Chapter 13: Haunting Past

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     Heyyyyy we're almost to 600 reads! Exciting times, thanks to those who are still reading lol. I realized after starting to write this that I actually really enjoy writing, so I have about 4 other book ideas in my head I want to start writing. I'm too dedicated to this book now though, so I'm gonna be using this to practice some different writing things. And to have fun with it lol.

     So, as always, feel free to comment any suggestions of stuff you'd like to see or what I should fix!

     Anyways, onto the next chapter;)



Nathalina's POV

      Master Trump saunters away and all of us have our jaws on the floor. A sudden movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention and snaps me out of the daze. I look up and see Regina collapse onto the floor. He looks like his heart just shattered into a million shards of glass. He's been hiding something.

      I rush over to pull him off of the floor. His whole body is limp and it requires a bit of effort to lift him, but he is a light fellow to it still works out. I hoist him over my shoulder and start heading towards one of the sitting rooms.

     "Portalina, I need you to go grab a glass of water please" I say while walking towards a couch. "On it babe" Portalina says sarcastically.  The rest of them follow me in one by one as they compose themselves and snap out of the trance Masters speech had us in.

     I lay Regina down onto the couch and prop his head up. Portalina runs back in with a glass of water and I take it urgently from him. I bring it to Reginas lips urging him to drink something. Slowly coming out of his daze, he reaches for the glass to hold it himself. He then winces and drops the cup, "ow.." he whimpers.

      Immediately filled with concern, I snap my fingers to someone to come clean up the mess, Evalina obliges. The perks of Shrader being absent is that I am now head housekeeper, and well, let's just say Evalina and I have a, special, relationship so of course he would be the first to voluntarily help me.

     "What is wrong!?" I frantically ask Regina while examining his wrist.

     "I- I- don't... I don't know exact- exactly. I- I- think I hur- hurt it when I f- fell." Regina musters out. He sounds like he is still in shock from the news and definitely overwhelmed with pain. I'm about to call for Masters on-call doctor when Charblina quickly rushes to my side.

     He takes Reginas injured hand from mine and into his own, and quickly starts feeling around the limb with his fingers. He looks concerned, and I am just plain confused. A look of somberness sweeps across Charblina's face, and he gently sets Regina's hand onto the couch and runs away. I- uhhh okay then? I don't know how to react to that.

     I turn to ask Aidina if he would go grab an ice pack from the freezer. He agrees and I take out my phone to call the doctor. It takes me a second to find the number and once I do, Aidina is already on his way back. Suddenly Charblina bolts past him, grabbing the ice pack on the way.

      "Portalina we need another glass of water ASAP," the apparent 'medic' says out of nowhere, while reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a few purple pill capsules, and motions for Regina to open his mouth. He drops a pill into his mouth and the pours some water, courtesy of Portalina, into his mouth every so smoothly. Regina seems hesitant but swallows the medication.

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