Chapter 7: Life outside the walls

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Levi and Destiny's departure didn't come as good news, especially not to Petra "She left because of you, now live with it" Mikasa says as Petra is sitting outside Levi's office "She was a freak!" Petra yells and everyone in the hallway stops to watch the argument, Erwin had explained that if they had known it sooner it would have helped greatly in battle and they pitied Destiny because Petra made her leave for her own selfish reasons. "And you're just a jealous bitch who didn't bother to get to know her because she's his childhood friend!" Mikasa yells back, this silences the ginger haired girl "Now Hanji needed you in her office ASAP" Mikasa says before walking off.

Levi and Destiny have no intentions on coming back yet and have made camp as it became evening "Think they'll miss us?" Destiny says laying with her head on Levi's lap "Possibly, Petra's to blame though" Levi says and he sighs "We should find a village soon, we're out of food" he says "Almost out of food" Destiny says and she checks her bag "It's not much what we have left though" she says and sighs "Should've raided the kitchen before I left" she mumbles earning a chuckle "Let's get some sleep" Levi says earning a nod and the decide to find a nearby tree with a thick branch.

The next morning they are rudely woken by Titans, obviously "Someone passed by here" Levi whispers seeing horse tracks and Destiny sweatdrops "And a cart, wait where are our horses?" she asks jumping on a Titans shoulder to check "Oh there" she says and jumps down to get them, but the Titan grabs her and puts her back in the tree next to Levi earning a surprised look, the Titan leaves and the two jump down and head of as soon as they got their horses "You'd almost think someone would kill us, that was the second one and it kept watch until it fell asleep too" Levi says and Destiny sighs "Wouldn't be surprised to be honest". They soon find a village and Destiny looks around "Should we be weirded out?" she asks and Levi sweatdrops "Not after what just happened, they're protecting us" he says as they look around the village "Nothing here either" Destiny says, but she spoke too soon as someone stumbles towards them "Thank goodness you're alive Destiny" the male says and he adds "I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm your older brother" "How do I know you're not gonna tell dad" Destiny says and the male mentions then to follow, which they do "Because after Erwin said you died the previous day he dumped me here" he says and adds "I would gain nothing from telling him" "So why are the Titans protecting us?" Levi asks and he notices the Titans outside the village "Not a clue to be honest" the male says as they enter a house "Why did Erwin say you died?" he asks and Destiny says "Reasons, possibly so dad won't look for me" "You can travel with me" he says and adds "The name's Adam by the way" "We could" Levi says and he sees a cart "Where's you get that?" he asks and Adam says "Found it in an open field, it could have belonged to thieves" "No, the survey corps use those when it's raining" Destiny says and she stomach growls "I'll get you some food" Adam says walking to the cart.

The three leave again the next day and Destiny and Levi had gotten some different clothes "Creepy how you know our exact clothing size" Destiny says as she gets on her horse "Well you're both rather short" Adam says as they leave the village, the had enough food now at least "So... If we wanted to we could force the Titans to build us a wall?" Destiny asks earning a nod "I see" Levi says and he adds "But she can't control them that good yet" "Because I didn't know about it until recently and then Petra treats me like that, what was I suppose to do, let everyone treat me like a monster?" Destiny asks with a sigh. Once they see tracks ahead of them Adam takes a turn "Those tracks are from our father and his group" he explains and they continue with the journey until they come across a farm like area, the house had see better times, but they could fix that up "Destiny, go scout the area" Levi says and Destiny climbs on a Titan "Okay big buddy, let's scout the area" she says making herself comfortable on his head causing the two males to sigh "Alright, let's start fixing that house" Levi says and the horses are put in the still standing stables and the cart next to the house "Found nothing that poses as a threat" Destiny says jumping down and she goes in "And I found some things we can plant, but none of us know how to make bread and that stuff" Adam says "Well I might know something, not much, beside, we could also improvise" Destiny says and she looks around the house "Well there are two bedroom, one of them needs to be fixed, so there's only one room we can use" she says and adds "And the stairs need to be fixed before someone falls through it". Levi nods "After we fix this place we'll need to clean it" he says causing the other two to say "Cleanfreak", he sends them a glare before going to the shed outside to see if there's something in there they can use "He doesn't like being called that" Destiny says with a shrug before going to explore the rest of the house.

At HQ Petra is bothering to Erwin about the fact he's not doing anything to find Levi "He's fine and alive. Otherwise Destiny would have come back with him already" he says and adds "Now leave before I decide you can look for him on your own" "Fine" Petra says and leaves the office only to be yelled at by Hanji, this just wasn't her lucky day.

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