Chapter 7: You Did What!?

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Trumps POV

I woke up to the feeling of an empty space beside me, letting me know that my lover must have arose early and gone to carry out whatever duty he assumes he has today. The only duty I expect him to have is to be my personal pleasurer but oh well.

I role out of bed and get dressed. I throw on a white suit, as it contrasts my vibrant orange skin nicely. I ring my servant to come in and let her know what I want for breakfast. I requested oatmeal with a side of sausage links, yum.

While walking downstairs, I notice some whisper-yelling coming from the foyer. Enraged at whoever is talking behind my back, I storm into the room. There I find Donald Jr, Tiffany, and Eric. I realize Barron is not there but I couldn't care less about that little sh*t.

All of their heads immediately turn towards me, and I can tell we share the mutual feeling of anger. I find it in me to greet them politely, I'm just so courteous. "Hello my sweet children, what event has inspired your lovely visit this morning?"

I am instantly filled with rage at the look that they all give me. How dare they disrespect their amazing father. I can tell they all urge to speak, but Eric is the one to beat them all to it. "FATHER I CANNOT BELIEVE THE ABSOLUTE BETRAYAL!" He shouts.

I stand there in disbelief, confused as to what is happening. I am about to question their negativity when Tiffany steps in, "You are putting this family name to SHAME. You are going against EVERYTHING THAT THIS FAMILY STANDS FOR!!"

     Speechless, I breathe heavily, blinking, unsure of what to say. I finally realize that there is no way they are talking about what I'm thinking because we have not told anyone yet. "What have I done that has provoked such rage in all of you!?" I yell.


     Suddenly Ivanka comes running into the room, "YOU DID WHAT!?" She screams, obviously pissed off at me. Glad she is my daughter so I never dated her, a firecracker she is indeed.

"I- I-" I stammer, apparently I have caught a case of my Jobi's stutter. I collect myself, "how do you all know about this!? This is only occurring as of last night, we haven't told anyone yet!!!"

     I can immediately tell something is off, and they all shoot me a daring yet questioning dare.   Eric steps back in, "Dad, you sent a text to the family group chat last night announcing your disgusting engagement.... you seriously don't remember!? Oh my god!!! Were you wasted!?!!?"

      I never even touched alcohol! I have no idea why they would accuse me of such things, so I make them show me the text because I did NOT send that.

      "That text is not from me, first obvious reason is I do NOT text like that. That language is much too fancy to be mine. Second, I did not even touch alcohol, Jobi- I mean Joe, can testify for me."

      They all stand there in disbelief. "Well who else would have managed to get on your phone and send that" Ivanka adds.

       I sit there, contemplating. "I wasn't even around anyone besides the assistant and my sweet Jobi. There isn't anyone else I can think of besides...... *gasp*


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