Author's Note

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Alright, so, I know I literally just started this story. And I know the last part is fairly short. But my mental health has been declining for a while and it very difficult for me to write at the moment. Especially because I have no confidence in my writing as this is the first story I've ever done.

So this is just to tell anyone of you that cares that I will still be uploading. But I won't be doing two chapters at a time like I had wanted and it may take a while. When I'm back to a good place I plan on uploading two chapters a week although I give no promises.

Also, I have a plan for this story to go for a while and it should be really fun. But, there is still plenty of space in my plan to have some fun with situations. So, if there is something you would like to read as an interaction or fun Mishap or situation, and if I can find a way to work it into the story. I will do so. Feel free to comment an idea if you have any.

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far, I actually found writing it to be very fun and quite therapeutic. I look forward to writing more for you guys and interacting with you as the story progresses.

Have an amazing day, night, whatever time it is for you, and remember that you're important, you're loved, you don't need to change for anyone. Make sure to eat healthily and drink water, as well as do self care when you can. I appreciate your support. Thank you 🥰🥰

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن