Chapter 17: The End of it All

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Shrader's POV

     All of the time in the world seemed to come to a sudden stop while we sat there facing our boss and his lover, and as Nathalina was pointing the gun at the intrusive man stealer. I was holding my breath waiting for their final pleading, yet to my surprise they stood there in complete silence and shock. Guess I have to be the one to talk first, if they're going to play that way.

     "What are you going to do now Donny?"

     Nothing but a look of pure terror on his face.... nothing at all.

     "It's time to realize that your actions have consequences... I could have given you everything.... but instead you chose him." I add.

      I had this whole thing planned out in my head, and aside from the expressions on their faces and the quivering of their bodies, there's something missing. The suspense. I had plenty of time to think of how this was going to go while I was locked up in that cell, but I never thought I would actually end up carrying it out. I always had the doubt in the back of my head, telling me my sweet Don was going to come back for me. That we were going to get our happily ever after.

     Life changes I guess.

     I knew Nathalina couldn't ever manage to actually shoot Joe. I wouldn't want him to either because I want to be the one to cause Donald the same pain he has caused me. But I just gave my new partner the gun first in case there would be a change in plans, before I could make any rash decisions. But now I am positive as to what needs to happen. This is my breaking point...

     I put my arm around Nathy's shoulder, placing my other hand on the gun. "Thanks for holding this for me babe," I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I step away and point the gun back at Biden, and turn my head to make eye contact with the man who could have been mine. "So Donny Baby, this is it. I gave you the opportunity OVER AND OVER AGAIN to choose me. I gave you my entire heart, my soul, my LIFE... and what did you do? You played around with it and shattered it! I trusted you and you broke my heart!!" I'm yelling at this point but I don't really care. "You hurt me..... but don't worry, I have moved on. I found someone who will love me for me!"

      "Don't do this Shrader... yo- you're not thinking straight..." Trump finally whimpers. "You don't want to do this buddy I promise you will be miserable if you do!" Biden spits out in a desperate hurry. It disgusts me and satisfies me at the same time that they are even trying to negotiate this.

     "SHUT UP!" I shout directing it at Joe, "I don't want to hear another peep out of you. Now, you don't have the right to say anything either," I turn back to Don, "You made me miserable. I have cried over you countless nights for years. I'm done crying and I'm done suffering."

      I turn back to Nathalina to exchange one last reassuring look with him, then turn back to our opponents. "Now... Donny..." I say sourly, "I am going to make you feel that same misery." And with that final statement I take a quick breath and turn, aim my weapon at Joe, and fire.



     All I can hear and focus on is the ringing in my ears. All I know is two things. First off, gun shots are loud. Second, I was too concentrated on not missing my shot and not backing out, that I missed the loud scream that came from the man next to Joe as he dived in front of the shot.

      Ringing. Joe is saying something while kneeling over Donald's body but all I can hear is ringing. Everything is moving in slow motion. I just killed my first true love. How can I ever forgive myself??

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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