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Spending my days like last Monday was nice. School felt a little empty without my friends really talking, but Kaminari's memes helped filling these spaces. Kendo and Tetsutetsu were still lunching with me, what I enjoyed very much, mostly because he was turning into my best friend again, and she had such a pleasant aura around her. Also, they were soulmates. Both were still friends, and they were pretty fine like this.

After school I still had a walk with Todoroki, listening to his troubles, even if they were varying between his shitty father or some hard homework we had received. We had spent an amazing time knowing each other better in these moments, and sometimes he would love asking stuff about me, ordinary or not, having a little fun of his own. He could be pretty dense and sharp at the same time, what was surprisingly fun to watch. I also had some web-moments with Bakugou, who was a huge Tsundere and reacted more on the phone than in person. We still had our morning walks to school, where he would try to engage more small talks than me, since I am usually sleepy as heck. Strangely, every single time he tried to ask me something specific, someone would pop from nowhere and cut him on the spot. I could say he was getting really frustrated with this, even when he tried to act like nothing happened.

Today had a different planning though. Thursday was my Advanced Study Day, the only day of the week I would study more than we had learned in class, in order to keep my knowledge in check and my grades up. Yet...

"Oi, nerd." Bakugou popped by my side after lunch, hands in his pockets, scowl on his face. "You're going with me to a place today."

"Is that an order or an invitation?" I asked, a side smile forming on my lips.

"Both. Tell that Half n Half bastard to fuck off and walk home alone. You'll be busy." And he left, storming to his seat.

Whatever happened after, went really fast. I know that in some point, probably when class was over, I talked to Todoroki and told him about my other soulmate wanting something with me. He just told me to be careful and call him if I needed him. Cute. He's always taking care of me, huh? I chuckled and went after Bakugou, who was waiting outside. Without saying anything, he started walking, just like he does when we meet at the station. I followed him, side by side.

We walked about forty minutes before reaching a junk yard. There, we still had a considering amount of time to find an even more secluded place. I was starting to get nervous when I saw him put him bag and blazer in some weird looking chair. Also putting my bag there, his usual angry expression shifted to some worried one. Still looking angry, though. He leaned against an old fridge, looking at me cautiously, while I leaned against a table, half sitting in it.

"So, now I believe I can ask you some fucking questions without being interrupted by those dammed extras." He started. "Just... Don't fucking lie to me, got it? I hate it when people lie."

"... Okay?" I smiled awkwardly to him. "What exactly do you want to know?"

"First, about your damn quirk. Tell me the truth. What the hell is your quirk? Don't gimme that 'I've been registered with two quirks' bullshit." Bakugou was clearly trying to keep his cool, not snapping at me and waiting patiently for his answers.

"Well... I should have expected." I started fidgeting with the hem of my skirt. Should I really say it, though? "This is truly a secret, and I expect you to respect this, got it?"

"I'm your fucking soulmate, and I do not plan on betraying you or whatever. Trust me, dammit." Seeing him nod and feeling how he really meant every word made me agree. Soulmates bonds can be really scary in sharing their strong feelings.

"First, my real quirk is Assimilate. It works mostly like a sponge. Every quirk used against me is absorbed and changed somehow, ending being a little different to the original one." I stretched my arm, pulling my palm into the air, slowly toying with the elements. Crystals, water, fire, earth, air, metal... Small elemental marbles were dancing in my palm.

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