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Morning was hard on me. I had another nightmare involving school destruction waking me up around 3 a.m., crumpling my mood, but getting All Might out his bed today was way easier, since having more apple pie -the leftovers from yesterday- for breakfast made him really happy. I was ready by the time he was eating, so I went ahead of him to school.

"See you at school, dad!" I smiled while he pated my head. "Don't be late, today's class is special."

"I know. Don't worry. I'll see you later."

And I left. Bakugou and I had exchanged a few messages about the time we were supposed to meet, and he was an impatient little brat. I almost slept on the train when he texted me again.


"I'm at the station. Where are ya?"


"Two minutes from there, relax."

"Blame the train."

This kid is almost like dad Aizawa with timing, geez. He stopped sending me texts after this. Arriving at the station and leaving the train, I spotted him close to the exit. I called him, waving my hand, while he clicked his tongue to me, and started walking. I sprinted after him.

"Good morning for you too, Bakugou." I said smiling.

"Tch. Morning." Oof, I think I saw a smile.

Small talk apart, he tried to keep the conversation even more than me. Sorry, I'm sleepy. We talked about our quirks, school, activities, everything we could think about. He also made fun of my tired face and yawns. At least he laughed a little, lifting his grumpy expression. He can be sweet if he wants to. Biggest problem: he usually doesn't want it. Getting to class was a mission accomplished, considering my sleepiness.

Todoroki gave me another "good morning" wave today. Cute. I returned with another wave and a yawn. Time for another energy pill. I was occupied with trying to wake up, so I lost the two of them exchanging a strange look, and Bakugou was the first to turn, a scorn on his face.

Lunch came faster than Sonic, since classes were pretty much whatever so far. I knew most of our subjects thanks to dad's special treatment those last years. Lunching with my friends was so fun! Uraraka was just so naturally sweet I couldn't have enough. Deku was talking about some hero he was searching. Iida was the funniest, complaining about some kids broking rules and how he needed to be a role model to our class. I could see Todoroki siting at a table eating and not caring about his surroundings, and Bakugou at another one, with an unusual bored yet calm face, eating and ignoring everything around. Both my soulmates could be as dense as the fricking Ocean, but also really blunt and clueless. Amazing. Do I need to worry?

Classes went smoothly and boring until 12:50 pm, when Aizawa-sensei told us about the Trial of Rescue. My only hope was not slack off too much. Getting in the bus was fun, for least. Iida tried helping with the order, what was really fun to watch. Todoroki was already sleeping when I entered, and I went to his side to take a nap too.

Bakugou entered little after, looking at me curious. He watched me yawn and getting all comfy on my seat. He immediately understood that I went there to sleep, staying quiet in the front seat, Jiro on his side. My sleepy head went directly to Morpheus arms before I could even see everyone entering the bus.

"YOU BITCH!! I'LL BE POPULAR TOO!!" Bakugou shouted, spooking me up.

"Eek!" I screeched.

I was sleeping until Tsuyu teased him. Bakugou yelled really loud, and I jumped of my seat. Todoroki woke and grabbed me, keeping my spooky butt in place. I didn't notice I was sleeping on his shoulder, and my head was supporting his own, until this very moment. Some classmates saw my spooked self, giving me an apologetic look.

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