Chapter 3

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You wake up in your bed, sunlight streaming in through the window, body aching and heavy, face tear stained, and feeling hot and sticky. 'And this is why you never fall asleep crying (Y/N), you know this', you thought. You groan while slowly sitting up and proceeding to stretch in hopes to lessen the soreness in your body. "Time to get up I guess..........ugh I have to eat today or I won't get any work done.", you said with a sigh as you stood up from your bed.

You walk out of your room slowly and make your way to the kitchen. After opening the fridge, you pull out an egg, spinach, a cucumber, and a celery stick. You chop up some of the cucumber and the celery stick, and after putting some spinach on your plate you threw the chopped produce on as well, then cooked your egg.

Once you were able to sit down, you stared at your plate. 'This will only make you bigger, you know that. You remember what that pirate said "a woman is supposed to be beautiful and well-proportioned and pretty and delicate." He's right, he knows that, you know that, the rest of the world knows that. You're fat and ugly, no one will like you the way you are. That pirate didn't even give you a second look. You do this to yourself, you don't deserve to eat. You're selfish, there are people starving and you think you have the right to eat this much?' The thoughts started circling in your head as you continue to stare at the plate in front of you.

You're hands began to shake, sweat forming on your body, and breathing became harder by the second. Bringing food to your mouth, you hesitate for a long second before taking that first bite. Tears welled in your eyes as you slowly chew in disgust, the disappointment that you felt in yourself for giving in to your hunger was crushing. Thoughts still running rampant in your head, you continue to slowly eat. By the time you finished the plate, sobs were racking your body. Overwhelmed with guilt and disgust in yourself, you sat there and cried for another few minutes.

Eventually you had had enough of crying and took your plate to the sink before taking a shower and getting dressed for the day. Just as you were walking back out to your living room, you heard a knock at the door. You take a deep breath and compose yourself before opening the door to see Gino's son, Toby.

"Hey (Y/N)!! Your order came in early this morning, sorry for the wait!" Toby cheerfully said, carrying a bunch of fabrics. "I'll bring them in for you, They are kinda heavy all together. You want them in your office?", he asked.

"Yes please", you replied with a smile, "How's Karina doing? I haven't seen her in a while."

"Rina's fine (Y/N), you should come to our house warming party, we are moving in together soon." He said.

"I'll try to be there" you smiled.

"Alright, well I can't stay. There's your fabric and I hope to see you there, it's in a week at 7. Happy Sewing!!" He called while beginning his walk back to his fathers shop.

You close the door and sigh. 'Time to start working', you thought heading to your office to start making the orders you have.

That morning Sanji had woken up feeling great other than a small nagging in his head. He couldn't forget the look you had given him. 'I didn't do anything wrong........but still she was upset because of me, and she IS still a woman. Making a woman sad is against everything I stand by, but she obviously gives little regard to how much she eats. She doesn't care so why was she upset with me?.............and now Nami is upset with me too', he thought while running his hands down his face.

He headed up on deck then to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The other boys were still asleep except for Franky who was probably tinkering with the ship's defenses and both the girls were up and working. Sanji made a large breakfast for everyone and went to call his crew mates and Captain.

He saw Robin first and asked her to wake up the boys who were still sleeping and to head to the kitchen. After getting Franky for breakfast, he went to Nami's office. When he walked in he noticed Nami continuing to draw the world map she had dreamt of creating, she noticed he walked in and ignored him.

"Nami-swan breakfast is ready and awaits you!!!" He said with heart eyes and a singsong voice.

She tilted her head down, slammed her pen on the desk, and took a deep sigh before standing and walking to the kitchen while stretching; never once sparing Sanji so much as a glance. Sanji's face fell, he felt dejected, "Nami-San......", he called quietly as she walked away from him.

'I knew she was angry with me, she's been angry at me before, but she's never flat out ignored me' he thought while walking into the kitchen to find everyone eating the food he had prepared.

He waited for everyone to leave until only Nami remained. "Nami are you really that upset with me that you have to ignore me?" He asked, still hurt by her actions before.

"Yes", she replies harshly walking out of the kitchen before he could continue the conversation.

'I still don't understand what I've done wrong' he thought sitting down at the table everyone had just been eating at. 'I still have to apologize to her, she didn't accept my apology so technically I still haven't done what Luffy told me to' he thought with a groan.

He paced the floor a few times before deciding to try apologizing again. 'I still don't know how to answer what she had said yesterday, but I don't want a lecture from Luffy.' He thought, walking out of the kitchen to start his journey back to the small house of the girl he was both angered and confused by.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now