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Art belongs to me, please don't use it without my permission. Also I'm really sorry if you look nothing like the mc I drew, you're all beautiful and cute as fuck! Kk, enjoy this Halloween special and drink some water! :)

October 31,2019

"Bro, I thought we were going as cryptids!"

"You could argue that I am dressed as a cryptid."

She glared at Ben through my red glasses, planting her hands on her hips, opening up her "moth cape" in the process. She could see him staring back at her through the cut out eye holes in the bed sheet he wore, but she could smell that stupid shit eating grin.

"Whatever." She mumbled turning back around and fixing her fake antenna while walking back inside the house.

"Hey, at least I wore the dumb sweater you got me." He chuckled, following behind her me. She was about to go on another tangent about how they're cute, and not dumb, but he stopped her before She could even take a breath. "Why are we dressing up anyways? It's not like we're going trick or treating or anything."

She spun around to face him and actually explain my plan for the day. He took off the sheet and draped it over his arms. He was in fact wearing the sweatshirt. With a smile on her face, she began to go through her ideal Halloween day with her boy; Benny.

"Right, so first I thought we could go check out the haunted house that Alana and Diego put up, it looked super cool from the outside. Next we could go check out the gathering that the church set up, and I know you don't like the church too much but there's gonna be free food, so shut up, and put up with it. After we get bored with all that we can head back here and have a fun little movie marathon!" She paused to go grab the stack a box filled with a dozen dvd cases. "Beatrice lended me her collection of Friday The 13th movies to binge."

He reached into the box, pulling out Jason X. "I though Beatrice didn't like me?" His eyes were glued to the back of the case, scanning the description.

"She doesn't, that's why I didn't tell her I was watching them with you." She flashed him a smile before snatching the case from his hands and throwing it back in the box, leaving it on the couch for later. "Anyways we gotta go, I don't wanna have to wait in a line for the haunted house." She grabbed him by his wrist and raced out the door, nearly tripping over her own feet multiple times.

Try as she may to avoid a long wait to experience the haunted house, it seemed luck wasn't on their side. Her and Ben stood for a good 10 minutes in line.

"You never answered my question, {N/N}. Why did we have to dress up for this?" He focused his stare onto the red glasses that now sat on top of her head, mimicking the uncanny, piercing, red eyes of Moth Man.

"Oh, I just thought it'd be fun." She kicked a small pebble between her feet. "I never really got the chance to dress up for Halloween as a kid, so I thought 'why not subject you to having to dress up with me to make up for my lack of childhood .'" The pebble zoomed back her foot, traveling too far for her to retrieve without getting out of line. "Damn it." She whispered under her breath, watching the rock with a solemn gaze.

Watching her features drop after her loss, he felt a small jab at his heart. Letting out a quiet sigh, he unfolded the white cloth and dropped it over his head, adjusting it so that he could see properly. He tapped {N/N} on the shoulder, after she turned her head to face him, he brought down the glasses over her eyes. She scoffed and offered him a smile, her attention quickly shifting over the line. There was only one group in front of them. Her nerves quickly started to act up.

"Scared, {N/N}?" Ben asked, noticing her uneasy expression.

"You wish."


"Stop laughing!"

"I- You scream like banshee-pfft!" She managed to choke out before erupting back into laughter. He still clung onto her arm, not totally recovering from the last scare. Trying to catch her breath, she brushed her fingers through her hair, suddenly pausing went her fingers hit the surface of the headband that held crudely glued on fake antenna, or at least they used to. Looking at the grass around her, she scanned for her missing antenna. Quickly figuring she must've lost it somewhere in the house she turned back to Ben.

"Well, it seems we both lost something tonight." Ben gave her a puzzled look. "I lost my antenna, and your your pride." Her snarky comment resulted in a rightfully earned jab to the side.

Judging by his more relaxed posture, she assumed the haunts had already lost it's effect on him. He pulled the blanket back, letting it rest atop his head, and hope it holds on long enough. Even though Ben was more calmed down by now, his hand stayed interlocked with hers. She noticed, but chose not to point it out, findings it endearing, and cute rather than weird.

They walked hand in hand a few blocks over to the church, outside people were seated on white tables, watching their kids play around in the leaves. Closer to the doors was a table with both regular food and fall themed deserts. Of course they took their fair share of food, skipping on the Jesus merch that also occupied the table.

They sat far away from everyone else, underneath a tree, it's fallen orange and red leaves acting as seating pillows for the pair. {N/N} stuffed her face with food, enjoying every sweet and savory flavor she encountered. As per usual, they talked each other's ears off, going on about their favorite fall dish, or their holiday pet peeves. They talked for god knows how long, only stopping once they noticed the sun starting to set.

They left the church, walking in complete, and comfortable silence. They leaned into each other, one looking for warmth as cool air wafted through her hair, and the other simply just wanting to be close to other, protecting her from whatever harm might come her way. Unfortunately, no warmth was found, leaving her to the mercy of the wind, and he was reminded just what he truly was.

They made it back the house, rushing inside and upstairs to get cozy, and watch some over powered slasher do some slashing. After being forced to wait in the hall for {N/N} to change, they were finally ready to start up their marathon......but.

"Rock!" "Rock!"

"Paper!" "Paper!"

"Scissors!" "Scissors!"

"Shoot!" "Shoot!"

She looked disappointedly at her hand, currently curled into a fist while his lay flat as paper against his palm. "One more time!"

"No! We've been doing this for 5 minutes already!" A smirk grew unto his face. "Face it, you've lost big spoon privileges. Now, get ready to be spooned the hell out of." And that she did. She quickly forgot about her loss, and longing to be big spoon as the first movies plot quickly grabbed her attention. That's how the rest of the night went, yet they would only make it halfway before they crashed out, nestling into each other.

"Dude, Jason's kinda hot."

"Oh my god-"

"No like- I think it's the mask- the mask is hot!"

"{N/N}, shut up."

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