" Kenny says so the two sober people look at Levi, who's laying with his head on Victoria's lap while trying to follow the conversation, but it's hard since Victoria keeps playing with his hair "Doesn't he usually do that when you can't sleep?" Kenny asks earning a nod and a sad smile "But we both know the hard truth" she says "Paradise will forever be at war with other countries if we don't make peace" "First prince to lay a hand on you will have to deal with us" Kenny says earning a smile "You're part of our gang kiddo, not officially, but you are, now come here". Victoria leans against Kenny as she slowly falls asleep and Kenny watches the two, he had come to care for them more then he would admit. Levi was like a son to him and Victoria was someone who had forced her way into their family and hearts, mostly Levi's though and he was glad about that. Throughout the night he keeps an eye on things and he raises an eyebrow when Levi grabs Victoria's wrist when she jumps up "Last thing you remember?" he asks looking at her and that earns him a confused look from Kenny "I'm not saying anything with this... murderer nearby" "Ah" is all Levi says "Well to be fair, he did kill his fair share of people, but to my knowledge, he's dead where you're from isn't he?" he asks "That's actually an excellent point, where am I?".

"Okay do not freak out!" Mikasa says when the girl wants to run past her "Last thing you remember?" she asks "Falling asleep against Kenny in a cave with Levi sleeping against me" she says "Okay... well Levi's not here at the moment" Mikasa says "Where am I?" "Well you're at my house" Mikasa says and she sighs "Did you seriously knock him out cold though?" she asks earning a nod "He was rude" "Well I expected nothing else of him" Mikasa mumbles "Come to the kitchen for something to drink Des" she adds. When the others return Levi narrows his eyes "You should be-" "Resting, Mika told me yeah" Victoria deadpans as she turns to him and she grins "Hello Levi, though I can't say the other me would be happy to be in my place, considering she's with Kenny" "Were you wearing anything that could possible cause this?" Levi asks, but all he gets is a shrug "I mean, I don't bring the cloak on camping trips" she says "What's going on here?" Eren asks and he tilts his head "Eren not now" Mikasa says "But Farlan said I could-" "He did not say you could babysit, you're only here because Historia wanted me to keep an eye on you, you've been causing trouble again!" "I can't cause trouble" Eren says "No then explains why Des her eyes are red again" Levi says making Eren pale at that comment "Mildly confused here" "Eren is a titan shifter and until recently they hadn't been able to shift" Mikasa says "And Eren, we told you that you are not welcome in this house, if you get hurt and shift in here you will kill Hope" "I wouldn't hurt her" Eren says and crying is heard from upstairs so the white haired girl shoots off, coming downstairs with a quiet baby "She's so adorable" she says "How did you do that?" Mikasa asks "Oh I just took her from her crib and started talking to her" Victoria says and Eren walks over "It takes others forever to calm her" he says "And if you get close she'll start crying again" Mikasa says "Hey there little one" Victoria says and she smiles when Hope grabs her finger "Let's get you away from Eren and something to eat" "Levi... since when is she so good with kids?" Mikasa asks quietly "I have no idea" Levi whispers back "Des" Eren says "You alright? You usually avoid kids" "Mika seems tired, so I thought I could help out a bit" is the answer and Levi sighs "Drop it Eren, point is, there might have been new titans made" he says "And that's a bigger issue then Des taking care of a kid" "Good point" Mikasa says "And Eren..." Levi trails off to glare at the boy "You're not allowed to call her that" "My bad Captain". Mikasa looks at Farlan as he walks in and she points to the kitchen door where Victoria is humming a song "What?" he asks "Know what, doesn't matter. Historia's calling a meeting, now!".

Levi and Mikasa give their friend a quick summary in the carriage and Victoria nods slightly "Aright, but we're just going to listen right?" she asks "Hopefully, and hopefully all the shifters can behave" Levi says. The meeting hall is huge and Levi sits down two seats from Historia on the right side since Destiny is supposed to take the seat right of the queen. "Well as you might know our scouts have spotted titans" Historia says "We do not know where they come from, but we do know they cannot be allowed to reach our villages". Victoria, instead of actively listening, is reading reports about everything and when Historia wants to grab them she sees they're gone from their spot "What if..." Victoria says "Marley is behind this?" she asks "Marley? Why would they?" Eren asks and Victoria glances at Levi who gives her a nod "Well according to this research the royal family had the founding Titan until Grisha Yeager stole it, he then passed the founder and attack titan to Eren, it also says that... you need the spinal fluid of shifter who has royal blood to make other people pure titans, the ones that are most common, what if... Marley wants the founding titan so they can control us by giving us the fear of being eaten back?" "They'd do that?" Armin asks making Levi nod "They burned the farmhouse down because they thought we were housing a shifter" he says "So how do we stop it?" Hanji asks "We can't until we kill all the titans shifters according to- who wrote this part?" "That'd be... oh he's not here" Historia says "We can't kill all the shifters" Mikasa says "Though killing the founding titan should be enough" Victoria says reading through Hanji's notes "It says here that the founding titan can be used to alter memories and used to turn others into pure titans, but it only works on Eldians" "So like us?" Hanji says earning a nod "I imagine Des won't be affected, her family wasn't from here" Mikasa says "My last conversation with Kenny revealed us Ackerman aren't affected because of experiments within our bloodline" Levi says "But Des is-" "She is what?" someone asks and Historia glares at Levi "That person sitting on the right side your highness is a thief and a monstrosity-" "Eren punch him please" Victoria says and Eren is really conflicted "You dare to ask one of your own to attack me?!" the noble asks and he walks over to the trio at the head of the table "Captain Levi would you be so kind as to keep this filth-" "She is not filth!" Historia yells and she glares at the nobles "Destiny her full name is Victoria Destiny Reiss! She is as much a royal as me and I will not have you talk about her like that any longer!" she yells and the nobles are all taken back "Her grandmother was part of the royal family" Levi explains "Now Eren, are you going to punch him or do I have to do it?" Victoria asks "I-I'd rather not get into trouble" Eren says, which simply earns him a shrug and the girl stands up, narrowing her eyes at the guys appearance and something in her mind clicks "She's not really going to do-", he can't finish when he gets punched in his face "I am not weak, I may be a Reiss, but I do not have to listen to a swine who has never seen or fought a titan" Victoria says and she narrows her eyes as she walks towards him "Now do you have any other complaint or will you sit down and behave?" she asks and the man is smart enough to sit back down at his seat. "Marley" Historia continues as if nothing happened "What are we going to do about that?" "Well the beast Titan is dead" Levi says "So are the colossal and armored titan" Mikasa says "But Eren has the founder, what about the female titan?" she asks "Annie disappeared" Armin says and he sighs "Is there really no other way?" "Not according to the research" Historia says "It also says that shifters die after 13 years" "Then Eren's on his last year" Mikasa says and Eren sighs "What do we do?" he asks "We will discuss that in a few days, dismissed" Historia says. They all get a room at the palace and Victoria stretches "Great, I get transported to a time where I have to deal with shit again" she says "I was camping for crying out loud" she says letting herself fall on the bed "Tiring" she mumbles as she slowly dozes off, hoping to wake up somewhere familiar next time "Goodnight Des" Levi says covering her with the blanket after taking off her boots.

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