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I had an awful dream about a crazy white-haired dude destroying UA with his hands and woke before my alarm. After this, even if I was hella sleepy, I couldn't get back to sleep at all. Ugh. Morning routine was whatever. Getting dad out his bed was the same as the day before. Nothing got my tiredness away from me. My mood was defined by one word: sleepy. I surely was feeling like dad Aizawa. I bought a cold coffee drink from a machine after getting out the train, trying to wake myself up. Well... Kinda worked? I got less tired, but it was it.

Arriving at school seemed like an Odyssey itself. There was a dammed sea of reporters outside UA. Avoiding them was nearly impossible, and they seemed to enjoy cornering us until we answered some of their questions. My sleepy ass couldn't care less about them, even when they scared the crap out of me when I arrived.

"What do you think about having All Might as a teacher?"

"How do you feel having number one hero giving you classes?"

All Might, All Might, All Might.



Dadzawa appeared after some moments and told them to leave. He scared some of them in the process, of course. His not-so-friendly face did the job well. His vibe was terrible, and he closed UA gates at their faces.

Todoroki waved me a "good morning" greeting, and I smiled for him. He seemed to notice my eyebags while I tried not to hit my head on my desk, holding my face up with my hands. Let's just try not to sleep. Dad always hated when this happened, and I don't want to receive a lecture about my sleeping hours, thanks. Eraser Head appeared, pissed. Reporters tend to worse his mood drastically. I ate one of mine energy pills discreetly, avoiding raising dad's bad mood.

He started the day complaining. Nothing was worse for him than the press. He also called out for Bakugou, who was acting like a child, pouting and being a whiny little Pomeranian. Also, Deku. He was not happy about this kid broking his arms. Again. Dad scared everyone talking about some new task. Aizawa entered his sleeping bag and told us to choose a Class President. This was the task.

Class President votes began, and everyone was shouting, trying to get chosen. Well, almost everyone. I was quiet as a dead mouse. My introvert lazy ass could never be a Class President. Ever. I sank on my chair, almost getting under the desk.

"Why don't you put yourself on the line?" Yaoyorozu asked me.

"Hell, no. Thanks." I laughed.

"Your vote will probably be the impar one, then." She smiled. Sweet.

This girl is a really nice friend. And her quirk turns her into a 3-D printer. Best quirk ever! I waited everyone put their names on the board and try the voting Iida suggested before. A diplomatic one. I voted for him, he seemed like a competent dude. I was the only one. Not even him voted for himself. He voted for Midoriya. He was fairly surprised I voted for him.

"I'm surprised you did not vote for yourself." I told him. How can the person who not voted even for himself be sad almost no one voted for him? Geez.

Deku was chosen with three votes, just like Yaoyorozu, with two. That two... Geez. Deku had nothing to do with the job. I chuckled. He was a cute cinnamon roll and a good friend, but I doubted he had the material needed for it. Bakugou was enraged, almost breathing fire. Angry Pomeranian mode: on. His distorted face was funny to watch.

Lunch came fine. Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka and I went to eat on a table, talking about the votes first. Then, Iida started mentioning his family, and Deku went on Fanboy mode. We even got more details about Iida's family, what was really fun. The four of us had a good time talking.

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