
360 15 16

March 26, 2016

"You're gonna get hurt, dumb ass."

I scoff, ignoring her comment. With a steady breath I quickly push myself off, regret settling in my stomach as I feel the intense wind brush through my hair. My heart rate speeds up as I bend my knees to try and slow down, but it was plenty too late. I had no time to brace myself before being greeted with a face full of dirt.

"What did I tell you?" I heard my friends giggle from atop the hill. I push myself up on my forearms. looking up, I indeed did see how idiotic I was for thinking I could safely land, especially on such a bumpy surface. I stand up, brushing off the dirt on my now ripped nylons. I make my way up to my feet, unconsciously tugging at the hem on my black pencil skirt. My white dress shirt was also now stained with dirt and a bit of blood that I only now bothered to notice was pouring from my nose.

Covering my nose with my hand, I begrudgingly pick up my scuffed skateboard. Sparing a quick look behind me, I'm greeted with a simple asphalt road, a few overpriced cars drifting by. Any further and I surely would've ended up eating a lot more than just dirt. I force my eyes away, turning back to the group of girls, at this point they'd all but forgotten about me. I sigh, making my way up the hill. I'd never admitted it, but part of me wished I'd kept rolling. Maybe they'd feel a bit worse, or maybe they wouldn't've brushed me off so quickly. Either way, I long for the feeling of asphalt ripping at my skin.


She wished she could say she was paying attention to what Jane was saying, but she couldn't seem to focus at all. Although her feelings of betrayal and anger hadn't passed, she found herself wanting to apologize, which is kinda dumb. This wasn't her fault, right? no-of course not. Then why did she feel so damn guilty? maybe she just grew a little too attached to Ben and their friendship, even if she now thought it to all be a ruse. She couldn't help but want to punch herself for letting her grow to be so dependent on someone for a sense of validation. He'd made her feel safe, and cared for. It was a new feeling and she craved more of it.

"Hey, are you ok?" Jane asked, noticing her distant gaze.

"Huh,oh-yeah-no I'm fine." She forced an unconvincing, crumpled copy of a smile.

"You know," Jane started, bringing her calm pace to a halt. "I know how you feel, honestly, I do. I'm not a big fan of all of this; killing people. I know it can be tough, so if you feel a little lost, feel free to come to me." Despite not detecting any malice in Jane's tone, she still felt resistant to trust her kind words. Maybe they were a little too nice, or maybe she was just tripping herself up. Looking back on it she still didn't know.

Regardless, she offered Jane a polite smile in thanks for her cordial words. "Thanks, I appreciate it ." Jane nodded and smiled back, though it was useless as it was unnoticeable behind her mask.

"Oh, one more thing-" Jane was cut off by the sound of loud, genuine giggling from behind. {Y/N} turned around, seeing something she definitely wasn't expecting.

Bounding towards them was a large, black and white dog. there was barley enough time to properly process what was happening before {Y/N} found herself being knocked back onto the hard wood flooring. Just before an additional 60 pounds had weighed down in her ribs , she caught a subtle whiff of what smelled like citrus scented shampoo. While that was indeed a surprisingly pleasent .5 seconds, the crushing weight on her chest quickly became very painful as hot, moist breath covered her face. Thankfully however, that also didn't last too long.

"Goddamnit, Smile." Jane grumbled under her breath, pushing the dog off and allowing {Y/N} to actually breath. "Dumb dog."

Sitting up, {Y/N} was able to get a pretty good look at the dog. He was actually quite beautiful, but definitely intimidating. while his coat definitely looked like a husky's, his build was more similar to that of a malamute. His black fur actually held very noticeable tints of dark red. His eyes were a dark, intimidating brown. While his overall appearance was very dark and even a little creepy, his personality seemed to be just the opposite. The dog apparently named smile continued to sniff at her, trotting around in circles around her as she made her way back to her feet.

Trying her best to brush off all the dog fur that had decorated her grey shirt, she paid no mind to Jane currently scolding smile for his reckless behavior. Instead however,she took notice of a young girl, hiding around the corner. She stared at the little girl jpfor barely a second before she sucked behind the wall. {Y/N} smiled, recalling herself behaving the exact same way when her parents would be talking to possibly business partners and they made her come down to say hello. That all seems so long ago now.

"Sorry about that, Smile's Jeff's dog." Jane said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Nah it's fine, I like dogs."

"Hm I was never really much of an animal person myself, but I always found cats pretty nice." Jane said

"I used to have a pet cat when I was younger." {Y/N} mused as they continued to walk. "She was this beautiful white cat with huge blue eyes. We named her Elizabeth, and she was pampered as hell." She let out a small laugh. She'd actually spend most of her time with Elizabeth as she'd often keep {Y/N} company while she studied.

"What was your childhood like?"

"Oh uh, well-" Once again she was cut off by another unfamiliar voice. Jesus, how many people would she have to meet in a single day? Javing lived in such a tiny town she never found herself seeing new faces too often.

"E~tsu? Jane-san, kore wa dare?" The voice sounded more antagonizing than like they were asking an actual question. Thought she somehow continued to be surprised, the struggle to understand what he was saying wasn't too bad. though she was still rusty with speaking other languages.

Although she hoped that most of the residents of the household would be friendly, or at least not try to kill her, her hopes for this new character weren't very high when she Jane let out an annoyed sigh.

"What do you want Kage?" Kage was what looked like a young man, though much of his identity was hidden behind a mask. Said mask was probably one of the weirder looking masks that she's seen, half of it being black and the other white. The smile/frowning details in either side reminded her of the iconic tragedy and comedy theater masks. He wore a black and white stripped scarf with a grey hoodie, and plain black pants.

He ignored her question and walked up to {Y/N}. Now that he was much closer, she noted that he smelt of red wine. It was scent she'd grown to get used to over the years of her parents constantly drinking and serving liquor. If it adds anything, he smelled specifically a like very overpriced wine.

"Ā, kanojo wa atarashī kenshūseidesu ka?" He lowered himself down to {Y/N}'s height as he stood a good few inches above her. "Kore wa tanoshīdeshou kekekeke" Her understanding of Japanese wasn't the best, but even with her basic understanding of the language she could tell that his words didn't have the best intentions. "What's your name, newbie?"

"Uh, {Y/N}." She looked away, unable to keep eye contact with mask such as his.

He chuckled again. He continued to speak, but this time to himself. "Kuso ̄ , anata wa chotto yowai mite imasu. Umaku ikeba, anata wa amari kizutsuku koto wa arimasen, anata wa anata ga tanoshī kamo shirenai yōdesu." He paused for a second before continuing on. "Sono yōna otokorashī kata to sorera no me no fukuro, anata wa araiguma no yō ni miemasu. Hontōni tsukareta tanuki. " His words continued to sound sinister. He straighted out his back and walked past the two of them.

"Don't bug her, Kage." Jane sternly called out.

Kage simply waved her off. "Whatever you say, Ka-san." stuffing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, he said one last thing before disappearing into another corridor. "Have fun, Tanuki-chan"

Letting out another sigh, Jane placed a hand on {Y/N}'s shoulder. "You look tired;my rooms down the hall, we can hang out in there until I take you back to you room." {Y/N} nodded and with that Jane set off. she mindlessly followed her .


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