Chapter 1: The Beginning

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     Our story starts with the 2020 election. Biden has been ahead, but it is close. Ultimately, and some how, Trump pulls ahead. But only by one point...

     He asks himself "why only 1?" and contemplates who it could be. Soon he see's a video come through on his tv. It's the news station. The face that is talking? Biden..

     "I... was the one... who voted for trump. My feelings in my heart are too great to allow him not to win."

     Trump stares at the TV in awe... he can't believe his eyes.. his own opponent? Voted for him? He felt a sudden fuzziness in his heart. He didn't understand but he knew what he had to do.

     On the screen we now see Trump joining Biden in front of the camera. Trump shakes Biden's hand, and let's him know he appreciates what he did. Next thing we know, we hear the news anchor announce.. "Well what do you know! We have a sudden turn of events hear tonight. We just got word from the Pennsylvania poll workers, that President Donald J. Trump has requested to change his vote!"

     Biden looks at Trump in disbelief, and Trumps nods with a grin slowly growing on his unmasked face.

     "We now have a tie in the presidential election! President Donald Trump voted for his running opponent President Elect Joseph Biden."

     Biden stares confused, still not understanding what he heard. Trump... voted for him? Maybe he isn't heartless after all, Biden thought.

     Finally processing what happened, Biden goes in for another handshake. But Trump takes his hand and pulls him in close, hugging him tightly. They stay in their embrace for what feels like eternity, both tearing up.

     What happens next is shocking and unbelievable. They pull away, but hold onto each other's arms, gazing into each others eyes.  Quickly but firmly they both lean in, embracing each others wrinkled lips. They stay here momentarily, as the crowd gasps, before sinking in and devouring each other. They make out for a heavy 26 minutes before the camera's turn off because the camera men are too in awe to keep them running.

     When they finally release each other, Melania cheers in joy, overwhelmed with the thought of never having to be with Trump again. Jill runs off, crying and sobbing. But they both bump into each other on their way out, and a spark hits them too; but that story is for a different day. Trump immediately runs off, scared of what his followers are thinking of him, how could they ever bypass the homophobia he has instilled?

     Biden calls after him but he doesn't turn back.

     The next day, Biden finds the courage to call Trump, he asks him to come over to talk.

Ding dong....

     Biden answers the door and briefly acknowledges Trump before going on to say "I know that was not acceptable and I don't know what came over me but I can promise you that will nev-"
He is cut off by Trump running to him and kissing him again. But harder this time. Biden immediately leads him upstairs, knocking over several flower vases and tables on the way.

     They make it to their destination, clothes are starting to be on the floor, and Biden asks "are you sure" and Trump immediately says "consent is fake news. Grab 'em by the d**k" and pulls him on top of him to finish what they started.

     Slowly Trump uses his tie as a restraint on Biden, connecting him to the bed. He travels down his small, frail body, inching closer and closer to his....

And that my friends is where we will stop for today😘

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