Chapter 3: We land

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    Authors Note:

     Howdy y'all, so basically I am on Christmas break and will finally have some free time that will 100% be spent binge watching The Originals, and well spending a LOT of time on here, lol. Therefore, hopefully I'll start putting more effort into this story haha and give you guys more details. 

      That being said, if y'all want to request something feel free to comment and say so, or if you have any suggestions at all I would love to hear feedback. I know 53 views in total isn't a ton, but it's more than I though I'd get so far so hahahah thanks;) this was originally just written the first chapter a dare type thing with my friends but I'm gonna keep going.

     Last thing, I'm mega tempted to start another story to have multiple going to add some spice to my life, what should it be about? I was thinking vampires but idk.....

Anyway, without further ado,


Chapter 3: We Land

Donald's POV

     We finish our descent into my favorite place, my mansion in Florida, built with a large private golf course, many servants, and a jacuzzi. It is the biggest mansion you have ever seen, none could compare.

     I look over at my blindfolded partner, as I lean in towards his ear I whisper "we are here baby". My sweet Jobi gets shivers up his spine, and I smile because I know only I can do that. I grab his hand and guide my lover out of my private jet. We walk out of the door and get blasted with that sweet sweet humid heat (hehe that rhymed). Joe gasps, "Ooh the air- it- its so... moist". I chuckle, "it is the greatest air". 

"Can I take off my blindfold yet Don?" 

     "No," I say, "our location is to remain unknown to you until we are at our final place" I insist, guiding him towards the limo. Biden chuckles, "and how do I know you aren't going to murder me?" 

     "I have people for that, if I wanted it done you would already be 6 feet in the ground" I state, no hesitation. My lover sits, stunned in silence. "But of course I would never do that to you baby, Melania was just an obligation, I have always secretly loved you".

     "I-" my lover is shocked, so I continue, "Jobi baby, don't say anything, just sit here and let me treat you to everything I have to offer."


Joe's POV

     The limo ride feels short, or maybe that was just my lovers d**k but honestly I do not remember. We finally arrive where we were aiming to go and I am finally allowed to remove by blindfold. I step out of the limo to see a mansion, a little on the small side but it will do. I will have to say it had a gorgeous view of the ocean. I think to myself, confirming my suspicions, "we must be in Florida".

     Donni gets out and we join hands, he catches his breath and says "so baby, this is my favorite mansion, the greatest mansion of all times. In my true love of a place, Florida." We start walking inside, and immediately I am overwhelmed by the sight of lots of gold. The next thing to catch my eye is the insane amount of women, all half dressed, roaming the place. (--no we do not support sexualization of women, but it's purpose in this story is immaculate--)

     "I want to show you the master room first, the plane ride made me awfully needy..." Don Don says in a sly voice as he guides me upstairs.

     It is the prettiest room I have ever seen, it is filled with a royal purple color, and trimmed with gold. The bed is bigger than any bed I have ever seen and there is a large, fuzzy, elegant rug.

 The bed is bigger than any bed I have ever seen and there is a large, fuzzy, elegant rug

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Donald's POV

     I guide my precious Bibi to the bed, and slowly begin to caress his body. We begin to undress and eventually we do it.....

and then we do it again....

and then once more.


     We both collapse in relief, still not being able to get enough of each other, but being too tired to continue. By now it is around 8 pm and we are both incredibly tired, and we both begin to doze off.

"So what crazy things do you have planned for tomorrow?" my lover asks.

"You are just going to have to wait and see...." I whisper as sleep over comes us both.


Anddddd ladies and gents we shall stop there cause I need sleep lol, it may or may not be 2 am:)

See you all next chapter!

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