Chapter 4

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Pet names (Sweetie and sweetheart)
Very light mentions of slavery
Forced restraint
Small description of a panic attack
(AN: this is very light on the trigger warning but could still effect some readers so, if any of these will effect please keep your mental state in mind before reading or skip this chapter)

After a few hours of working you already had one dress sewn and ready for your client. 'That normally would have taken so much longer, but I'm so excited to finally be working. I'm getting through this so fast!!', you thought happily. Normally, your head is filled with anxiety, self hatred, self disgust, and dread for your next meal, but when you sew? When you create something beautiful for someone to wear and enhance their features, all of that slips away. Tailoring and designing is your life, your dream.

"I'm finally getting my chance!!", you squealed in excitement while looking at the first dress you finished before beginning to measure out the cuts for your next piece.

By the time you had all of your materials measured and cut, you heard a crash at the door. You jumped out of your skin and froze for a second before jetting your way to the doorway of your office only to see two large men in suits coming towards you. You ran back into your office, slammed the door, and tried your best to run through the mess you have created to the window at the opposite side of the room.

Before you could even open the window, the two men walked into your office, grabbed you by each arm, and carried you out. As you were lifted you screamed, and on the way out you kicked and squirmed, doing the best you could to fight your way out of their grip causing a few things to be knocked over and broken or scattered.

The men pulled you from your home and dragged you to their bosses house. Their boss, more commonly known as 'The Bull', was an ex-pirate with a lot of money who ran the island. You were dragged through his house and eventually brought to 'the Bulls' office. You were tossed on the floor in front of his desk, the two men behind you left the room closing the doors behind them. You looked up from the floor and saw the man you owed money to sitting at his desk with another large man standing behind him.

"Welcome, welcome!!", the man at the desk spoke cheerfully, "I'm terribly sorry for the informalities. Please, have a seat." He finished, gesturing to one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

You looked up at him, trying to hide the fear dwelling inside you. You slowly got up and sat down at his offer still very apprehensive of the situation. You continued to look straight at the men in front of you, afraid of the possibilities. 'What are they gonna do?? I don't have their money. Are they gonna kill me?? Hurt me?? Worse?? What can I do? Do I escape? Can I escape? Is it even possible?', your thoughts were panicked, fearful. You have no clue what could happen or how to get out of this.

"Now, Miss (L/N), you are in a bit of a debt to me. You borrowed 10,000 berrys to start your business, now it's time for you to pay me back." He stated threateningly.

"I-I can't pay you!!..........No-Not y-yet anyway!! Business is just starting up, I just need a bit more time and I can get you your money!" You replied in a frantic mess.

He laughed like he had just heard the funniest thing leave your mouth. Your eyes widened in fear at his reaction. "She just needs a bit more time..." he said looking over at the man behind him still laughing before looking back at you and continuing his sentence in a calmer manner, "Why didn't you just say so??"

"So, you'll give me more time?", you asked gently.

"Give you more time? Ha!! No. Sweetie if you can't pay me you'll just have to work it off, you'll be my slave for the next year. Of course you could just give me the 10,000 berrys with interest and be on your merry way. But sweetheart, you aren't leaving until I'm paid back in full." He explained condescendingly.

You expression turned into horror and you listened to what he was saying. "But what about my business!?!?!??" You pleaded, "please just give me till the end of the month and you'll have what you want!!!!"

"I want what I'm owed now, and I have no guarantee that you'll pay" he said mockingly before snapping his fingers and pointing at you.

The man standing behind him walked over and grabbed you again by the arm, pulling you out of the office and down a hallway. You were lead through the large house and up a stair case where you were pushed into a room. You landed on the floor and before you could turn around the door was slammed shut and locked.

You looked around the room. In the center was a large bed, to the left of it on the wall was a dresser and a desk. The wall across from the bed had a closet and a bathroom door. And the wall on the right was decorated with a book shelf. You got up from the floor and sat on the bed continuing to survey the room.

After a few minutes of exploring the room, a woman and man walked into the room.

"Please let me go!", you exclaimed backing up as they walked towards you.

The man tightly restrained you as the woman grabbed your arm and pull up your sleeve. You saw her pull a syringe out of her pocket and before you could react, she injected you with something. After she was done, the man let go of you and the both of them quickly left the room.

You felt fine, you weren't sleepy, you didn't feel weaker. 'What did they just put in my body!!! Oh my god!! What do I do??? I don't know what to do!!', you're thoughts grew more and more panicked. Paranoia began to thrive in your thoughts, the possibilities of what they had given you were endless.

You're breathing was labored, it felt as if your throat was closing. Your head began to spin with fear and panic. You gasped for air, clawing at your throat, vision blurring. You hadn't even realized the tears streaming down your face or the slight pain from your nails at your neck. Everything overwhelming you completely, until it all goes black.

Sanji continued to make his way through the small town. Walking through town he saw a flower shop. 'If I get her flowers she'll accept the apology, right? Then I can go back to the ship and Nami won't be upset at me anymore, and everyone is happy.', he thought.

He walked into the flower shop and bought a bouquet of white orchids before finishing his journey. After another 10 minutes of walking, the blonde approached the household of the woman he had met before. About 50 feet before reaching your door steps, he froze and dropped the bouquet from his hands. He ran to your door that was wide open to see the inside of your house a mess as if there had been a fight.

With a worried look he scanned the surrounding area in search for you. Sanji jumped on top of your roof and ran from roof top to roof top in a 3 block radius in search of you. A wave of guilt washed over him, 'Nami brought her to the ship cause she was attacked, she left because of me.' He thought. Sanji sprinted back to the ship as fast as he could.

Arriving in a record 15 minutes, he yelled to his crew mates in a panic, "GUYS, GET OUT HERE NOW. ITS AN EMERGENCY!!!"

The rest of the crew hurried to the deck. When Sanji saw they were all there he continued explaining. "The girl Nami, Robin, and Chopper brought yesterday, has been kidnapped. I went over to apologize and her door was wide open with her living room a mess. I searched a little but I need help!!!!"

Luffy started running before Zoro grabbed his shirt holding him back from leaving the ship. Every one looked to Nami. "Usopp go with Sanji, Luffy go with Chopper, Franky go with Robin, Zoro you're with me. Only half of us know what (Y/N) looks like, so we have to team up, everyone go!", she delegated before everyone broke of into their teams to search for you.

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