Chapter 5

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(AN: I know this is short compared to the other four parts that are up. This is just kinda a fill so that the next few can move a long faster)

The Straw Hats were all searching for you in groups of two. Running down every street, checking every roof top, leaving no stone unturned. Still after hours of searching, they had no clue where you could have been taken.

Eventually they all met up in the town square, and decided to gather some intel about you and why you would be indebted to someone who would kidnap you.

"Luffy, Chopper, Ussop, and Robin, go through all the stores on that side, everyone else we will go through this side." Nami delegated while gesturing to either side of the street. The crew nodded their heads in agreement.

Robin took over actually asking about you and the information needed while the boys on her team got distracted by the items, people, and decor in the stores. She didn't learn much about you other than that you made clothes.

On the other hand, Nami's team split in half, Franky and Zoro being one team and Nami and Sanji being the other. Franky and Zoro got the same answers as Robin and so did Nami and Sanji until entering a fabric store.

"Ok, this is the last store to check, let's hope we actually can find something." Sanji said while he and Nami walked through the entrance.

"Hello, my name is Gino, welcome to Gino's Fabrics!! I am the owner, what can I help you with today? We have a great assortment of fabrics that can be used from clothing to curtains.", an older gentleman chimed cheerfully from behind the front desk.

"Hi, we aren't here for fabrics, I met someone the other day who was in a bit of trouble, she seems to have kind of gone missing, she's a tailor, her name is (Y/N). Have you-" Nami explained but was cut off my the man.

"(Y/N)!?!?! Missing??" The older man raised his voice in shock.

"Yes, do you know anything? We are looking for her, we want to make sure she's ok. She was attacked the other day. We can help her." Sanji answered the man.

Gino was unsure on weather to tell the two people in front of him about you. ' I need to explain at least a little of what I know, she's like a daughter to me, if anything happened....' he thought.

"Ok, like you said she's a tailor. She wanted to start selling clothes and opening a shop. The only problem is, shops can't open without paying "The Bull". He runs this town and is an ex pirate. (Y/n) just opened business through her home a few weeks ago. If anyone were to take her it would be his men." Gino explained.

Nami and Sanji looked at each other. "Do you know where we can find "The Bull"??" Nami asked.

"North West side of town, he has an estate right out side of the city. And if she's there, bring her back safe, (Y/n)'s like a daughter to me." Gino said worriedly.

"Thank you Sir, we'll get her back." Nami said before looking at Sanji again and turning around to walk out of the shop and meeting back up with the crew.

Everyone met back up and Nami and Sanji explained the situation. "Ok so here's the plan, we should do this as quietly as possible. Sanji and I will sneak into the building and rescue (Y/n) before anyone even notices we are there. But, I need the rest of you on stand by incase we get caught, so keep an ear out for the transponder snail." Nami explained. The crew agreed although Luffy complained a little about the plan being boring, before quickly making their way to their destination.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя