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     ​​​​​​Her eyes slowly started to flutter open, not entirely sure where she was or what exactly had happened. Her eyes adjust to the darkness around as she's met with a head ache. She finds that the leafy forest floor seems do be moving from underneath her. She spots a familiar pair of very worn in, black and white high top vans.

In her dazed state she tries to lift her head up to try keep the blood from rushing into her head. She's instantly met with a thick tree branch to the head.

"Oh my fucking God!" He heard the loud male laugh out from behind him. "Did you see that shit? She got wacked with a damn tree branch trying to wake up." He continued to wheeze out, mocking her efforts.

"Shut up, Jeff. Your lucky I won't wack you with a tree branch." He mumbled, primarily to himself.

"Aw, does Ben have a wittle cwush on the cute girl?" Jeff continued to push his buttons in a baby voice as he Bent down to Ben's height.

"Do you ever shut your mouth? God."

"What's that Benny? You ignoring the question?"

"Quite calling me that, Jeffery." He finally stopped bothering Ben and the rest of the walk proceeded without another word out of either of the boys, or their stolen goods.

After their tiring two hour walk, the boys finally returned "home". Jeff branched off and went to go enforce chaos elsewhere while Ben carried {Y/N} up to what would hopefully be her new room.

He laid her down on the bed and sighed as that awful feeling from before came back. He averted his eyes from her sleeping form and sighed. He pushed himself away from the bed and rubbed his eyes. He quickly left the room and made his way downstairs to get his mind off of the sour taste in his mouth.

{Y/N}'s p.o.v

She awakes with a low groan as she rubs her eyes. Examining the room around her, panic quickly started to set in. She shot up out of bed and shook as she tried to remember how she got there and why. Her head ached trying to recall the last few hours. It was friday right? She was getting off of her shift, and then what?

She froze in her tracks as heavy footsteps neared the room. As the footsteps grew louder and louder she frantically looked around the room for some place to hide. Just in time she dives under the unsurprisingly, dusty bed.

"Oopsie, I thought this was the storage closet." What sounded like an oddly optimistic, posh man said aloud, probably for only himself to hear.

The man lingered a bit longer, which would've been ok if the collection of dust kept under the bed would've stayed stuck to the floor, and not sucked up into her nose. The moment she inhaled the mixture of dirt and lint, a loud sneeze found its way out of her mouth.

Realization instantly hit as she prayed to whatever god that may be out there that her somehow hadn't heard her. The room went still, and for a moment she thought he had already left. She let out a sigh of relief with that thought in her mind, and pushed herself into her elbows. She was about to crawl her way out from under the bed when she felt the creaky hardwood floor move from under her. All the blood instantly rushed to her head as she opened her eyes.

A scream was caught in her throat as her eyes laid her eyes on both the ugliest, creepiest thing she's ever seen.

"Wowie wowie wow!" The tall, scrawny clown-like creature chuckled out as he examined her as if she were a strange bug he just found. "You're quite a funky looking fella, aren't you?" He held her by her foot with his large, black claws, his pointy nose inches from her face.

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