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Let's begin with an apology.

I know I just disappeared without saying nothing, and I'm sorry for it. Being really honest, first I only had a depression breakdown, that was followed by mental one. Then, I had a dammed Writer Block. So, I had two mental issues with some crises.

I know you guys probably don't care, but I had the thought that maybe some of you wanted an explanation of why I had just stopped being around. Not only I stopped writing, but also reading here. Just like I stopped working altogether.

IrisMid.exe stopped working

Restart system?

[Yes]         [No]

2020 is an ugly year for me, yet I wanted to make sure you would have your piece of information. And maybe the rest of the fic? Let's see.

Going back to this crazy writing piece, shall we?

I received some questions in my inbox, as well on my WhatsApp by my rare friends reading this. Yes, I'm going to answer it all. Every ending of a season -anime divided- we're having an extra chapter answering some things. Don't be shy to ask, I don't bite. Unless I'm asked.

So, are Aizawa and Toshinori a couple in this?

No, sorry. They're not a couple here, just friends and common guardians of our MC. I don't believe they work as a couple at all. I'm not sure of whom I'm going to pair with Aizawa though. I accept suggestions in the comments or my inbox as well.

This MC is too overpowered, don't you think? Is she going to be greedy after and turn this fic into a fiasco like Bleach was? Ichigo had every genetic boost ever!

Hell yes, she's OP for a reason. And I don't plan on turning her greedy for power, as I stated in her personality trait -a few times already- she hates standing out and/or being on the spotlight. She will have some important actions along this story, but she will not use her power at it max level for a lot of reason. I'll stop here before blurting a spoiler.

Since Toshinori and Aizawa are not together, who is Toshinori paired with?

No clue. I've never thought about pairing him, to be exact, and I also accept suggestions for this.

Will this have more OC's? If yes, can I send mine?

Yes, I'm planning on having more original characters here. And yes! Send me your OC's! If they're not used as a current character, I'll have them in the plot at some point and -if you like- mark you in the chapter.

How does this soulmate mark work? The baby is just born with a phrase tattoo? That's so weird!

No. Actually I'm planning on explaining this better since the beginning, but I just forgot to. Hehe, sorry. In this fic AU, along the time the kid's quirks appears (about five or more years old), a darker skin shade of blur appears on their bodies, usually on their wrists or arms, until evolves to a phrase later. Sometimes gets black, but usually is just a darker shade. When someone's who got no quirk is paired, the matching tattoo is something that represents that person in some way or another. Also, it's possible to force a soulmate mark in this AU, but I'm not saying how for now.

This MC has two soulmates. Is there someone with more?

Yes. Later I'll be putting an OC with four soulmates. They're a minor character without any real importance, so I'm spoiling they here with no guilt.

Is this MC having a personal villain too? Every main character has one at least.

I can't answer this without spoiling A LOT, but don't worry. Things will happen when they need to.

Can I make fanarts of this MC?

Yes! Please, do. And send me, of course. You have no idea of how happy I was after reading this comment, sweetie. I was smiling like a child who received Christmas gifts for hours.

Will this fic have angst? I'm thirsty for some drama.

As an important part to every plot, of course we will have some angst. I have plenty prepared, so hold your horses.

The guy who's friend with the MC's mom. Who's he? Is he important to the plot?

I can't say who this mysterious guy is for now. And yeah, he's hella important.

What can you say without spoiling?

Pay attention to the plot and the MC's intern monologue/dialogue(?).

That's all, folks.

Hope you enjoyed this TED talk.

And I hope you all liked the chapters I posted, as to cover at least part of my missing dates.

Second season chapters are on revising mode-

Chocolate kisses to all of you.

See you guys next weekend, okay?

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