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"Hey, we still on for tonight?" She twisted a piece of {H/C} hair between her fingers.

"Yeah, of course. I'll bring the drinks and snacks." Ben answered over the phone. She smiled and took a glance at the clock.

"Awesome, my shifts just about over, so I'll see you after I close. Bye bye!" She brought the phone away from her ear and hung up. She grabbed the broom and quickly began cleaning up. She goes through everything and hurried over to the locker room. She changed from her uniform and into the plain, but comfortable outfit that she'd came in with. It was just a very large grey shirt with a baggy black sweater underneath, and black ripped jeans. She was never bothered much by the heat; having grown up in Texas her whole life she grew use to it. Besides, the nights were always cooler. She swung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her board, heading out the front, making sure she locked everything up.

She plopped into the empty streets, jumping on her skateboard and taking off for her house. The long day at work made her homesick, she couldn't help but get butterflies just by thinking about opening that front door again.

It was honestly pretty plain though. Decently sized, three bathrooms, two bedrooms, and all that. She made it hers though. Multiple pride flags hung outside, the walls were decorated with everything and anything, her pantry holding mostly {F/S} and {F/D}. It was her own little space. Well, actually it belonged to Beatrice. She was nice enough to let her stay in a house she'd usually rent out to visitors as long as {Y/N} would work at The Blue Bonnet.

She sighed as she neared her house, coming to a stop just before she hit the curb. She picked up her bored and went inside. She instantly kicked her shoes off and leaned her skateboard against the wall. She walked down the hall and into the kitchen, grabbing a packet of fruit gummies that were displayed In a fruit dish on her island. She flicked on the light and threw her bag across the room, hoping it landed on the couch a couple yards away from her. It didn't.

She tore open the packaging and threw a few in her mouth. She waited for a minute or so, just deciding to mindlessly eating until he arrived.

Anytime now.



He'll be here a bit...




She bounced up and raced to the door, the wrapper falling to the floor. "Hey, Ben!" She greeted him with a smile and a hug, which he could barely accept with the numerous bags that held onto his wrists. "C'mon!" She tugged on his sleeve and ran up the stares. He could barely keep up with her as she took a sharp turn into her bedroom. She slammed the door behind them and turned on the lights.

"Wow, someone's in a hurry." Ben joked, placing the bags down and falling back onto her twin sized day bed.

"Eh, this Friday was weird." She took the spot next him and began to rant. "Something just didn't feel right, you know? I have this icky feeling in my gut that something bad happened to Beatrice. I wanted to go check on her, but because this group of kids came in ten minutes before closing I had to stay longer. I'd feel bad coming to her at this time of the night."

"Everyone gets uneasy feelings sometimes, I'm sure everything's fine. Just take this chance to chill out and probably get a little drunk." He let out a soft chuckle before sitting up. She followed in pursuit and was instantly met with an opened bottle of beer. She said her thanks and took a quick gulp.

"Your pretty lucky that they never ID you, especially since your so sh-"

"Shut the fuck up."

A few minutes passed by and her floor was already decorated with food wrappers and glass bottles. They both sat on the bed, playing an intense game of Uno.

"That's a blue five."

"Shit, I thought it was an eight." She rubbed her eyes, attempting to get rid of the blur in her eyes. She felt tired and euphoric, but also anxious, but also ready to make a really bad choice.

He giggled a bit at her woozy state. " I thought you were a heavy drinker?" He teased.

"Shut the fuck up, Mr "I don't get drunk". You're no better than me just because you need three bottles of vodka to get tipsy." They both laughed for a moment before the room fell silent.

They both locked eyes and neither seemed to want to look away.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Benny." She took a final few gulps of her fourth bottle.

"So what we were talking about earlier, about wanting more adventure or whatever, did you really mean it?"

"Well yeah." She didn't even have to think for second before she had her answer.

"Even if it's a lot worse, or more dangerous than you expected?"

She tilted her head before responding. "Yeah I guess, why are you asking?" Her slightly slurred speech made it s bit more difficult to understand,but she got the question across.

"I mean.." He sighed before looking back up at her again. "Honestly I've felt more complete after I met you, and I want to give you the experiences, and the life that you want, but I need to make sure you know what you want... It's not like I have a choice if I'm being honest, would just...sit better with me, I guess..."

She leaned forward and examined his regretful expression. "Hey... are you ok?" She held on side of his face gently.

"Honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure.." He ended with a whisper of a chuckle. She looked down, unsure of how to respond to him. Her hand fell to his shoulder.

"...{Y/N}," he cupped her face and looked at her as if she were the most precious thing in his life. She looked confused upon hearing her real name, but that wasn't what she was concerned about.", He brought his face down to hers. "I can't decide if I want you to remember this or not, but...I think your just a the most beautiful person I've ever met."

They stared silently at each other. They each stared at each others lips before sheepishly looking back up. They slowly closed the gap between them. His hand floated down from her jaw, tracing the curves of her neck neck and shoulders, down to her hands. He felt cold and icy at her touch, but made her feel safe and warm. It all seemed so slow, but their hearts were racing against each other. His breathing was quick and uneven, almost like he was scared. Their lips had just barely touched when he slid is hand off her chin and gripped her shoulder, stopping her in her place.

She opened her eyes, which she hadn't remembered closing. He looked down at her, averting his eyes instantly. He gulped down whatever pride he had left and said one last thing to her.

"I'm so sorry...." She was quickly pushed down, being straddled underneath him. She kicked and yelled as her nose filled with a sweet,yet chemically scent. She desperately tried to claw his hand and the cloth away from her, but her struggled was futile.

Soon, her body gave out as she went limb, the last image she saw was a defeated, and shameful blond towering over her.

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