Chapter 2

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(Y/N) had just entered her house, still furious, still hurt. 'He doesn't even know me! Its not like I don't try to be smaller like the rest of the girls. He's right though... I'm not beautiful.' You thought while slamming your entrance door shut and falling back on your couch. Across from your couch was the kitchen, you look in front of you at the fridge and your stomach growls. 'I haven't eaten today, huh?' you thought. You looked down at your stomach then back at your kitchen, tears well up in your eyes and all you can do is curl up on your couch sob.

You thought back on what had occurred that morning:

You stepped out of your house and began your journey down the street to market. 'Alright, I need fabric, new scissors, and more chalk, OH and more safety pins.' You thought while making your weekly trip to the market. Walking down the streets of your small town was always calming and a fun pass time.

'First, I need to get my fabrics', you thought, after walking into the familiar shop you look for Gino. "Hey Gino! Im here for my fabric order!!" you called for the older man.

Gino popped his head out from around a corner. "Oh, youre here a bit earlier than normal (Y/N)." He stated.

You laughed, "Yeah, sorry, Im just a bit excited, business is just starting to pick up, I didn't start my work too long ago, and I want to get sewing as soon as I can." Gino could see the stars in your eyes, and he laughed in response.

"Well, unfortunately, your order isn't in yet, I'll have my son drop off the order at your place when it arrives." He spoke. Your smile fell slightly, but you nodded, thanked the man that had always supported your tailoring, and waved him goodbye as you went off to get the other items needed for your projects.

The rest of your trip went smoothly, although you were a bit dizzy. 'Oh, yeah I havent eaten for a while, I need to eat today', you thought in disgust, you could feel your stomach turning. As you continued to walk, you crash into a chest, take a few steps back and apologize, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too. I wasn't watching where I was going, that was completely my fault!"

"Hey! Girly!" He interrupted you "Shut up. Boss wants his payment. Now."

Your eyes widened, "Ummm, I can't pay right now, orders are just coming in. I only started working a few weeks ago, can I pay at the end of the month??" you asked a bit nervous.

"Boss wants the money now" he said, grabbing your arm tightly.

"Owww! That hurts, let go! I dont have the money to pay you yet" You exclaimed in pain.

He threw you to the ground and you screamed in surprise. He stood over you. I few seconds later three people came running over to the both of you and before either of you could do or say anything, one of them ran over to you to see if you were ok. He looked like some sort of animal and when it spoke you freaked out a bit but only nodded that you were ok.

You panicked more after you heard one of the women say "Seis Fleur" and saw hands come out of the body of the man that had confronted you and knock him out. You sat there staring at the new people, not sure whether to be grateful or afraid.

"Are you ok?? Do you know why he attacked you?" The other woman asked.

"I-I'm okay. I owe his boss money, but he wants his money sooner than I thought he would. He'll probably send more of them." You said, gesturing to the man laying unconscious on the floor beside you.

"Ok, so come with us for now, we will be leaving port soon, but we'll keep you safe until we set sail again." The ginger girl offered.

"No, no, I couldn't possibly-" you started.

"We insist", the raven-haired girl interrupted. Next thing you knew, you were walking with them back to their ship.

You decided to stop there. Thinking about what had happened before meeting those three had already caused you to be more upset. 'Theres no point in thinking about it, I'll just deal with it tomorrow.' You thought.

Sanji complained about being dragged around town. 'Why should I have to apologize, all I did was say the truth' he thought. Nami and Chopper had a fierce grip on him and were running as fast as they could without leaving Robin behind. After just a few minutes they were at (Y/N)'s door. "I'm not going to apologize; I haven't done anything wrong!" Sanji said defensively.

"If you hadn't done anything wrong, then why was (Y/N) upset?" Chopper asked, though it was more an explanation.

"You are going to apologize and thats final. Even if you didn't hurt her, which you did, it's an order from your Captain." Nami stated, anger still shown in her voice.

When Sanji heard Namis statement his back straightened. 'I can't go against his orders... I can't let myself get scolded by that idiot.' Sanji thought. "Fine, I'll apologize."He said begrudgingly.

"You better" Nami replied. Sanji walked up your doorstep and lazily knocked on the door.

You heard a knock on the door and uncurled yourself from the ball you were contorted into on the couch. You took a deep breath, wiped your face off with your hands, got up to open the door, and put on a smile to greet whoever was at the door. You were expecting a delivery, but when you opened the door you saw the blonde man who had so generously reminded you that you are fat and disgusting, and the smile fell into a deep scowl. "What do you want?" you deadpanned.

"I-Im sorry", Sanji said quietly while obviously uncomfortable. You just glared at him further.

"Why are you sorry?" You asked.

"You know why Im sorry!" He exclaimed, irritated at the fact that he couldn't just walk away already.

"No, I know why you should be apologizing... But I dont think you know why you're apologizing...and I certainly do not think you're sorry" You explained, tears welling back in your eyes. You take deep breath to stop them from falling.

Sanji took a step back in shock, he stared at you wide eyed and speechless. You shut the door and decide to go to bed, because "it had been a long day and sleep will make it better." After the door had been shut, Sanji just grew more angry and turned around and stormed back to the ship so he could go back to cooking.

Nami, Robin, and Chopper followed a few feet behind Sanji, letting him cool off before they approach him again with the situation. The three of them looking at each other and then just following silently until splitting off with the cook at the ship.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now