Chapter 14: Triangles and Choices

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     Hey heyyyyy! Just wanna say a big thank you to everybody who is sticking through this story with me. I love coming up with the new ideas to add more plot twists and make it more spicy, and I'm getting some amazing ideas from others as well!!

     So yeah thank you guys for all of the support and I just want to say that no matter what happens in this story please don't stop reading! I promise I promise it all works out in the end!! Feel free to drop any suggestions or ideas right here:

Okay onto the story:)


Obama's POV

This feeling right here is the best feeling ever, I could get used to this. The air is brisk and sends a chill down my spine, but I'm immediately filled with warmth when I tap back into my touch sense. The body laying next to me is like a space heater. So warm. So comforting.

I look down to admire the man laying on my chest. He looks so peaceful, asleep like that. Without clothes as a barrier, our skin is in full contact. My precious J.

The creature laying on my chest suddenly stirs. I panic, thinking I did something to wake him from his sleep. His droopy eyes slowly open and move to glance up at me. So cute.

     "Good morning sleepy head" I whisper, my heart is so full, and almost as fragile as the man in my arms. It's a good thing that Michelle and our daughters decided to go on a weekend get away. Now I don't have to risk getting caught.

     He smiles back up at me, but as he seems to awaken more that smile fades. "What's wrong love?" I can't help but ask.

     "Oh, oh it's nothing."

     "Obviously it's not nothing, talk to me"

     "I- I.... well I just, I- I need to get something off my chest."

      "Well, what is it?" This can't be good.

     No, no it will be, it will all be fine. He probably is just happy to be with you and wants you to end it with Michelle. Yeah, that's probably what it is.

      "I can't stop thinking about last night, how I just left without warning. I mean I know he was arrested and wasn't even there but I just feel guilty. Sure, maybe he tried to poison me. Sure, he's done some bad things, but idk... I just feel bad."

      Not what I was expecting him to say.... but okay... I'll talk him out of it. We can deal with this.

     "Joe, baby, you know that he has done nothing but hurt you. You have no reason to feel bad. You were getting yourself out of a toxic situation and that is completely valid. I'm glad you came to me, and you have absolutely nothing to feel bad abou-"

     "I know I know but there is just something deep down in me that won't let it go. Like something isn't adding up or something isn't right." He interrupts.

     I sit up, thinking about this for a moment. It's probably just his intuition telling him that he needs to get out of Florida, away from all of this. Yeah, that's it, not anything else. "I see, but it's okay because you are probably just still in shock and need to get out of this state for a while, far away from all of this. I can take you, we can go on a plane and go visit anywhere you would like. Hawaii, Scotland, Africa, you name it."

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