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"Did you here what happened?"
"It's crazy,right?"
"I can't believe I had to be in the same locker room with her. Gross."
"Should've known she was like that, she's always hanging around that one girl."
"Fucking disgusting."

"Uh, I was supposed to come and get you for the...thing." She stared into red and black eyes, taking a moment to register what he was talking about. "Are you ok?"

For whatever reason she couldn't manage to answer him. Her attention was divided between different 'quirks' she'd now just noticed. For example, Ben's voice had a slightly glitchy echo behind it. If she stared at him long enough, she caught him shifting slightly, like when you take off your glasses at a 3D movie only to quickly put them back on. Just what was he? Her eyes locked onto the sweatshirt he was wearing; a black sweater with "BOO" printed on it in white.

"{N/N}?" He asked again.

"Don't call me that." She ordered, pulling herself away from the stairs. Turning back to Ben she gave him a disinterested look. "What do you want?" She tired to sound calm, but her voice couldn't help but waver slightly as she spoke.

"Uh, I'm here to take you to the tea party thing." He shoved his hands in his pockets just like she'd seen him do time, and time again. She thought for a moment before realizing what he was talking about. Jesus christ, how did she forget so quickly? Absolute dumbass.

She could only respond with a simple 'oh, yeah' before an uncomfortable silence quickly settled into the air. Wordlessly, Ben turned around and started walking back in the direction he came from, she took a guess that she was supposed to follow after him, and she did just that.

She sped up so that she was right behind him, not wanting to walk directly beside him purely so that he'll have to look behind him every now and then to make sure that she was still following. That's exactly what he ended up doing, glancing behind him before quickly turning his attention back in front of him. He did it more often as the walk progressed, but then suddenly stopped doing it all together. Giving into her quickly growing curiosity with his sudden disinterest in her location, she tried for a quick look at his face. She could barely make out any telling expression on his face, just a far away gaze that stretched out as long as the hallway they were in. It wasn't exactly an unfamiliar sight, she often found herself with the exact same expression. It made her even more curious, wanting to take a quick peak inside his head, just a quick one, in order to find out what was on his mind.

without any more time to deduce what he could be thinking about, all thoughts that were occupying her brain where suddenly pushed out. Ben spun around, and without warning firmly grabbed her by he shoulders. He stared right into her panicked eyes, mouth slightly agape. She waited for him to say something, trying not to focus on his frigid touch, or the way her arm went a little numb whenever her'd glitch against her arm.

"{N/N},I-...." Everything he wanted to say right then and there simply vanished from his mind. His attempts to finish his sentence all ended the same, reverting back to {Y/N}, and that hint of terror and fear in her eyes. Had he actually caused that? No, he couldn't have. He knew they were friends for quite a long time, and he knew that he'd betrayed her trust completely, but she wasn't actually scared of him...was she?

He let is hands fall back down to his sides. He tore his eyes away from hers, looking at the other side of the hall. "We're here." his voice was quite, and a tad raspy.

She followed his eyes, rubbing her shoulder, the warmth not yet returning. Across the hall was another door, The name read 'Sally.' Much like the invitation she'd read, Her door was plastered with stickers, some very clearly having aged worse that others. She could imagine what kind of room she'd have.

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