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Everything seemed to stop in place, aside from her tremors of unease. She slowly lifted up her hands, holding them high enough to see that she was empty-handed. Her bat was clipped on a belt, and it would be stupid of her to try for it.

"Turn around." The man demanded. {Y/N} cringed at the slight waver in his voice, embarrassed for him and his feeble attempt at coming off as threatening. To be fair, he was the one with a gun.

{Y/N} did as directed, careful not to make any suspicious or sudden moves that would give him a reason to fire. She watched him through the tinted lenses, watched him shake, watched his face unwillingly screaming how terrified and confused he was. It was clear that as much as he thought he would be prepared for this kind of situation, he would've never guessed that it would actually happen to him. Seeing his fear had calmed her. She could see his mouth moving, but {Y/N} heard nothing outside of her own breathing. The silence surrounding her was deafening.

The man glared at her with unease. The girl was so incredibly still that if her chest wasn't rising and falling, he'd have all the reason to believe she was a statue. He was so wrapped up in his own head, no time to iron out his thoughts. His thoughts felt spikey; they stabbed at the inside of his scalp. On the other hand, {Y/N}'s thoughts felt soft and white- like a pillow or something. It made everything blissfully silent, numb.

Her body moved on its own, or that's what she wanted to conceive. She reached out to the older man, prying his arm away from the other- and holding it firmly at his side. {Y/N} swiftly took the other hand, wielding the gun, twisting his limb to where he was looking right into the barrel. The man's instincts finally kicked in, at least enough to not put a bullet in between his eyes. Dropping the gun, {Y/N} reacted quick, swiftly kicking it far out of his reach. And even between the barrier of thick leather gloves, she could still feel his pulse quicken. The older man ripped his hands from her grip, stumbling back in a disoriented daze.

The teen unclipped her bat, stalking forward. He stumbled over his words just as much as he did his own two feet, breathing quick and unsteady. He took a step back down the stairs, just barely managing to stop himself from tumbling back. His hands were tightly gripped around the polished wooden railing.

"Please, D-Don't hurt me," He pleaded, eyes watering. "You- take anything you want! There's a safe in- in our bedroom; I'll give you the combination just please... please don't hurt me." He attempted to bargain for his life, but it would turn out to be pointless. {Y/N} didn't want their money, jewels, furniture, or anything. Hell, she didn't even desire their life, taking it with her own hands; but there was no choice.

{Y/N} opened her mouth to say something, only evident with a hushed breath. The hope shined in his eyes, taking over the agony of fear, inhaling in a deep breath of relief much too soon.

"I'm sorry." The innocent man didn't have time to sink back into his horror and despair. Even the girl didn't realize what happened. Until her body recoiled at the numerous cracks and crunches as his body tumbled down the stairs. The darkness clouded out her sight of his body, twisted and broken, no doubt.

{Y/N} stood still at the top of the stairs, expecting to feel something, anything at all. Nothing happened. No guilt, satisfaction, relief, anger, pity. Absolutely nothing. How long was it, her empty gaze into the darkness? Seconds, minutes, hours? In that time, she remembered she still had some things to do.

{Y/N} hastily made her way into the master bedroom, instantly starting to dig through the drawers, just making a mess. Her objective now was to simply make it look like a robbery gone south. She fished out wallets, jewelry, even did some damage to the vault the man had mentioned, hidden in their closet. Scanning across the room one last time, her eyes stopped on a smartphone, suddenly having lit up. {Y/N} picked it up, a text notification popping up in front of a photo of him and his wife, likely on their honeymoon. Warm sand, cool water. She couldn't but feel a bit jealous. {Y/N} hated going to the beach, but right now- she would give anything to feel nothing but the damp, warm sand in between her toes and hear sounds of the waves crashing against the shore.

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