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Sunday morning. Usually a morning full of laziness with an extra dose of lazy. Even more considering I was sick. Or not. Someone was calling me early in a frickin Sunday. My phone was buzzling and ringing nonstop for what seemed to be hours. Just what time is it...? I searched in the dark for my wall clock, that even being made a light color, was still hard to see in the darkness. Holy shit, it's not even 6 a.m. That's it. I'm going to kill someone. Picking my phone ready to tell whoever was calling me in that ungodly hour to fuck themselves, I stopped.

"Todoroki...?" I groaned, picking up. "Morning... Did something happen? Are you okay?"

"I'm really sorry for calling so early in a Sunday morning, but I need you." His voice cracked.

"What happened?" I started, trying to wake up my sleepy ass and not snap at him.

"I'm having, what you would call, family issues." He paused. "You're the only one who knows what happens here. And right now, I need to talk to you."

"Okay. I'm here. Explain to me what happened." I could sense both hate and panic from our bond, getting me seriously worried.

"My father just said some things to me... Stupid things." Todoroki sighed. "He mentioned my mom, picking a fight with me first. Then, he spilled so many disgusting lies..." His panic was rising.

"So, the Flaming Pile of Trash, aka Endeavor, started to spill garbage from his insides." I suffocated a yawn while he seemed to calm down a little. What a morning. "And he hurt you. Even worse, he told lies, using your mom, to hurt you."

"Yes." Seriously, I would trade Endeavor for a bubblegum. What a waste of oxygen.

"I'm really sorry to ask, but why are you awake so early?" Another yawn tried to escape.

"He was forcing me to train since 4 a.m." He stated.

"Where are you now? Still on the training room?" Please don't...

"No. I went outside to breath. It felt like I would collapse if I stayed there." Thank goodness.

"How about we meet somewhere and talk for some time?" I suggested. "I can even make you some tea."

"You sure? I know it's really early. I don't want to cause you trouble." Saying this after waking someone up a Sunday morning would probably make me snap. Thankfully, I was calm.

"It's okay, I'm already up." I giggled. "And you need me. I'll make some things for us and get ready. Do you have any place you want to go?"

"Away from here is a good start."

"Sure." Sighing, I got up from my bed. "I'll hang up now. Pay attention to you phone, let's choose a place to meet. See you soon, okay?"

"... Okay. Thank you. See you soon." His voice sounded so tired.

I literally jumped out my room to take a shower. Never in my entire life I got ready to head out so fast. Making things to us was trickier. I knew he liked sweet and/or cold food. So, I made some red berries tea, that is naturally sweet and tastes like strawberry jelly. I already had some dango in the fridge, only taking time to cook about six dorayaki, four ichigo daifuku and cutting a few fruits.

With everything ready and packed, I wrote a message asking to meet Todoroki in a park close by. I still had to leave a note to dad Aizawa talking about what happened and where I was going, even letting him know I would message or call him when coming back.

The park I had set was a cute one, with trees, a small lake and a nice atmosphere for a picnic. I was not playing on stay there the whole outing, but was a good starter place to meet.

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