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Let's begin this chapter with this amazing art by KineticHe4rt

Thank you so much for your love and care with this fic, you're such a sweetheart

Absolutely nothing in the whole world would prepare me for the worst headache ever. Whatever painkiller I would take, nothing never worked. Sometimes I even forgot I had this painful side effect of this quirk, considering I almost never used. This thing hurts so much it's hard to relax, or even concentrate on whatever showed me. Future can be really tricky, and all the ways would be enough to confuse anyone.

Whenever Premonition worked, not going crazy just by using it's a conquest. Paths, ways, possibilities, whatever I decided to call it, flooded my mind. Groaning in pain, I saw it. So many possibilities. So much... everything. I saw the sports festival, something that will happen in the near future. Internship. Oh, my dear patience. Some really shitty days followed by worry and dread feelings. Nasty situations with a fricking Ninja Turtle. Then, some peaceful days coming to give our sanity back. A training camp. The League of Villains, again. And... Him. He was the reason All Might would be severely damaged. He was the reason all went south for Toshinori. And he was the reason of so many paths leading to... Death.

Shit... It hurts so much. Let's think. I may not know every detail, yet I can plan how to deal with what I know. More than twenty future paths were dancing in my cloudy mind. Happy ones. Sad ones. Dangerous ones. I have used this quirk five times before. Enough to know how to turn a possible bad ending into a good one. Life is not a game, but with a cheat quirk like that, I can at least try to help making things better.

What time was it? Holy shit, it's past 4 a.m. and I had zero sleep. Shoot... My healing quirk could only slightly lift my dammed pain. Nothing like a collateral damage to avoid using an ability, huh? I love and hate this dammed thing. Good thing is, I can use what I know to avoid the worst. Sadly, I can't talk about it, or will lead to some gruesome ending.

I was sweating like crazy. The hell with this migraine already, I was going to another shower. Beginning my day earlier after not sleeping well was not the ideal, still... Shit happens. Getting up was not easier than surviving my own quirk side effect.

From the corner of my eye I could see someone had messaged me a couple of times, but that needed to wait. A shower was almost an emergency considering my state. Thankfully Aizawa's bathroom had a tub. Perfect to relax. My temperature also went crazy. Another effect of my dammed overpowered quirks. Assimilating unusual quirks and using a powerful one in less than 24h usually made me sick. It'll be no different his time, from what I can see.

Hopefully, it'll be only a cold.

After helping dad, I would need to go to my saferoom. Suffocating these new quirks would only make me worse by the day. Eh, what can I do? I was born this way. Let's just hope for the best outcome and pray I won't destroy the saferoom again. The first times I used Toshinori's quirk I destroyed the place and broke myself. Breaking bones is really painful, yet my healing quirk helped me a lot. I wonder how Midoriya is doing. He'll broke more than a few bones in his life and will take some good time to learn how to use it. Even more than me, since he can't heal like I can.

Dumb broccoli kid.

I may use today to talk about my soulmates to dad Aizawa. We haven't talked about it yet. Submersing myself in the tub until only my nose and above were out of water, I looked at my tattoos. I could clearly see their quirks in them. Still... Why mine was a star? And not a common one. A cross looking star, longer on its bottom. It is kinda pretty, unusual and everything, but why?

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