Chapter 31: All out war

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Despite practically growing up with the Ackermans Victoria jumps whenever a bomb lands nearby enough to clearly hear it, this often results into Levi having to pull her from the basement "This is really going too far" Mikasa says once a third one lands within ten minutes "Well she did say all the troops, how long do you think it'll take for Historia to realize Ymir send us away?" Armin asks earning a shrug "Wonder how long it'll be before she comes for us to go and fight" Reiner points out.

A week goes by and Reiner found that most took naps in between the bombs landing "Reiner, Belthold, you have to leave them, I managed to convince Historia that the other five are needed to keep Des safe, but well, she's even sending me" "We'll manage" Levi mumbles "Hopefully, we're not going to last long with the food" Mikasa deadpans "I'll try to get more food this way" Ymir promises. To everyone's surprise though they find Victoria digging a hole right behind the house "Who are we burying?" Farlan asks "And that was our last apple" he adds "Not if this works" the princess mumbles tossing the seeds in "That will take forever" Mikasa deadpans and she sighs "Besides, Isabel went to get food, but well it might not be much. I imagine Historia is fine in her palace" "No" Victoria says "All the supplies the people are getting, are from the royal storage" she explains "And judging by the amount it has gone down, it's getting lower at an alarming rate" she adds.

Sure the palace has enough supplies to last a while, but it's the medical supplies that are worrying everyone "Another injured we can't treat. Can't we ask Victoria's other family for help?" Hanji asks during a meeting "No we can't, they refused to do so before" Historia says "Before was a war against Marley alone, this can't continue like this, we're losing more and more men, the city is in ruins and we can't help the injured" Hanji points out "I am not asking for help!" Historia yells "Remember why they refused? They want to take her back home and if they do that than we will have lost her forever" "But you realize she's not the same girl she was when she came here right?" Hanji asks "Her father might not want her to come home" "I'm not taking that chance Hanji, end of discussion".

Thankfully she doesn't have to when the attacks seem to lessen "Kenny, why's everyone in such a panic?" Ymir asks "Because they're going to hit the palace, hard" he says, that makes Ymir curse "We need to protect Historia" "No, we're going straight to the cause of this war" Kenny deadpans.

True to Marley's word they attack the palace "Come on run faster!" Levi scolds his friends "We're not as fast as you three" Isabel says "Go on ahead, we'll catch up". The trio finds Historia cornered in the throne room and one of the men says "Once you die this place will fall into ruins" "Did your poor little prince not inform you?" Historia asks "There's a successor!" "Lies! If there was he or she would be here!", when the queen spots her sister she grins "Careful what you wish for". When the group flees, what's left of them anyway Victoria walks straight to her only family left and punches her "You're an idiot!" she yells "You don't deserve the throne if you're only going to wage an all out war!" "That's a bit harsh Vi" Historia tries "No it's not, instead of helping us prosper you're ruining the city! Do you have any idea how many died?! Homes are gone and you don't care! At this rate you're no better than Marley is". It's quiet after that for a moment "You done yelling?" Levi asks, earning a nod "So you want to kill me?" Historia asks quietly, but she knows exactly what is being said "You want to overthrow me?" "No, I want you to fix this mess! How many more have to die?" "They killed Kuchel!" Historia yells "And you're killing more innocent people!" Levi counters "Reiner and Berthold are dead! Erwin lost his arm! Mike is missing and you think that my mother's death can justify that?!" "I don't-" "Get out!" Victoria orders, an order, that's surprisingly followed without complained "Hanji send a message, call everyone home" she says "We have a war to fix".

The leaders of the countries show up, but they're all a bit weary, with good reason "No one is armed here except my two bodyguards" the princess reassures them "Why should we trust you will stop this war?" Marley's leader asks, this earns him a smile "Because if you contact your bases you will know none of our troops remain there, of course, if you attack us, well, I'm not against fighting out of self defense. I admit that my sister went too far, but it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't send someone to kill her", that remark is aimed at Marley's current leader "So I propose we make peace, it'll be fragile and you can bet we will be ready if someone attacks us, but everyone being at war is pointless" she adds to that "So, do we have an agreement?" "On one condition," one of them says "The queen has to die." "You think I would be sitting here if she was still alive?" Victoria asks "No I wouldn't." "Then we have a deal." they all agree.

The news that the queen is 'dead' causes people to celebrate, much to the corncern of everyone who knows better "I know she's not exactly liked because of this, but really?" Levi asks as he follows Victoria around, because you never know. "You alright Des?" he asks when she stops walking, but he runs over when she lets herself fall on her knees "It's okay to cry." he whispers stroking her hair "I don't want this Levi, I never wanted the throne," she says "But no, Historia had to fuck things up and-" "None of this is your fault." Levi cuts her off "The only one to blame is Marley, they killed the queen, they started a war, they got so many people killed." "So why would they want to keep the peace?" Victoria asks, this just earns her a sigh "Because you are a better queen and a better fighter. Come, let's visit Sasha." he tells her, so they head off.

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