Chapter 6

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(AN: Just a warning, this chapter is unedited so I apologize for any typos)

"The tracker has been injected in the girl, Sir." A woman with short black hair and a lab coat said as she walked into the Bull's office, and making her way to a book shelf on the right side of the room.

"Good, Good. She looks like she'll last longer than the rest, she shouldn't break as easily" The Bull responded in amusement. "How many are left in the program?"

" Four, Sir. The other 10 past over night. But we are getting close." The woman reported back while pulling a book from the shelf causing the wall to open like a door.

"Good, good, the sooner the better" the Bull responded with a wicked smile etched on his face.

The woman walked through the hidden door, leaving her bosses office and entering a large laboratory. Walls and counters white and pristine, everything neatly in place and organized. Computers and testing equipment lined the walls, desks placed periodically. Along the center of the room were large, clear, square cages. A prison cell for anyone unlucky enough to be held captive.

Each of the rooms had a small cot, a sink, and a toilet, and four of them held people inside. All four of the test subjects looked ghostly, barely skin and bones, fragile to the touch. Each poor soul had only the smallest amount of strength left, even standing was a chore in their state.

The woman walked past the cages, not paying any mind to the lives being held in their glass containers, and approached a small man at a desk. "When was their last meal?" She inquired.

"Umm, uh..." he jumped in his seat from shock and stumbled in his fluster, "5 days ago ma'am!" The man looked at her with slight fear.

"Give them the next dose, and then a meal, in an hour we will resume testing." The woman ordered while picking up a file from the seat and examining it.

"Yes ma'am, right away!!" The man stammered and scurried away to fulfill the orders presented to him.

The straw hats had finally found their destination. Nami and Sanji split off from the rest and carefully made their way to the house unseen, while the others hid nearby.

Nami and Sanji jumped over the wall surrounding the large house and quickly made their way to a window before swiftly jumping into the house. They found themselves to be in a study, staying low they ran out of the room quietly and began to walk down the hall.

Suddenly they heard voices coming towards them from down the hall. Nami and Sanji both hid on opposite sides of the hallway just as two large men in suits turned a corner and started walking down the hallway towards the both of them.

"We have a shipment coming in tomorrow." One of them stated.

"Oh yeah? How many this time?" The other asked.

"Should be about 45, Boss has lost so many he made them find twice has many this time" the first guard responded.

As the guards walked past the both of them, Nami quickly jetted her way to the opposite side of the hallway behind the guards. Neither of the men noticed her and continued walking down the hall before turning another corner.

"Nami that was close" Sanji said worriedly.

Nami smirked and faced him, lifting her hand and releasing her fist to reveal two sets of keys both sets hanging from one of her fingers. "I was a thief remember?" She said smugly.

Nami tossed Sanji one set of keys and said "you take upstairs and I'll take down, be careful and whatever you do don't be seen." She warned before splitting off to search the first level of the large estate.

Sanji sighed before running down the hall and into the houses main entryway where he found a set of stair. He scaled the steps, quickly reaching the second floor and carefully raced door to door searching for where you might be. After 20 minutes of searching he tried one last door, turning the key in the lock, before carefully opening the door.

You woke up hot, sore, with tear stained cheeks, and dried blood along your neck as well as scratch marks. Your entire body hurt and even though you had just woken up you felt exhausted, your body weak. You looked around the room, memories of what happened before came rushing back, the injection, the panic attack. You still had no idea what they had given you, it didn't seem to have an effect that you knew of.

You stretched as you got up for the bed, and began to search again for anything that could help you get out of the room. As you were searching you heard the lock on the door turn, and quickly you dashed to the side of the room opposite the door bracing yourself to fight.

The door slowly opened and you ran towards the door preparing to hit whoever was attempting to enter the room. When the door had finished opened you felt the other person grab your arm effectively stopping you from finishing your attack. Slowly you opened your eyes, and as soon as you saw the blonde douche bag you had met on the pirate shit your eyes flew open in shock.

Sanji looked you over and immediately saw the injury on your neck. "What happened? Are you ok?" He asked

"I'll be fine, how are you here?? Why are you here??" You asked in disbelief.

"Come on! We are breaking you out of here, we need to get Nami and go" Sanji said before picking you up bridal style and trying to run back out of the room.

As soon as you felt your feet lift the ground you screamed and fought him till you fell to the floor. You quickly backed away from him on the floor. "Never pick me up EVER again" you demanded firmly.

Sanji quickly looked around the hallway out side the door for any guards heading to the room, but saw and heard no one. "Fine I won't," he stated before looking you up and down, "just make sure you can keep up we need to be quick" he finished while rolling his eyes.

You stood up and looked down at yourself with disgusted before running with Sanji out of the room and down the stairs. The both of you hid in the entry way while Sanji contacted Nami.

With a transponder snail on his wrist he lifted his wrist to his mouth a whispered "Namiiiiiiii..........Nami...............come in Nami............"

"Yes Sanji?" She replied.

"I found her, we are hidden in the main entrance, let's meet back in that study and go through the window again." Sanji finished before gesturing for you to follow him.

You and Sanji made your way through hallways before entering a room with a desk, small library, and lounging area. You both waited for Nami before all three of you crawled out of the window, jumped the fence and ran to the other members for the Straw Hat crew.

"What's taking so long?!?" Luffy complained as the three of you rounded the corner. Nami and Sanji filled in the rest of the crew on what happened, although very uneventful, while you sat on the small hill concealing the group and caught your breath from running.

Looking up from a file, across the laboratory, the woman with black hair looked at the tracking monitor on the wall. Paying more attention to the screen, she noticed that you were not in the room upstairs, in fact you were not in the estate at all.

She reached for a transponder snail and reported on all channels, "The new subject has escaped, her location will be sent to all teams, find her and report in any new information" before quickly running to "The Bulls" office and reporting the same information.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now