Chapter 22: Eren

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With the news that the two princesses finally have official bodyguards the people of Paradise are relieved, yes the two can fight and they can protect themselves, but in formal settings they can't actually land a punch, so the topic of gossip is trying to figure out who they are. Kenny starts laughing when he learns that Levi is now an official bodyguard, which makes sense since Victoria felt the need to personally deliver his outfit for formal settings. "He already threatened a prince" she says, it's still early, so only Kenny and Kuchel are up at that time "But I already put slime on all his outfits, so he was wearing his last set" she adds making Kenny laugh harder "I can see why he likes you" Kuchel says "He usually hates royals" "I hate being royalty" Victoria admits "But there's nothing I can do about it". Eventually Levi walks downstairs looking horrible and he scans the bar, visibly relaxing when he sees his girlfriend "You look terrible" Kenny says as his nephew sits down "Shut up" he mumbles burying his face in Victoria's hair "Nightmare" she concludes earning a 'hmm' "Talk about it?" "There were these... man eating monsters and we had to take shelter in a cave, you were injured and nearly died, would have if we hadn't gotten to the others" he says making her pale "Vi, you alright?" Kuchel asks when she stands up and Levi looks slightly confused at the fact she's shaking "I-I'm sorry, I have to go" she says running off.

Hanji's surprised when her office door is thrown open and she instantly stands up "Hanji, do you remember that I had those weird dreams?" she asks "Yes, but they're just dreams" Hanji points out, but Victoria shakes her head "Levi has them too" "That's impossible" Hanji says "It's not, his nightmare continued where my last dream ended, with us taking shelter in a cave". Hanji thinks for a while "If more people have them it's possible that those are memories from a former life" she says "Look, the best you can do is go back to Levi and reassure him it's-" "It's not nothing!" Victoria yells "It's a past life, one I am glad we don't live in anymore, you will not dismiss this Hanji and that's an order!" "Alright, alright". Levi is waiting for her in the bar "You look pissed" he comment "Talking to Hanji and having to order her to do something tends to have that effect. I'll get to the point" Victoria says and she looks at him "I'm having those dreams too, Hanji thought that dismissing them was the best option" she says "At first I thought they were just dreams, but they're too detailed, too vivid. When Hanji heard you had them she suggested a past life, which makes sense really, but she then told me to tell you it's nothing, so I may or may not have yelled at her". Levi hugs her tightly and Kenny is surprised, usually Levi wasn't one to initiate the hug "Take a walk with me?" he asks quietly earning a slight nod.

Their walks is peaceful until they meet Mikasa, Eren and Armin and Mikasa gives Levi a slight nod, which he returns, but Victoria pretty much ignored them in favor of talking with Levi "Can we visit that store please?" she asks pointing to an antique store "No" he says "Why not?" she asks, Armin laughs quietly at that while Mikasa smiles. Eren watches curiously "Because knowing you I'll have to drag you out later rather then sooner" Levi says "I could accompany her" Eren says, but Mikasa says "You're not her bodyguard Eren, she can't go in that store without Levi, any store really" "But I thought I could find some information" Victoria says "My grandfather has history books" Armin supplies helpfully "Midget is her bodyguard?" Eren asks making the princess look down "Hey Eren, you realize that I'm shorter then Levi right?" "You're not-" Eren cuts himself off, seeing the two standing next to each other and he rubs the back of his head "I'm sorry!" he says "It's fine, we should visit Armin's grandfather" she says taking Levi's hand when he nudges her. Eren and his friends split up and he follows the two, wondering what she sees in him "Want some cake Des? They have new flavors" Levi says "Triple chocolate with strawberries" he explains and she looks at him and he mentions behind them "Sure, as long as you're also eating a slice" she says. Eren keeps following the two, but he sees they're taking a detour and he hides when he sees Kenny "Shit, what does Kenny want with them?" he thinks.

Kenny looks at the two "Well you two are taking a long way to Armin's house" he says, but Levi sighs "We're being followed" he mumbles while taking one of Victoria's bags "Right" the older Ackerman says "Well I shouldn't keep you much longer and don't worry about the brat".

Eren jumps when Kenny suddenly says from besides him "They're pretty adorable together aren't they?" "You could just walk up to me like any other person" Eren mumbles "Where's the fun in that?" Kenny asks "Come, your father is worried about you" "Dad's worried about me?" Eren asks "Yeah with the recent attacks" Kenny says. There weren't many, but if there were they were well thought out and planned to the smallest details, too bad the Ackermans and the Titans are in control of the city, so nothing ever got too damaged.

Victoria learns a great deal at Armin's house "Here, brewed it myself" she says handing Levi some tea "He let you?" he asks "He had no choice, I was halfway when he noticed" "That's the mansion on Dragon avenue" Levi says pointing to a picture "It is, think we'll find our other answers there?" Victoria asks.

So Victoria heads to the basement once they're in the mansion, but she stops seeing an ancient chicken coop "Come on" Levi says, so the princess moves on from the kitchen and away from the burned coop. "Here" she says opening a hidden trapdoor, so they go through, Levi turning on his flashlight. "This is ancient" he says, carefully preserved books and records in boxes, chests with what looks like gear, outfits, but what draws Victoria's attention is the cloak, so she takes it and holds it up before putting it on "Why does this feel familiar?" she mumbles, so Levi turns to her "I don't know, those wings, that's your family crest" "And your gang's symbol".

Eren meets them after they leave the mansion and Levi is carrying a box "We're picking you up" Grisha says "We were just heading to the bar" Levi says "The bar got burned down" Eren says and Victoria's eyes widen "Everyone's alive" Grisha says "Who was it?" Levi asks, noticing Victoria clutches the green fabric of the cape "We believe that the culprits are from Marley" Kenny says walking over "Frieda" the young princess says "We have to get to the palace!"

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