Chapter 12: Betrayal

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Regina's POV

I stand there in disbelief as I watch Nathalina open the door. I couldn't tell you what I was expecting, but I most definitely was not prepared to see Donald Trump standing on the steps.

What shocked me even more was the plans of his that he explained to us. Fighting. Boxing.

The nerve of this man! He knows what he's doing, and I can't even move. I feel numb. After all I told him!? He's doing this!? I shouldn't be surprised, this is typical of him.

I just feel betrayed. My body feels paralyzed. Simultaneously I am overcome with the feeling of both terror and the overwhelming feeling of sadness. I cannot believe he would open those wounds of everything that I talked to him about.

     When he is done with his little speech, Master struts past us with his usually cockiness. When I realize he's gone, I feel my body completely give out as I collapse onto the floor. I shoot my head up frantically and look around at everyone else, some look horrified, others look almost.. excited!? Nope nope they look horrified too.

He betrayed me.... but I guess it's valid since we betrayed him...


Heyyyyyy I know this is really really short, but I felt it was important to give a quick glimpse into what Regina is feeling and show a small part of something pretty important.

What do you think Regina is talking about when he says Trump betrayed him?

What wounds did trump reopen?

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