Chapter 24: Paradise strikes back

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When Levi wakes up he's confused as hell "Levi! We're at Hanji's house until the farmhouse is fixed" Farlan says, earning a look he translates to 'The fuck you talking about?' "Well he was hit pretty badly" Hanji says "Okay, so... where's Des?" Levi asks making Mikasa avert her gaze "Second guest room" she says "But-", Levi's already up the stairs "What the hell is going on?" he mumbles looking outside to see a small growing village and he frowns "Doesn't suit you" comes from the bed "I'm just... confused" he says "That must be because you hit your head" "No I'm pretty sure I didn't" he mumbles.

Victoria sighs as all the generals are ignoring her completely and Frieda offers her a sad smile, knowing her patience is running out "WILL YOU ALL BE QUIET SO I CAN TALK?!" the princess yells crossing her arms "So we got the sea covered, underwater and the ground, but last I checked our air force was shit and they wouldn't last an hour, since I'd rather not get blown to pieces I suggest you start focusing more efforts in the air force" she says "Marley's famous for their planes right general?" she asks "Yes m'lady" he says "So all we have to do is counter them on each front, including the sky, take them by surprise, now our specialty are our submarines, correct major?" "That is correct" he says "So imagine we're Marley's war council, what kind of attack would we expect" Victoria asks "Submarines m'lady" "And what won't we expect?" Frieda asks "Fighter planes your highness" a general says "So we improve our planes and train the pilots, the submarines will be fully manned and on standby in case Marley decides to try and surprise us. Dismissed" Frieda says.

Levi is wandering around the village for a while before he returns to Hanji's house "We're heading to the walls for supplies" Mikasa says "Are you coming corporal?" "No I'm staying here" he says "Of course let's leave them alone" Isabel says. Levi heads to the room and sits on the bed "Knitting?" he asks "Have to do something" Destiny says "Why not drawing?" he asks, at least they had that in common "Can't focus long enough for that, you look tired" "I am" Levi says "Come on, get some rest", Levi however has to write a note first, so he does that and when he's done that he runs his hand through Destiny's hair, although it's shorter than he's used to, Destiny gives a hum "You never do that before" she mumbles "Really?" he asks "Hmm it's nice". When he's certain she's asleep he adds something to the note before getting some sleep himself.

"Morning Levi, is it really you though?" "Course it is is Vi" Levi says "That was weird, what happened?" "It's a bit of a long story" Victoria says "But the other you was quite rude, did get some useful information on Marley, so that's good" "What?" Levi asks "Oh there's a war with Marley" she says "The prince killed his father and tried to kill Frieda by setting the palace on fire" "Why are you so casual about that?" he eventually asks "Cause I told them to focus their efforts on our pilots and fighter planes, so we're stuck here" she says "And how long have you been awake?" "Few days, nightmares kept me from sleeping" she answer, so he grabs her hand and pulls her down "Get some sleep" he says "But-" "No buts, sleep, I'll be here if you get a nightmare", that earns her a sigh "Just take off the bracelet" she says "Other you has it too, Hanji think that might have caused whatever happened". Levi sighs as he looks outside "I'm guessing Erwin left" "Everyone who could has left, Armin didn't, but he's essentially a part of your gang, Frieda was smart enough to exclude them from the list" "Right" he mumbles, but he feels that he's being poked "You can tell me what happened later, after you've rested" he says pressing a kiss on her forehead before hugging her.

"I'm so glad you're back to normal" Hanji says when he wakes up again "Shut up Hanji" he says "Also here" he adds tossing her the bracelet "Wait... who protected Vi when I couldn't?" "She announced Mikasa was her replacement bodyguard and left, then the two came back and she was proud of herself, hasn't told us why yet" "Which means she doesn't trust you enough to share it" he points out "B-but" "Shut it" Victoria mumbles burying her head in Levi's shoulder "Armin's gonna be stressed as hell when he can't find you" Hanji says "In case you forgot, this is her room" Levi deadpans. "Eren's back!" Armin yells entering the room "That's quick" Victoria says "He said he got caught in the bombing" Armin says "He looks terrible" "Bombing?" Levi asks, but Victoria runs out of the room and she turns on the news when she's in the living room and Historia joins her with Frieda "Those are our planes, why was he in the middle of that?" Historia asks, but a gunshot makes them turn around "The royal family" someone says and Victoria dodges while Frieda takes Historia and leaves, but the young princess heads upstairs and she quickly finds Eren, who's holding Levi and Armin at gunpoint, so she takes her knife from her boot and she sneaks up on the injured boy "So selling out Mikasa's parents isn't enough?" she asks when she presses her knife against his throat "Where is Kenny?" she asks, but a gunshot makes her glare at the brown haired boy and Historia runs in "T-they shot Frieda" she says "Kenny's with her, but we need a doctor!" "Eren told them our location" Levi says and he takes a small step back when his girlfriend clenches her fist to the point her hand is bleeding "Where is the bastard?" she asks, but another gun shot is heard "Levi, handle Eren, if she queen dies it's his fault" she says as she runs off. Kenny looks up hearing footsteps and he pales seeing who it is and he mentions to the three guys "Your sister is dead" he says and before he can process what's going on Victoria is gone from her spot and the first guy falls down dead, Levi pulls Victoria in a hug when she wants to kill the last one "Where's you leader?" he asks, struggling to hold her in his embrace "He's on his way, he will be here soon" the guy says, with that Levi let's go and Victoria wastes no time stabbing him "Where's Eren?" she asks "In Hanji's custody, Kenny" Levi says "Do you want to deal with the guy?" "Yes, no one touches the royal family and gets away with it" Kenny says.

The next day the news came that the queen has been killed and that Marley was losing, but no one could any comment from either of the princesses "Des?" Levi asks feeling the covers move "I don't wanna be alone" she says, so he turns around, pulling her in a hug and holding her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead "Sleep" he whispers running his hand through her hair "What will you do with Eren?" he asks after a while "Honestly, I want to kill him, but it's Hanji's decision if Erwin doesn't come back in time of the trial" she mumbles "I've never actually wanted to kill someone, but..." "It's fine" he shushes her "I won't like you any less because of it", this earns him a slight smile "Everything will work out in the end right?" she asks, but Levi doesn't answer for a while "We can only hope so" he mumbles. "Is she here?" Historia asks peeking inside Levi's room "Yeah" he says "I'll be going back to the palace with Ymir, take care of Vi" Historia says "Of course I will" he deadpans.

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