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The days seemed to pass by in mere flashes, and by now, it was already well into January. Like most of her winter days, she kept herself inside and away from the elements. It'd been quite a while since she'd messaged Camila, but she responded followed just a few hours after {Y/N} had first reached out. The girl was insanely relieved to have someone believe every word she said, so much so that it appeared to cloud her judgment bit by bit.

Of course, Camila was wary at first, yet those feelings were quickly washed away by comforting promises and simple wishful thinking. {Y/N}'s lost a lot over the past few months; the one thing that stuck with her was empathy; whether that be a blessing- or just another fault to blame her inevitable downfall. Guilt ate at her little by little, silently hoping that she'll realize it's a trap and immediately stop speaking with her. Deep down, {Y/N} knew that said hope was planted and grown out of selfishness; she would get to walk away dirt free from such a situation, but there's no doubt that the poor girl would continue to fall straight into their hands time and time again until it finally comes to an end- one way or another.

Unsurprisingly, her ideal situation was way too far out of her reach. They'd scheduled to meet at a cáfe somewhere in Jacksonville, Florida. The idea behind it was merely so that they could meet in person. It was clear the brunette was simply just eager to meet someone who finally understood what she was talking about. {Y/N} had to admit, she too felt rather giddy to meet her- even under such circumstances. They clicked rather well and spoke like they had known each other for years. It was refreshing and stimulating- meeting someone like Camila. They didn't even have any common interests, but they talked deep into the night until they passed out on the computer.

Alas, authentic relationships can't be built on lies.

{Y/N} told Camila that she'd had some terrifying encounters as of recently. She decided since she knew the most about Ben, she would set the stage for Camila to run into the realization that the one harassing her was that dumb glitchy MPDG thot. {Y/N} explained various situations like her computer glitching out, webcam suddenly turning back on, tabs opening and closing seemingly on their own; the whole freakshow of wacky shit. She wrote how it could easily have been some hacker trying to mess with her, but her gut told her she was dealing with something much more menacing. It goes without saying that {Y/N}'s white lie slipped right under her nose. She was blinded by her own excitement and optimism that she didn't even stop to question it.

After hearing those experiences, Camila suggested she dig a bit deeper into her account to read up on Ben. Once they were able to meet in person, Camila could give her a better run down of just about everything that had to do with him. That was the one thing she'd been avoiding.

{Y/N} was continually arguing with herself concerning what she should do with such information just a few scrolls away. Part of her knew she would be happier remaining in the dark, but the other felt it was unjust for him to continue to be dishonest with her after all this time. She saw how he was acting, there's something he doesn't want her to see! Maybe he has {Y/N}'s best interest in mind- or perhaps he just wants to save his own ass. There's only one way to find out.

The teen shot out of bed, finalizing her decision after a two-page internal monologue. This was her last chance; after today, her account would be deleted. {Y/N} had around an hour before she was due to leave- she should have way more than enough time.

She scrolled down into her earlier posts, reading several names, a few that she managed to recognize. Her finger came to a halt, finding the title she was looking for. The title is simple with bold black letters but standing out with "BEN: Explanations and Theories." {Y/N} pursed her lips, before she shook her head, eyes wandering before she focused on reading the article.

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