Chapter 11: The Fight For Love

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Joe's POV

Barrack welcomed me with a warm embrace. "You're shaking!" He exclaimed, when he realized my current condition. "Talk to me, what happened?"

I hesitate, not know where to start. It is all too much to handle. And strangely, being around Barr has me at a loss of words. It's like just having him in my presence makes me forget all the bad.


This is not good....

"Well," I start, "Donald had his kids over and they were screaming at him for his involvement with me. Some of them made amends and stayed for dinner, but during dinner the Head of House Keeping informed me that Donald had tried to poison me.... I didn't know what to do so I ran. After laying out on the lawn by the beach for some time, I saw the police ARRESTING HIM. I needed to get out of there completely so I came to you."

I catch my breath, that is the quickest I have talked in a long time. Barr looks stunned and speechless. I walk over and sit down on the couch, and let out a long sigh. He eventually follows me over and does the same.

"I'll protect from him, you'll always be safe with me..."



"Thank you," I look over to him. He goes in for another hug, and without thinking I accept.

This is really not good.....

Nathalina's POV

"I still can't believe it!! Master Trump was arrested!!!" Charblina shouts, being a little too enthusiastic if I might add. "They just took him!! Bam, gone!!"

      As I listen to my fellow housekeeping staff obsess over the drama. I can't stop thinking about how this is finally my chance. My chance to leave this prison and go live my own life. My escape.

     "Yeah yeah," I add in, "but what now? Anyone have a plan as to what we do?"

     There is a moment of silence while everyone realizes we're on our own now. They all sit there in deep thought.

      "We throw a rager!" Evalina shouts. We all stare at him. I mean I don't necessarily hate the idea, but that's at the bottom of the list as to what I want to do. The only thing that is on my mind is leaving this town. "We could go on vacation! We could all take daddy trumps private jet! How many of us are there? I don't know if we would all fit....." Charblina adds.

      "YES!!" Evalina screams. We all seem to be okay with that. I add up all the people in the room, so I can answer Charblina's question. "There should be 17 of us....." they all seem to agree. "Wait!" Romalina interrupts, "I thought there was 19 of us total?"

      "Well we're missing Shrader, but he probably followed Trump to wherever he went knowing him.... so we must be missing someone else. Who is it?" We all sit there thinking really hard, not seeming to come up with the answer. "Oh sh*t! REGINA!" Evalina adds in.

      "Ohhhhhhhhhhh," we all collectively realize. "Well, let's go get him!?" Charblina says. We all nod and go running through the house to the basement. We run into the game room (not much of a game room, it's just a old pool table and a rusty bar) and go into the trap door. 

     "He- hey guys, what's up?" Regina asks, his voice shaking. He was locked in here two days ago as punishment. Granted, we were never told what he actually did wrong. Sometimes master just gets bored with his life and will lock one of us up down here to create some tension, or he'll do other things. The intensity of his actions just depends on the day and his mood.

     We all rush to help Regina get out of here and regain some of his strength. Olina goes to get him some water and a snack, Evalina and I pick him up and carry him out. Meanwhile, Romalina is going to fetch Regina a fresh set of clothes, and Charblina is using his connections to schedule the flight out of here for us on the jet. The others are either cowering in the kitchen, too afraid of what will happen if Master Trump finds out, or running around packing their things.

     Once we have everything set, and everyone who is leaving has their stuff ready, we all start making our way to the front of the house to escape. We all take a collective group breath and say goodbye to this torture house, and I step forward to open the door. 

     Prepared to go to the taxi's and drive to the airport and board the private jet, what we saw when I opened the door had all of our jaws on the floor.


Trumps POV

     As I am walking up the steps to my home, I can't help but ponder over where I am at right now. I have no clue where my lover is, half of my family is pissed at me for my relationship while the other half is convinced I tried to marry Jobi. Shrader, relentless Shrader, just tried to pull another stupid stunt, and I need to figure out what to do now. Do I go search for Joe or not, I mean ever since I got with him there has been nothing but drama...

     But I love him.

     I don't know what I will do but I am sure I will figure something out, I always do.

     I make my way to the door and am about to reach for the handle when suddenly to door swings open. Much to my surprise, I see the faces of my housekeeping staff. They all look in shock, and I quickly realize what they were trying to do. These idiots where trying to escape! They thought they were in the clear! Jokes on them, seeing them standing there brought the perfect plan to my mind. It will solve all of my problems.

     "Well well well, I see you guys thought you could get away. Don't worry, Shrader took my place. You can't get rid of me anytime soon." Oh man do I love seeing this look on their faces. They look terrified. I happen to notice that not all 19 of them are there, which is good, that means I still have some of my staff on my side.

     I chuckle as I prepare to let them know of my plan. "I happen to have another pressing issue, that you guys are going to help me resolve. As I'm sure you know, my Biden is currently missing, and I am unsure as to whether or not I should search for him. I am also in the mood to witness some violence, so that works well. It is to my great pleasure and dismay to inform you that we will be bringing back The Ring."

     "No! No you can't do that!" Regina so bravely chirps. The nerve my staff has, I swear. I also can't help but wonder why they think they had any right to let him out of his holding place. 

     I sigh and shake my head as I reluctantly continue, "and my two contestants will be fighting to determine whether or not I go in search of my lover. Since you two seem to acting with the most stupidity and courage today,  I must select my two boxers to be Nathalina and Regina."

     It is priceless, being able to witness the color drain from their face as they lose any hint of confidence in their expressions. "I expect the rest of you, the ones who also had the intent of leaving, to stay hear and deep clean something. The ones who stayed loyal can accompany me to match and witness the ultimate downfall of one of the two. As for Regina and Nathalina, you both have 40 minutes to prepare, and then I expect you to be in the Limo heading down to the ring."

     I take one big inhale before informing them of the rest, making sure to check if I really want to go through with this. "If Nathalina wins, I will give up on Jobi, and not put in the effort to bring him back. If Regina wins, the search for my love will begin immediately. Oh, and one last thing, the loser, will be granted the pleasure of joining the obsessed Shrader in the cell that was meant for me, that he is now residing in...."

      And with one last glance at their horrified expressions, I walk up to my quarters to ready myself for tonight's events.

To be continued...


Heyyyyyy thanks for reading! See you next chapter for the fight!

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