Chapter 16: Truth

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"You all look well rested" Erwin says looking at the three "We do?" Mikasa asks while Destiny is trying to get paint from her nails "Yes you do, dinner's about to start" "I'll try to wash this off" Destiny says running off "Is it me or is she taller?" Eren asks "She's wearing heeled boots" Mikasa explains as Levi heads to his office with his bag "Ackerman, I better see you at dinner" he says "Yes sir" she says before heading to her room with Eren following her "How did you survive vacation with him?" Eren asks "It was vacation Eren, how did you survive without getting into fights?" "I didn't" Eren says earning a sigh "Shoo" she says arriving at her room door "I'll see you at dinner".

Destiny is sitting next to Mikasa when Eren enters the room and he decides to sit on Destiny's other side "So next time we can bring chickens?" Mikasa asks "Yep, Erwin said he's fine with it, besides, we only need two" "Where were you guys that you need chickens?" Eren asks, but they ignore him "Who's idea was it to use black paint?" "Farlan" "Of course, but shouldn't you and captain Levi be with the other two?" "Well, he needed to bring his bag back and I decided to tag along, I'll be going back after dinner, not sure about Levi, since he's already busy with paperwork", they head to dinner and everyone at the table, besides Mikasa, who chuckles, raises and eyebrow when Destiny mumbles "I miss Levi's cooking already" "Shorty knows how to cook?" Jean asks earning a punch from the even shorter girl "Even Des here can cook" Mikasa says and Eren, Sasha and Armin go pale "And he's standing behind me isn't he?" Jean asks "Don't bother punching him, I already did" Destiny says "You done with dinner? Also Kirschtein, cooking duty for you for a week, don't poison everyone" Levi says "Let's go, Isabel is getting impatient, she was yelling something about not giving Farlan time to clean his room, she's too loud" "We should go than, did you eat something?", when Levi shakes his head the white haired girl steals Sasha's bread and she hands it to Levi "Let's go, I wanna know what a mess it is and why he has to clean it".

The first thing that Levi has to go through is being measured for clothes and it's hilarious when he tries not to look annoyed when they mention his height "Isabel, Destiny, a little help" Farlan says from the stairs "Sure lets leave him to his misery" Isabel says so they head upstairs, both girls start laughing when they see the room "Oh boy, you're never going to get this cleaned up on time" Isabel says "I know that, but no, they won't let him share with Des until I'm done" he says. They manage to make Levi's half doable "I'm gonna take a shower" Destiny says  "Or a bath, not sure yet" "Take a shower, that's faster" Isabel says. Levi enters Destiny's room when he's finally free from the torture and he sighs "Did you have to go through that?" "Pretty much yeah" Isabel says "It's hilarious when they do Destiny's hair and she messes it up right after, I think they gave up on trying" "Farlan kicked us out of the room when we started laughing at his cleaning attempts again" "His problem, not yours" Levi says "Well it is yours" Destiny says looking at him from her book "Really?" he asks "Yeah, you're sharing with him, they tried putting me and Isabel in the same room, but yeah, don't think I need to tell you of all people how that went" "No you don't actually, should I help him out or?" "He can probably use the help" Isabel says.

Levi's first day is... eventful and he is reminded exactly how childish Isabel can be and how not impressed Destiny is "So, what do you two do each day?" he asks looking at his two friends "Help out at the restaurant" Isabel says "We might not be much use in the kitchen, but we can handle the rest just fine" she says "You guys... work in a restaurant while we are risking our lives out there?" Levi asks earning a nod "Yeah, kinda" Farlan says "Why don't you guys help out on a free day?" he asks, but the two just look at him "Right, you rarely get free days". Erwin has a surprise for Destiny when she gets back "We found your mother, well Hanji did with a lot of luck" he says so before anyone can stop her she runs off "Wow" Hanji says stopping her "She's dying Des" Mikasa says walking out of the room "And she has something to tell you". Levi arrives after finishing his paperwork and he sighs "You look... horrified" he says "They're worse than I thought" Destiny says turning to him "It seems mom went into hiding, but they recently found her and did this" she says mentioning to the bed "Any traitor will be killed, what will they do to me if they realizing I'm still alive? I killed my father and several others, my own brother..." "Look Des, they won't find you, trust me" "B-but-" "Your father thought you died, those who saw you died" he says "And if it ever comes to the point they try to kill you you will have plenty of friends to take care of you, we will protect you" he adds "Now, what do you say we spend the rest of the day laughing at Isabel and Farlan, or we could go to the lake" "The lake..." she mumbles looking down "Before you two leave, this means we can't take her on more expeditions" Erwin says "But her ability to control Titans-" "Will be useful, but do you really want to risk her safety in favor of getting rid of the Titans quicker" "I will still go on the expeditions" Destiny says "Besides, there's quite an easy way to conceal my presence" "Really?" Levi asks "Yes, I seem to remember Hanji dyeing Mike's hair brown last week" she says "We just have to make sure they don't recognize me". "Why would we even go near their camp?" Erwin asks "Remember how I said we are trained to kill Titan shifters?" Destiny asks earning two nods "I have a plan, but you probably won't like it" "Bring it up in the next meeting" Erwin says. "What are you doing?" Levi asks "The next meeting is in an hour" he adds "Exactly" Destiny says going through her books and taking papers from them and she jumps down when she has everything so she runs out of the room "Commander" she says knocking on the door "Give me a-" "Commander?" she asks and she tilts her head hearing him cut his sentence short and the short girl hides behind Jean and Eren who are bickering, again. "Can you please just behave for a  few minutes?" she asks quietly, and sure enough, a man walks passed, with the same white hair Destiny has, the only difference is that he has brown eyes compared to her bright red "Mom" she mumbles seeing where he's headed and she hands Eren the papers "Get these to Levi, now" she hisses running off again, jumping out a window and Jean sighs "Well that just happened, think she'll be there before him?" "Yeah probably, she does that more often" Eren says.

Destiny is indeed faster and she lands just before the door opens, but she hides somewhere "Saved by the scouts" he says "Despicable really, you know, if you had never tried to flee with Destiny this wouldn't have happened" "I would never let her stay there with monsters, you tried to turn her into a monster!" "And we nearly succeeded too, too bad she's dead, now I see they managed to stabilize your condition, let me undo-", he doesn't get to even lift the dagger when he has to dodge a dagger aimed at him and when he turns around he's barely given time to block "You're supposed to be dead" he says, but he doesn't get a reply, she doesn't want to grace him with one "Damn it he locked the door" she hears Eren says "Why does this even have a damn lock?" "Kick it open" she says with a grin and she hears Eren tell the others to back away "You- you're helping a-", the door is kicked open and Levi says "Four eyes, Eren, take her to safety" "What about you?" Hanji asks "Do you even have to ask, duck" he says and Destiny ducks to dodge the dagger. It doesn't take long for the man to be overpowered by the two and Levi raises an eyebrow when his best friend doesn't finish the job, but instead goes through the pockets "The missing piece" she says "Now can we please get rid of him?" Levi asks "Sure" she says. Erwin is holding some ice against his head during the meeting as Destiny is putting the map pieces in the right place with Hanji "Their main camp is in the middle" she says "And they're keeping the Titans... right here" she says pointing to a huge forest "Keeping the Titans?" Hanji asks earning a nod "Why do you think you rarely see any?" someone asks so everyone turns to the door "Sorry Captain, I couldn't stop her if I wanted to" Eren says "That's fine" Levi says putting a hand on Destiny's shoulder when she looks down "So we can attack the main camp and go after the Titans after the same time" Erwin says "Yes, but as I said, they trained to kill Titan Shifters, meaning that if we go after the Titans first we can send the shifters hiding among us to the main camp, they'd have no reason to check on the normal ones" "Because they would be attacked by the people they sworn to kill. How did you even get this map?" "I made a lot of it by memory, several pieces I stole from them, they carry the pieces of the areas they guard" "Hanji, Mike, we will start planning, the rest, dismissed. Levi, take Des home, she looks like she can use some time off" "But my paperwork" "I'll ask Mikasa to do that" Erwin says "Come on" Levi says and he leaves the room "I don't think I've ever seen him show that much affection at HQ before" Hanji comments "She just found out what will happen if they learn she's alive" Mike says "The worst way possible" "I might be able to help, but I should introduce myself first, I'm Amelia" "Come sit down and we'll see what we can come up with and yes, those two are dating" Hanji says earning a sad look "The only way for this entire situation to be over is to kill everyone, that does include us two" Amelia explains "Wipe everyone out so they won't train anyone else, but she-" "Knows more than she lets on, but she would rather kill herself than have a repeat" Erwin cuts Hanji off "And Levi is well aware of this" Mike says "Judging by how he changed in his interactions he knows this will be a suicide mission for her".

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