Chapter 18: Waking up and trouble

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Destiny is the second of the four to wake up, the first one being Hanji "You're awake!" Isabel says hugging her tightly "Yeah, that hurts by the way" Destiny says "Hanji woke up a few hours ago, she's asleep now, but you did it! The Titans are gone!" "Not counting Eren, he's still a Titan Shifter" Farlan says "So what happened?", so Destiny starts explaining what had happened "Of course he did" Mikasa says walking over, referring to Levi protecting her from the arrows "He'll live by the way" she adds "How long-" "Week and a half, so here's some food". Destiny sighs, at least their plan had worked and the Titans were gone, but now she felt empty inside, like her entire purpose was gone "Quit staring into space" Levi mumbles scaring her "L-levi, how are you feeling?" she asks "My back hurts like hell" he deadpans and he pulls her into a hug after she walks over "Hanji is still here" she mumbles "Don't care" he says "What's wrong?" "Well since we defeated the Titans I feel like I lost my purpose" she explains quietly "You'll find it again" he says "And did someone give you a mirror yet?" "No, should they?". When Mikasa brings her a mirror next visit she frowns seeing the injuries "What the hell" she mumbles and she looks at Mikasa "Why didn't anyone tell me?" "Tell you what?" Mikasa asks so she walks closer "I hadn't noticed that your eyes are a lighter color now" she says "Levi did" Destiny mumbles.

After finally leaving she heads off with Isabel "They'll be so glad to see you" she says "When we saw you in the cart with Levi we feared the worst, Erwin already gave his speech and we're free now" "So we can go beyond the walls?" Destiny asks "Erwin will send small squads when everyone recovered" Isabel says with a smile "We're finally free" "I guess" Destiny mumbles.

Destiny finds Levi packing the next day "I discharged myself" he says "We're leaving, I'm getting sick of these idiots" he adds "What happened?" she asks taking his hands to stop him "We just defeated the Titans and they're already making the most stupid plans" he says "Like what?" "Like opening a restaurant within a month, these idiots don't realize you have to start simple or it's all going to lead to failure if they want too many things too fast", Destiny nods slightly "You done ranting?" she asks earning a look that says enough so she pulls him closer by his shirt and kisses him, pulling back slightly after a short while "Now done?" she asks earning a nod "How come you've never used that to silence me before?" "Don't know, now will you please calm down and get back to the infirmary?" "No" he says crossing his arms "Guess I could check your back for you, but we can't leave yet anyway" she says "We have a house Levi, we have people who care about us, we can't throw that away just because we succeeded" "I know, it's just, I'm tired of living in these walls" he says.

Jean has to ruin the mood and he looks... worried? "Eren and Mikasa are fighting!" he yells making the other two look at each other before following him "What happened?" Levi asks "Eren decided to be an overprotective brother for once and he may or may not have punched Farlan" Armin says and while Farlan is busy holding Mikasa back from killing Eren, Destiny narrows her eyes "Isabel, Hanji, restrain Levi" she says walking closer and the two do what she said when Levi wants to follow after her "Let me punch that bastard" he says, but right before Farlan is about to lose his grip on Mikasa Eren gets punched by a very pissed off Destiny "I may have lost my ability to control Titans" she says giving him a kick when he tries getting up "But you will not punch Farlan for being Mikasa's boyfriend! He gave her more attention than you ever did in your entire life, you were her idol, she saved you sorry ass more than once and this is how you repay her?!", Levi realized what's about to happen and so does Isabel and Farlan, both letting go and Levi dashes forwards, ignoring his back and he grabs Destiny, preventing her from grabbing whatever she has hidden today, probably her dagger "Ackerman, her dagger" he says so Mikasa pickpockets it "I wasn't going to kill him-" "Because you can't" Eren says glaring at her "Feeling compelled to give it back" Mikasa mumbles.

Erwin saves the situation by walking in to check what the noise is about and he yells "Enough!" "Commander, Eren punched Farlan for no reason" Armin says with a salute "Destiny punched him and he's being awfully rude now" Hanji says "They were restraining Mikasa and the Corporal, but..." Armin says mentioning to the situation "Destiny, drop it, Ackerman, go with Farlan and leave, Levi, finish packing and take Destiny away before she does something she'll regret" "As if I'll regret-" "You always say that, come on" Levi says dragging her along while Mikasa helps Farlan up "Eren" she says making the other two stop at the door opening "Don't even think about talking to me for a while" she says.

Levi curses when he falls on his bed and Destiny crosses her arms "Take of your shirt" she says earning a groan "Levi I need to replace the bandage" she says sitting next to him "It's fine" he says, but he should know her by now. When Hanji comes in she sighs "Why am I still surprised?" she asks, Levi's laying on his bed, on his stomach while Destiny is sitting on his back, being careful of the injuries, to clean them and replace the bandage "I don't know, what do you want?" Levi asks "Well Farlan told me to tell you guys to meet them at home" Hanji says "With your bags" she adds "We will" Destiny says "Okay sit up" she says standing up. With Levi patched up again the duo heads off with their bags "Shitty glasses, keep an eye on Eren until we're gone" he says "Yep, of course, although I think Erwin is currently talking to him about his behavior" she says "Good luck!".

At the house Isabel pulls them in "I just replaced his bandages" Destiny comments dryly "Why did we have to meet here with our stuff?" "Well you see, Erwin gave us a cart, your three have horses, he gave us permission to leave" "That's great" Levi says "But what about the ones who took you in?" "They... took it surprisingly well, told us to visit" "Course they did" Destiny mumbles "So when are we leaving?" "Soon" Mikasa says handing the dagger back "Farlan are you alright?" Levi asks "Yeah, just a few bruised ribs" "Well they made us lunch before they left" Isabel says. They set off that evening, and Levi raises an eyebrow seeing Sasha, Connie, Ymir and Krista and Eren "Corporal" Eren says "I apologize for my behavior" "Where are you brats headed?" Levi asks "We're probably going to Sasha's old village" Jean says "Good, don't follow us" Destiny says with a sigh and the two groups set off, Erwin watching from the top of the wall with Hanji "Are you sure this is alright?" she asks "Yeah, besides, Levi deserves to be happy" Erwin says "Come, we must prepare", Hanji sighs and follows him, knowing exactly why he had let them go first.

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